I am starting to think I took a wrong turn.
I go to Oleg's, they tell me to follow the bandits. On the way, an old man tells me that Tartruffleo is in a tomb nearby. Okay, whatever- I go to the bandits and get an update, "Hell no, Tartuccle is probably long gone now!" Of course, not wanting to miss out, I reloaded and went to the tomb instead, thn chased after the gnome. I ended up in some forest where I tried to rest, but a spooky skull annihilated me, after a shambling mound annihilated me, which was right after some bandits with their necromancer annihilated me. Fortunately, I found some safety in the nearby kobold mines. Unfortunately they are full of spiders, which annihilate me.
Is it normal that you are meant to avoid like half the fights? Because the mines right now are like "Uh oh, there's murder skeletons in that corner, avoid. Oh, this corner? Gigantic centipedes, avoid. That corner? Massive spiders, maybe come back later."
Hopefully reaching level three will make us a little tougher. I wish we could rest but when I tried, I was interrupted while hunting three times in a row until the onslaught of lizards and wolves destroyed us completely.