Well, for me more exciting question is: what unfair means are required to reliably beat early unfair? Is Sylvan Sorcerer as MC enough? Or is it necessary to hire the whole InEffect's gang of goons?
seemingly nothing stops the incoming damage?
Well, for me more exciting question is: what unfair means are required to reliably beat early unfair? Is Sylvan Sorcerer as MC enough? Or is it necessary to hire the whole InEffect's gang of goons?
No clue. As you already figured out, I don't play Unfair like the way Ineffect does. But if I were to use the big think, use pets and summons.Well, for me more exciting question is: what unfair means are required to reliably beat early unfair? Is Sylvan Sorcerer as MC enough? Or is it necessary to hire the whole InEffect's gang of goons?
Don't lose heart, I'm sure you'll surpass Old Sycamore if you keep at it.Old Sycamore beat my butt hard, I'll give you that. Damned place ruined my no reload challenge. But I am telling you, it gets better once I get more levels under my belt. Just be patient. Early Unfair is like that.
That shouldn't work. The Spawn's Unholy damage is the same as the irresistible half of Hellfire Ray's damage.seemingly nothing stops the incoming damage?
I can't believe it took me so long to think of this since it goes directly to what I'm now contending is the heart of the game's design:
If you want to stop Unholy damage, bring non-Good companions.
That is... kind of brilliant. And if you think about it hard enough, it's really deep and have RL repercussions.If you want to stop Unholy damage, bring non-Good companions.
That is... kind of brilliant. And if you think about it hard enough, it's really deep and have RL repercussions.If you want to stop Unholy damage, bring non-Good companions.
The Spawn's Unholy damage is the same as the irresistible half of Hellfire Ray's damage.
The Spawn's Unholy damage is the same as the irresistible half of Hellfire Ray's damage.
Are you sure? Unholy damage from weapons only works against Good mobs for instance.
Here Jaethal is taking damage. Maybe Darko could tell us what her alignment was.In the last fight of Tenebrous depths, is it possible to dodge/mitigate unholy damage? Or is it all about bursting down the boss before he can do much?
Death ward does nothing. Spreading out helps, I guess... the distance between Jaethal and Ekun on this pic was obviously not enough, but others didn't get hit.
Btw. the fight is a lot harder without Obliteration/Tyrant.![]()
I guess if everything else fails there is always hellfire ray + grandmaster rod.
She was NE, so alignment or being undead indeed does nothing to prevent unholy damage.Here Jaethal is taking damage. Maybe Darko could tell us what her alignment was.
I no longer have the save to check but is he not immune to stuns? Not sure how useful summons are, all they seemed do is help chain the unholy damage; although with some luck they will get targeted by dominate instead of party members.Distract usually with summons. Disable via various Stuns/CMs that don't care about AC, although 55 is far from insurmountable if you do want to alpha strike him. That's what I've done on that fight.
Wasn't it Confusion? Regardless, Holy Aura makes your party immune.although with some luck they will get targeted by dominate instead of party members.
Wasn't it Confusion? Regardless, Holy Aura makes your party immune.although with some luck they will get targeted by dominate instead of party members.
It's dominate, confusion, rage and maybe something else? Holy aura helps with some of them but not all. In fact, nothing does: being undead, kingdom research, items.Wasn't it Confusion? Regardless, Holy Aura makes your party immune.although with some luck they will get targeted by dominate instead of party members.
Check the second screenshot in my previous post.The example you highlighted of 94 unholy damage Jaethal didn't take. He took three packets, with the Unholy being the big one. She took only two.
I do not think there is any strategy to reliably counter 70+ HP crits from enemy archers on low level Unfair. And all of them shoot at least twice per round too, so there is like 20% chances of insta death in the first battle at Oleg's with two archers, each round, if they target MC. So chances to properly Iron Man Unfair are close to nil, imho.Well, for me more exciting question is: what unfair means are required to reliably beat early unfair? Is Sylvan Sorcerer as MC enough? Or is it necessary to hire the whole InEffect's gang of goons?
Nah, it says that Spawn deals 114 dmg to her, not Jub. It was unholy damage.The one where he does 114 to Jaethal? Is that Unholy damage? Something's weird there. Maybe she got hit by the Holy Bomb. Nice job with the Holy Bombs BTW. Underrated.
You should already have immunity from Compulsion. But his ability bypasses immunity if you let it go off.
Really? I didn't have the Kingdom upgrade the first time I fought it, and I remember Holy Aura protecting my party until it got dispelled.It's dominate, confusion, rage and maybe something else? Holy aura helps with some of them but not all. In fact, nothing does: being undead, kingdom research, items.
That's why monk is the best class. You get Deflect Arrows at level 1 or 2. You get the archers to focus you first. Let the melee bandits rush Oleg. Then have your melee units charge the archers down. It's possible.I do not think there is any strategy to reliably counter 70+ HP crits from enemy archers on low level Unfair. And all of them shoot at least twice per round too, so there is like 20% chances of insta death in the first battle at Oleg's with two archers, each round, if they target MC. So chances to properly Iron Man Unfair are close to nil, imho.Well, for me more exciting question is: what unfair means are required to reliably beat early unfair? Is Sylvan Sorcerer as MC enough? Or is it necessary to hire the whole InEffect's gang of goons?
"Immune to Petrify" lol. Can you even cast anything that petrifies?I dug out a save from other playthrough
I think the ones that Holy aura doesn't protect from have short duration, like 1 round. They might also not show on character screen under Effects but the char will still be attacking your party members.Really? I didn't have the Kingdom upgrade the first time I fought it, and I remember Holy Aura protecting my party until it got dispelled.
Well, it's been more than a year since I last fought it so I might have forgotten things. I'll have to try againI think the ones that Holy aura doesn't protect from have short duration, like 1 round. They might also not show on character screen under Effects but the char will still be attacking your party members.Really? I didn't have the Kingdom upgrade the first time I fought it, and I remember Holy Aura protecting my party until it got dispelled.
Dispel is not an issue with 30+ trash buffs.