At least they're aware of the criticisms of the Companion AI (considering half the question are about it) - hopefully they significantly improve it for the sequel / future patches.They have posted a survey on their twitter:
It's absolutely reasonable that a dungeon boss should start fights buffed, they have tons of minions to warn them of incoming adventurers after all.Enemy alchemists start with mutagen and Shield all the time, several Bandit Mages start fights with Haste on everyone. All Wisp-bosses use Shield for Magic Missile Immunity and recast it if dispelled. Even Stag Lord wastes time on Barkskin.
Lich with Seamantle and all end-game bosses cast buffs too - and often die in couple of rounds because of it.
Casters in P:K do not have a cheats like loaded Spell Triggers in BG, so it is hard to notice their attempts on lower difficulties.
You are going to end up with a situation like in the Gold Box games where every caster starts buffed to the max, which is bloody painful when it includes fireshield.The Wild Hunt can dispel as well but that's about it.
Worse, enemies never really buff themselves either.
While I appreciate that Pillars 2 made a vague attempt, Dragon Age: Origins had a MUCH better system. Even Final Fantasy XII, whatever other flaws it may have had, possessed a pretty good tactics system. I'm surprised more games don't copy them.Pillars of eternity 2 has a good and complex companion AI system. I wish they take inspiration from it.
I think someone said you can see info if you press Y or something, or there is an option to Inspect iirc but you need Nature skill I think.i did the survey and my top #1 wishlist really is just the ability to know enemies active buffs or debuffs without scrolling trough combat logs that moves like a god damn speedforce in big combat.
say what you want about deadfire, the UI in that game is still the most intuitive, polished and comfortable infinity engine like game.
Stunning graphics, and I doubt they have enough budget for that. And due to the nature of the game, they can't turn the game into casual MMO shit.They are thinking what can the do to sell as much as DoS 2. (I hope also "without turning our game into casul shit").
Don't need to restart. Kingdom rioting is part of the story for that chapter. It has nothing to do with how you managed it.
in the survey i actually put Dragon Age: Origins (even though deadfire is the better game and RPG) first, then Final Fantasy XII Gambit system and third deadfire.While I appreciate that Pillars 2 made a vague attempt, Dragon Age: Origins had a MUCH better system. Even Final Fantasy XII, whatever other flaws it may have had, possessed a pretty good tactics system. I'm surprised more games don't copy them.Pillars of eternity 2 has a good and complex companion AI system. I wish they take inspiration from it.
The Wild Hunt can dispel as well but that's about it.
Worse, enemies never really buff themselves either.
The question is poorly worded. It should read "How satisfied are you with the turn-based mode in TotEE?"![]()
They are thinking a turn-base mode?