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People have trouble keeping him alive BEFORE he gets a full plate and his cloak. Or at least I assume so. I chalk it up to people generally being unable to use buffs properly and manage aggro.I for real have trouble understanding people having trouble keeping him alive, he has every defensive spell in the book, he gets Heavy Armor, his Cloak gives him basically immunity to everything, and he stands around like an idiot for five seconds whenever he uses SpellStrike which lets the mobs engage other melee.
He already starts getting tanky with medium armor and level 3 spells.
It's funny that with how Spellstrike works that if you leave Touch of Fatigue on auto-attack (right click it) he'll just stand there for a round casting his spell then move the next round and attack with the "charged" weapon, then only get the full attack in round three. Since I didn't even start trying to play him until I was already good at the game that often meant he never got hit much because everything was already dead.
I can see how Hap ended up just giving up on Spellstrike altogether. In retrospect probably best to Charge into position then get your Full Attack (including Spellstrike) off the next round, but that could leave him more vulnerable to getting ganked if you're not careful.