![Zionist Agent](/forums/smiles/titles/zionist_agent.png)
Which bug?Luckmann how did you fix that bug?
Well she's already got Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword, and she's hauling around her own magical Bastard Sword from the start.So which weapon focus should i teach this Amiri woman?
On the other hand, Valeria also has EWP: Bastard Sword.
So yeah, Bastard Sword, obviously.
Whomever thought of the idea to give two companions, nevermind more or less the two first companions out of the door, a compulsory use-bastard-sword-or-waste-a-feat should be punished. Would it have been so wrong to make Amiri Greatsword-based, or Valeria Longsword-based?
Me? I just cheated in a Weapon Focus: Greatsword for Amiri and a Weapon Focus: Longsword for Valeria, because I don't think it makes a big difference and it felt more appropriate (since Valeria wields her Bastard Sword one-handed anyway, and Amiri wields her Bastard Sword two-handed anyway). But that's just me.
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