I have heard that bags that add weight limit was bugged.
Or at least their description.
Народное творчество.
How do you translate "кубы суют тебе елду за щеку"?
you know what time it is already did it better, I can only give you straight translation for the sake of juice - cubes shoving dick down your cheek.
"Елда" is a old but still in use word for a dick, which originates from village folk mostly I guess, and has connotations of "dick that large and mighty".
In general it translates like this:
You are walking on the map, get a message "you see enemies", you pressing "DODGE BITCH DODGE", cubes shoving dick down your cheek and then like "DODGE FAILED FIGHT BITCH", loading for a minute, killing 2 goblins, loot nothing, loading for a minute back to the map, and after two meters ONE MORE TIME, and flying away to the Moon [on a butthurt thruster].