It's not just a "valid" plan, it's a very good one. A Sylvan Sorcerer would make things a lot easier for you since animal companions are extremely strong (and nearly overpowered in certain parts of the game), but even as a pure caster the character is more than viable.Yes that seems to be the case unfortunately. I've now enabled "end turn: ignore swift actions", but no change still need a manual end turn.Right. And, if I'm not mistaken, the mod doesn't offer settings to "ignore the 5 foot step" (or, at least, I haven't found them). So, unless you actually used your move action to move around, you will still need to manually end your turn even with the "ignore swift action" option.You have three actions: Move, Standard and Swift. If I remember correctly, with the default settings, the turn ends on its own only if you used up all of them. You can change the behavior with an option that's called something like "end turn: ignore swift actions". You can also set your own shortcut (it's far easier to end your turn pressing "e" than clicking the button every single time).I just started playing Pathfinder Kingmaker today for the first time. Not looking for any tips yet as I want to see how far I can get by myself. But I have one issue with the turn-based mod:
Whenever I attack or cast a spell, my characters turn doesn't end automatically and doing so manually gets annoying fast. Is there some free action I can still do I am forgetting about? I use the mod with all setting as set by default with no changes.
Also the 5 foot step if they haven't moved in their turn. You'd still get that even after a full round action.
Well that's one point for PoE2 (played that one for the first time only a month ago after buying them both on the GOG spring sale so now I can't help but compare them).
Got two more generic questions:
1. I've played both NWN1&2 so I am somewhat familiar with the RPG system. Any big differences I should know of or is the gist of it still the same?
2. For my main character I made an Arcane Sorcerer which I plan on leaving as pure Sorcerer. Is that a valid "plan" or should I branch out?
Everything comes down to which companions you choose and how you build them. A lot of them already are some variation of an arcane caster (a Bard, a Magus and a Wizard/Rogue), but it's not hard to build them to cover different roles (Octavia can be a ranged damage dealer, Linzi a buffer, Regongar a tank and your main character a debuffer/controller).