If you want to play an older version on steam, it's annoying but possible.Word from the developers:
(you can choose the version through Steam or GoG Galaxy).
Uh, can you though?
That has always been the problem with tanks. Yes, the enemy can't hit her, but she generally can't hit them either, especially when the enemy has stat boosts and she has to rely on Expertise to not get hit in the first place.Valerie can still do nothing beside standing in the middle of combat and looking "pretty", ...
If you focus on Persuasion-based combat maneuvers for Val, she is still a good tank. You just have to go for things like Dazzling Display, Cornugon Strike, and maybe take 1-3 levels in Thug Rogue.I'm level 7 now and i think it's time to start over. All female story companions party is just not worth the trouble with unfair enemies. No proper cleric, no good wizard, Valerie can still do nothing beside standing in the middle of combat and looking "pretty", Octavia is really annoying and her thief level mess with your transition to troll chapter content, Jaethal is skill monkey. MC and Amiri is not enough to kill everything without proper buffing from support characters. Maybe if i was crusader...
Oh, nice. That -700 to-hit for a physical attacker has got to be a record of some sort.Shamelessly stolen from the Steam forums:
Bravo, Owlcat.
They can be used but not all 5 in one party, which is exactly what i'm doing right now. Constant reloading screens are really annoying.If you focus on Persuasion-based combat maneuvers for Val, she is still a good tank. You just have to go for things like Dazzling Display, Cornugon Strike, and maybe take 1-3 levels in Thug Rogue.I'm level 7 now and i think it's time to start over. All female story companions party is just not worth the trouble with unfair enemies. No proper cleric, no good wizard, Valerie can still do nothing beside standing in the middle of combat and looking "pretty", Octavia is really annoying and her thief level mess with your transition to troll chapter content, Jaethal is skill monkey. MC and Amiri is not enough to kill everything without proper buffing from support characters. Maybe if i was crusader...
Agreed on Octavia, although I don't think her delayed spellcasting is the end of the world. You just have to try and hit level 6 before you fight Harlgulka so you can have Haste/Slow.
I haven't used Jaethal much, but she seems like her main contribution is in the free teamwork feats she gets, so she is probably pretty bad unless you specifically build your party to complement those teamwork feats.
I reacted to that, too. It also stood out at the time, because it was the first time I felt like I had absolutely no player agency.I just finished up Troll Trouble, which was overall a cool quest and it feels good to have a little time to deal with Kingdom events again. However, I found Harrim's quest to be a little bitbecause I only had the option of treating him like an annoying dunce. Now, I do think he is a kook, but I think you should have the option to agree with him about some of his Groetus spiel. It's like why when retards say things about KotOR2 like "it hates Star Wars because Kreia hates the Force" they're wrong, because the Exile can either agree with Kreia or call her on her bullshit. I think that's just basic good design, giving you the option to agree or disagree with your party members, and Kingmaker has otherwise been pretty good for that.
Commissar Draco if you're playing a Paladin, make sure tosolve the puzzle in the Dwarven Ruins during Troll Trouble
They might be. I was NG, but if being CN or CE gave you options (or even forced you) to agree with him, that would make it better.But aren't your reactions there determined by your current alignment? I thought my character depreciating Harrim's plight was a neutral evil thing...
It's funny to think that if I would've said that it's a half-elf, they likely would not have cared, which does nothing but expose their own biases and implicit racism far more than any reasonable misunderstanding does.I see the problem. How dare you post what is obviously an elf and call it a half-orc? You racist bastard!
It's possible, but I was Neutral Good, and at best I could be dismissive and roll my eyes. And nothing else (up until that point) had been determined by alignment in that way; you usually get a good-ish range of answers, but here all I got was a couple of shitty remarks and a religious argument (Knowledge Religion) as to why he was wrong (even when the argument had nothing to do with religion specifically).But aren't your reactions there determined by your current alignment? I thought my character depreciating Harrim's plight was a neutral evil thing...
I'm running a Light/Dark combo with them. Valerie is TSS 1 / Crusader X with Selective Channeling and Extra Channeling. Jaethal is Inq 1 / Crusader X with Selective Channeling and Extra Channeling. They are both my tanks, so they stand at the front spamming their positive/negative energy combo. It's been working really well for those big fights.I'm level 7 now and i think it's time to start over. All female story companions party is just not worth the trouble with unfair enemies. No proper cleric, no good wizard, Valerie can still do nothing beside standing in the middle of combat and looking "pretty", Octavia is really annoying and her thief level mess with your transition to troll chapter content, Jaethal is skill monkey. MC and Amiri is not enough to kill everything without proper buffing from support characters. Maybe if i was crusader...
Just hıt that stacking bug with my Val. She has now full adamantine body and impossible to be damaged by most physical attacks ...
Dear Pathfinders,
After considering the upcoming feedback we decided that it will be better to focus on releasing hotfixes with the best possible frequency rather then spending time on testing the next big version. The way we see it now we will keep preparing hotfixes during the next 1-2 weeks. The so called "big patch" with several hundreds improvements and minor fixes will be released after October, 22nd.
All SJWs and their hanger-ons are racists, heterophobes, Christianphobes, sexists and bigots. It is a prerequisite of being a SJW in the first place and, therefore, goes without saying.It's funny to think that if I would've said that it's a half-elf, they likely would not have cared, which does nothing but expose their own biases and implicit racism far more than any reasonable misunderstanding does.I see the problem. How dare you post what is obviously an elf and call it a half-orc? You racist bastard!
They should stop using a spade to bail the water out, then.It seems like they are in a leaky boat, madly bailing water out and trying to cover the holes, but at the same time creating new holes so water just keeps pouring in...
I thought the Alchemist was more an Artificer wannabe?Uninstalled. I'll wait for a major patch. And 3 hotfixes for the major patch.
In the meantime I'll read pathfinder rulebooks and complain about alchemist being thinly disguised warlock popamoler.
Alchemist is popamole and should be removed. Fight me faggots.