Those are not bugs, it's the Lantern King messing with your kingdom.Have they fixed the memory leak and lag bug yet?
At this stage of the game development 99.9% of errors are due to user configurations and not game bugs.
HAHAH! Utter faggots with the Linux version. They get what they deserve for being faggots and not using Windows.At this stage of the game development 99.9% of errors are due to user configurations and not game bugs.
I've been checking forums and I've seen other people with similar issues. The one thing they all have in common is that they are running the Linux version.
I play the Linux version. For the most part I only got minor bugs and very few of them. A broken NPC quick bar, confusion spell not working, and an audio glitch with the background music once I got to HATEOT. There might have been one another that I'm not remembering, but that shows you how significant it was.
there's your issue
Or maybe, just maybe, playing the game on a little-used-for-gaming OS also increases the chances of bugs for your playthrough, especially for a game that had such growing pains even on PC?
Well, this was a disappointing ending.
I’ve only gotten that one from mods. Usually re-installing mod fixes.
there's your issue
You're right. It's clearly my choice of operating system. This game definitely has a history of flawless programming.
I would also blame anyone who runs Cyberpunk on 1080 and expects ray tracing.I bet you blame end-users for Cyberpunk not working on Playstation 4 as well, huh?
Or maybe, just maybe, playing the game on a little-used-for-gaming OS also increases the chances of bugs for your playthrough, especially for a game that had such growing pains even on PC?
I bet you blame end-users for Cyberpunk not working on Playstation 4 as well, huh?
No, the history is slowly but surely and relentlessly stomping bugs and improving performance with each release on the same platform as they figure shit out.
I play the Linux version. For the most part I only got minor bugs and very few of them. A broken NPC quick bar, confusion spell not working, and an audio glitch with the background music once I got to HATEOT. There might have been one another that I'm not remembering, but that shows you how significant it was.
Don't be a faggot and game on a console, don't be a faggot and game on something that shouldn't be used for gaming. Pretty simple process here. Stop being a slav faggot and pay for an actual OS, maybe, like the rest of us.Or maybe, just maybe, playing the game on a little-used-for-gaming OS also increases the chances of bugs for your playthrough, especially for a game that had such growing pains even on PC?
I bet you blame end-users for Cyberpunk not working on Playstation 4 as well, huh?
There’s devs in the forums responding ASAP on Console issues and each patch usually also has a few lagging things from general game getting fixed. Not sure what that means for Linux.