does it matter? aside from mirror image, spells here are not hard counter, so extra 10 dr from stoneskin would do nothing against Haplos anyway. even with all defensive spells on game is still skewed towards offence.
yeah but it would make things more eventful you knowdoes it matter? aside from mirror image, spells here are not hard counter, so extra 10 dr from stoneskin would do nothing against Haplos anyway. even with all defensive spells on game is still skewed towards offence.
Git gud..? When my issue is that I haven’t reloaded a fight since level 8 even with half my characters being weirdo builds on Unfair?
I’m asking for other defenses to be raised to the level of the AC, not the other way around. That’s why I’m asking for something more PotD-like. And/or have better AI/more spell-like abjuration protections like Shadenuat suggests. Maybe even pre-buffing a la SCS (that would be glorious). 60AC doesn’t help much against 90% of the stuff in your toolbox.
After the early game, the game is simply too easy. With very few exceptions, like mandragora swarms (unless you cheese them).
I dunno, isn't that true for every game ever? The IE-games have way more basic AI than Kingmaker in my opinion, SCS is the result of 10 years of incessant iteration, of course a vanilla game can't compete with that. Even Path of the Damned only became great after patch upon patch upon patch, and it's still only great, not just good, in White March.
It's also why I love Blackguards because even though it's got pretty basic AI at least every encounter is hand-crafted to be challenging.
So it's not as much a criticism of Kingmaker I guess as it is of RPG design in general. But then, if the developers did focus more resources into better and more resilient enemies on higher difficulties, how many players would appreciate that? Aren't we a giant minority? Don't most Kingmaker-players play on core rules and don't care that they're rofl-stomping mobs past level 8?
Probably that's why we can't have nice thingsAt least Kingmaker-devs tried in many ways. I bet there's a ton of people out there for whom the Mandrogora-swarms are wildly frustrating as opposed to finally an interesting enemy. Just like the fey-blinds which I like and would have enjoyed more of is probably something that infuriates some players ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I would love an option for more enemy pre-buffing though (there's a bit of it in the game already), and I bet it wouldn't be that hard to code. Just coding 6-7 different behaviours and applying them to enemies as applicable would be a huge upgrade. That, or more annoying attacks like the golems that cast prismatic spray!
All right, I thought it was your 1st playthrough.
Generally, I agree that BG2's system of mage defenses and the tools to take them down are largely missing here.
(Other than that, the system here is better though. The AI too, as compared to unmodded BG2- I haven't played the mods.)
All right, I thought it was your 1st playthrough.
Generally, I agree that BG2's system of mage defenses and the tools to take them down are largely missing here.
(Other than that, the system here is better though. The AI too, as compared to unmodded BG2- I haven't played the mods.)
They did add True Seeing to Devourers and Vilderavns (and I believe some Devourers have Blindfight as well) so they’ve got some tools to counter our counters now. Defaced Sister at Abandoned Keep and the Troll mini-boss in Pitax have several buffs IIRC.
Git gud..? When my issue is that I haven’t reloaded a fight since level 8 even with half my characters being weirdo builds on Unfair?
I’m asking for other defenses to be raised to the level of the AC, not the other way around. That’s why I’m asking for something more PotD-like. And/or have better AI/more spell-like abjuration protections like Shadenuat suggests. Maybe even pre-buffing a la SCS (that would be glorious). 60AC doesn’t help much against 90% of the stuff in your toolbox.
After the early game, the game is simply too easy. With very few exceptions, like mandragora swarms (unless you cheese them).
You said you needed a twenty to hit. My Amiri has 57 AB for that fight and could have gotten over 60 easy if Tristian had been pumping her instead of tanking and whacking.
Which is now evidently your point.
It's just sad how these traditionally epic enemies collapse so easily in PKM. I think vanilla black dragon in BG2 is more threatening due to aoe fear dispel and level draining breath to a party when you meet him.
Git gud..? When my issue is that I haven’t reloaded a fight since level 8 even with half my characters being weirdo builds on Unfair?
I’m asking for other defenses to be raised to the level of the AC, not the other way around. That’s why I’m asking for something more PotD-like. And/or have better AI/more spell-like abjuration protections like Shadenuat suggests. Maybe even pre-buffing a la SCS (that would be glorious). 60AC doesn’t help much against 90% of the stuff in your toolbox.
After the early game, the game is simply too easy. With very few exceptions, like mandragora swarms (unless you cheese them).
You said you needed a twenty to hit. My Amiri has 57 AB for that fight and could have gotten over 60 easy if Tristian had been pumping her instead of tanking and whacking.
Which is now evidently your point.
It is not my point now, you just misunderstood my point with the AB-reference. The point wasn't "I need a 20 that sucks", it was "this enemy actually has a proper defense against AB-based attacks, too bad it still easily falls prey to a huge variety of other attacks" i.e.: the stat-bump is not enough to present challenge at this point in the game. I'm pretty sure we agree about the issue here.
there's nothing "ez" at face value in Twisted Rune. the enemy composition is such that even if you prebuff when you fight them for first time, there is a chance of things going wrong.Twisted Rune is arguably top 5 cRPG-encounter of all time, on vanilla IE it's actually fairly easy.
Yes the level design there hold the experience together, it's one of the most competent by PK standarts. But then secret lich of secret gets rekked in very similar fashion. Solitary enemies against party just cannot work on bunch of classes spells stats thrown together, unlike party on party fights where just number of threats helps encounter to not be bad.
how dare you ignore the and shit caveat you monsterso u d chains of light mirror imaged lich?![]()
I am not a fan of the twisted rune fight