I never got an option for a feast though? Not like I have 1k BP lying around, admittedlynot a bug,you either hold a feast for 1000bp or wait for new events and by succesfully resolving them your rate will go up.
Don't take them, they are just premade mercs and have no dialogue anyway.the companions in the varnhold's lot dlc are fucking shit.. spell selection is shit, half of them have 'hold animal' which is a worthless fucking spell because the only animals you'd ever want to use it on are magical beasts and it doesn't work on them
I liked the dungeon. There are a few new features for some classes, e.g. extend and enhance potions made my alchemist very happy. :DI'd say so, the first DLC has the tiefling twins, who are IMO one of the better companions, and adds the kineticist class, Varnhold's Lot is decent, maybe a bit short-ish, but the mainpoint is a very fun dungeon, some people liked it less than I did.
That is a reference to another Paizo module, called Iron Gods I think.There's a letter in Janush's hideout about a technic league battle with "the Five Disasters." Anyone know what that's about? Is it an obscure reference to something or just a cool side story?
Nice, thanks. It'd be pretty sweet if they made CRPG out of Iron Gods. I'm a sucker for scifi-fantasy crossovers.That is a reference to another Paizo module, called Iron Gods I think.There's a letter in Janush's hideout about a technic league battle with "the Five Disasters." Anyone know what that's about? Is it an obscure reference to something or just a cool side story?
Maybe it is a fun easter egg about characters Owlcat dudes played in that campaign or maybe Iron Gods is next module they plan to turn into a computer game.
two questions:
1. I finished it and it said that I have unlocked stuff in the main campaign and to seek an audience with Maegar Varn, but didn't ask me which save to export to? Or do I get prompted to load the DLC save when I reload my main campaign? (I've just solved the 3rd curse and waiting for Jamandi to tell me to go to Varnhold..)
2. Was anyone able to finish the errand for freeing the princess or whomever? She mentions a secret room/lab off the library, and I went everywhere on that map and didn't find anything about it...
also it gave me the achievement for beating the game when I finished the DLC![]()
"Varnhold's Lot" New Class Features List
By popular demand, here's a full list of new class features that the "Varnhold's Lot" DLC adds to the game! We're sorry we didn't tell you of this content earlier or more clearly - we've completely forgotten to mention this in the DLCs description. We've updated the info on Steam and elsewhere, and we'll try to do better in the future.
The reasoning behind adding new mechanics to the DLC was simple: many Kickstarter backers, as well as those who've pre-ordered the Imperial Edition, have payed for their Season Passes without knowing what content the DLCs will bring. Since a lot of them are mainly interested in the gameplay and mechanics, delivering a full-price DLC that only adds story content (and in a separate, cut-off campaign at that) would be rather unfair to them. These mechanical bonuses are meant to give gameplay-oriented backers what they paid for - new, extra content they can enjoy.
Armed Bravery
The fighter applies his bonus from bravery to all Will saving throws.
Combat Maneuver Defense
When the fighter is wielding weapons from the associated weapon group, his weapon training bonus applies to his CMD against all combat maneuvers attempted against him.
Effortless Dual-Wielding
The fighter treats all one-handed weapons that belong to the associated weapon group as though they were light weapons when determining his penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons.
Fighter’s Reflexes
The fighter applies his weapon training bonus to Reflex saving throws.
Fighter’s Tactics
All of the fighter’s allies are treated as if they had the same teamwork feats as the fighter for the purpose of determining whether the fighter receives a bonus from his teamwork feats. His allies do not receive any bonuses from these feats unless they actually have the feats themselves. The allies’ positioning and actions must still meet the prerequisites listed in the teamwork feat for the fighter to receive the listed bonus.
Trained Initiative
As long as he is wielding a weapon from the associated weapon, the fighter applies his weapon training bonus to initiative checks.
Empowered Magic
The magus can cast three spell per day as if those spells were modified by the Empower Spell feat.
Prerequisite: Magus 6
Maximized Magic
The magus can cast three spell per day as if those spells were modified by the Maximize Spell feat.
Prerequisite: Magus 12
Quickened Magic
The magus can cast three spell per day as if those spells were modified by the Quicken Spell feat.
Prerequisite: Magus 15
Extended Magic
The magus can cast three spell per day as if those spells modified by the Quicken Spell feat.
Reach Magic
The magus can cast three spell per day as if those spells modified by the Quicken Spell feat.
Extend Potion
Any potion that alchemist drinks functions at twice its normal duration, as if affected by an Extend Spell metamagic feat.
Enhance Potion
Any potion that alchemist drinks functions at a caster level equal to his class level.
Feral Wings
Under the effects of mutagen the alchemist gains bat-like wings that give him a +3 dodge bonus to AC against melee attacks and immunity to the effects of difficult terrain.
Prerequisite: Alchemist 6
Nauseating Flesh
The alchemist’s body is suffused with poison. Any creature that bites the alchemist must make a Fortitude saving throw or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
Prerequisite: Alchemist 12
Blinding Strike
A rogue who selects this talent gains Blinding Critical as a bonus feat, even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.
Prerequisite: 15th level
A rogue with this talent gains a familiar as the familiar option of the wizard’s arcane bond class feature.
Prerequisite: Advanced talents, major magic talent, minor magic talent
Terrain Mastery
A rogue with this talent gains a favored terrain, as the ranger class feature of the same name, but the bonus does not increase with her level. A rogue can take this ability multiple times, each time applying it to a new terrain.
I completed Varnhold's Lot.. Overall I enjoyed it, especially the dungeon.. I felt the dungeon was good enough length and the monster variety in it was nice. The monster variety in the rest of the DLC was nice too.. My only complaints are that I didn't like is how linear it was, especially when you are travelling.. seeing the map and not being able to travel is irritating. I get why they did it, but still... Another complaint is that the stock companions they give you are kind of shit for anything above normal.
two questions:
1. I finished it and it said that I have unlocked stuff in the main campaign and to seek an audience with Maegar Varn, but didn't ask me which save to export to? Or do I get prompted to load the DLC save when I reload my main campaign? (I've just solved the 3rd curse and waiting for Jamandi to tell me to go to Varnhold..)
2. Was anyone able to finish the errand for freeing the princess or whomever? She mentions a secret room/lab off the library, and I went everywhere on that map and didn't find anything about it...
also it gave me the achievement for beating the game when I finished the DLC![]()
Is that a joke?Another complaint is that the stock companions they give you are kind of shit for anything above normal
That herald caller doesn't have boon companion, so his elk is paper tissue until you pick the feat, which is two levels away. The ranger is dual-wielding daggers; they should have made her a knife master already, at least then her portrait would fit. And you know what happens with the wizard; at least I was playing a mage myself, so that one wasn't an issue.Is that a joke?Another complaint is that the stock companions they give you are kind of shit for anything above normal
A dex/cha Scaled Fist, a 20 STR TWF Freebooter and Herald Caller of Erastil with animal companion and high str dex and wis + Wizard Conjurer.
These companions are better than almost any story companion and I used them to beat DLC on Hard.
You think cleric is bad cause he gets hold animal? that same domain allows him to have a pet![]()
Ekun is only good because game gives you a very powerful bow very early.none of them compare to ekun
For which you need to wait two levels.Oh noi you need to pick one feat.
She's wielding light weapons because that gives highest AR when TWFing and with STR + freebooter point it doesn't matter what weapon you use. I used cold iron sword and acid dagger, she killed most shit by herself. The Wizard is compensated by obscene amount of scrolls, including level 6+ scrolls you get.
As I said, compared to low level group of valeries in main campaign, these are all very strong companions.
I JUST realized you can keep the AI from spamming Acid Splash by putting Disrupt Undead on autocast. Octavia resorts to her bow now.
I JUST realized you can keep the AI from spamming Acid Splash by putting Disrupt Undead on autocast. Octavia resorts to her bow now.
uhh. why not just remove acid splash from autocast?
I JUST realized you can keep the AI from spamming Acid Splash by putting Disrupt Undead on autocast. Octavia resorts to her bow now.
uhh. why not just remove acid splash from autocast?
The AI will always use it when left alone. ALWAYS.
Nope, she (almost?) always uses acid splash. I haven't tested for sure, but I think whenever touch AC is lower than their normal AC she'll use acid splash (which is almost always).I JUST realized you can keep the AI from spamming Acid Splash by putting Disrupt Undead on autocast. Octavia resorts to her bow now.
uhh. why not just remove acid splash from autocast?
The AI will always use it when left alone. ALWAYS.
right click on the icon in the autocast tab to the left of the hotbar, I could have sworn that made Octavia use her bow instead.. I stopped using her though