Has anyone played around with the Mystic Theurge class? I feel like it offers comparatively little.
It offers consierable versatility and additional number of spells per day at the expense of being somewhat behind in spell levels. Also you can pull off a thassalonian mage with much less impact since cleric can do stuff like handle most abjurations for you.
Also a feyspeaker/sylvan sorceror/Mystic theurge 3/7/10 can pull off a level 12 (out of a max of 16) animal companion with boon companion while having 7 level druid spells and 8 level sorceror spells and uses charisma for both casting types. Additionally you can swap spells between each class by adding one level up to level 5 spells, so key spells like barkskin, displacement and haste can have a large number of castings if you want, especially if you use metatmagic. IN other words you can cast displacement as a level 4 druid spell. Even more nice all your druid spells are avaialbe as sorceror+1 level without any need for memorization. I believe it is only supposed to show druids you memorized as sponataneous +1 level sorc spells, but it allows the whole druid spell list from 1to5 as spontaneous sorc spells 2to6. One nice thing about this is most druid heals are available for casting without memorizing them and can works as a ghetto heal conversion if you want. It also lets you do things like cast flame strike at level 5 (i.e. normal cleric level anyway) but at your level 17 caster level.
A level 12 animal companion is still quite good and even a smilodon can be buffed to close to 60 AC. Also as a Sorc you can polymorph greater your pet into a dragon and give any pet type 5 attacks (bite, 2claw,2wing). Since the trip on bite is a feat it probably still works as a dragon. Note: Leopards are the only pet who does not get power attack so you still lose damage as a Leopard dragon and being a dog or monitor lizard dragon may be better. Personally I stick with smilodon as waiting for greater poly takes too long.
This build has the added benefit of being able to be the main persuader as well and also has enough room for intelligence to get 4.5 skills per level
In the end you lose out on 3 dice of damage/spell penetration for what is obviously a considerable amount of versatility.
I am currently using this and a tanking/rogoue build to Duo the game with full skill coverage. 1 full tank, 1 damaging offtank+flanking, 1 covers 80% of all spellcasting theurge + UMD on both to cover any holes. Tank has bad cha but puts points into UMD, caster will probably get something like 13 free UMD from class and stats and only need like 7 points to get 20 and highest scrolls are like DC 29. The later obtainment of spells is less of an issue since a Duo is basically +3 levels versus a 6-man when you turn off sharing.
note that wizard is probably better in a 6man as theurge.
something like thassilonian(evocation Wrath)/ecclesitheurge/Mystic Theurge 3/7/10 with Abadar as god and Travel as primary and protection as secondary. You can adjust the domains to taste depending on what you want
This build is currently broken but if it worked correctly the domains allows you to have almost every single Abjuration and Conjuration spell you lose and you would get level 9 cleric spells as well. The Wrath thassalonian gives you an absurd number of free nukes. Travel Primary, if ecclisitheurge was not broke, would give multiple memorization of DDoor and Protection from spells and the only key things you miss are stinking cloud and cloudkill, which are strong but you basically get everything else and cast can 10 free high end nukes instead.
You would begin casting fireball at level 8 and since you are thass Mage you could have 4+ fireballs memorized by level 8, which all in all is still quite good, sepcially since you would have a full complement of level 3 cleric spells as well.
Additionally you can run 20 feet faster due to travel domain and longstrider and if protection wasn't borken have bonus to saves.
This requires spilt int/wis stats which is doable but tight.