How are you guys successfully theorycrafting without knowing which exotic feats and abilities are bugged?
Isn't it safer to use the story NPCs because they've been tested a bit?
No most of the story NPCs are quite bugged and the classes they use are also bugged. For example Tristian is an ecclesithurge and
the domain mechanic of being able to slot their primary domain into non-domain slots is bugged and does not work.
This is quite singificant since a Domain like Fire gives you Fireball and a Fire primary ecclistheurge can double as an evocation blaster if it actually worked.
Tristian's Primary Domain is Good, not Fire, and it works fine for me.
However, Tristian does not have a secondary domain at all. He has - as all Ecclesitheurges do - access to all the domain spells of his deity (Sarenrae: Fire, Glory, Good, Healing, Sun). But he flat-out doesn't have a secondary domain, meaning that he never gets a secondary domain power.
But if he did, it would most likely be Healing.
Are you sure Good actually works? It can be highly confusing since domains like Good have spells that are normal cleric spells anyway and will in fact slot in non-domain as primary. I tested this with a theurge of Abadar with Protection primary and travel secondary and "Protection from Spells" would not slot in non-domain. Possibly this is due to being also in Travel? But I am pretty sure I tried stoneskin as well which did not work.
Either way the main point is that things never really got tested and the best thing to do if you want to play is try out every build you consider via hacking the save file, find one that is not too bugged and do that for now. In some ways using mercenaries is actually less bugged because it can get around some bugs in the NPC quests.
Actually, I checked, and you're correct, I apologize. I was indeed confused due to the fact that most Good spells (and several other domain spells) already appear as regular spells on the given level (essentially "replacing" the "normal" (and identical) version of that spell on a given level).
However, Good gains "Protection From Evil, Communal" on lvl 2, and it can indeed not be slotted into a non-Domain slot, and it's not just Tristian being bugged, it's apparently simply all Ecclesitheurges. It's bad enough that only like half of all Domain Spells are actually worthwile (seriously, why the fuck would Healing get "Cure Serious Wounds" on lvl 3? You can literally cast Cure Serious Wounds spontaneously, even!) but now even the basic function of the Ecclesitheurge is shot. What a croc of shit.
I forgot this game was a thing.
How do you like it? I'm not reading 300 pages and last few only talk about bugs.
Some oldfag tell me if I should try it.
Great game. Bugged to shit. Play if desperate. Wait if not.