Players couldn't speak to Mim Wobblegander during the "Heal Mim" quest objective. Resolution: fixed.
The "Honor and Duty" quest couldn't be completed. Resolution: fixed.
The first objective of "The Door to Nowhere" quest couldn't be completed correctly in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
Players could skip the first meeting with Technic League but found the "Technic League Encampment" area in rare cases. Resolution: fixed.
It was unclear that players had to show the book to Jubilost to complete the quest objective. Resolution: objective description was improved.
Players could talk to Ditael several times to get several cursed swords. Resolution: fixed.
The "Green Stone" quest could be completed without an emerald. Resolution: fixed.
"Find a way to deal with the bandits", "Discover why monsters are attacking the kingdom" and "Find the propagandists" objectives couldn't be completed in the "War of the River Kings" quest. Resolution: fixed.
Willas Gunderson stayed in the Tavern after the quest completion. Resolution: fixed.
"An Amusement for the Nobles" quest's failed resolution was unclear and players thought that the quest was completed successfully. Also, some quest NPCs stayed active after its completion. Resolution: fixed.
Jubilost's story wasn't updated after the "Door to Nowhere" quest. Resolution: fixed.
In certain conditions, players could get the Incomplete Lawbringer Armor twice in the "Lawbringer" quest. Resolution: fixed.
Diplomacy check DC was wrong in the dialog with wererats (the "Ancient Formula" quest). Resolution: fixed.
An NPC didn't appear for the "Earthbreaker" quest at the "Secluded Lodge" area if the "Witch Hunt" quest wasn't completed. Resolution: fixed. Though, the NPC won't there during the "Witch Hunt" quest.
The dialog about rules in the "Price of curiosity" quest could be used to get infinite experience. Resolution: fixed.
In rare cases, Jubilost didn't speak about Inconsequent Debates. Resolution: fixed.
"Death to Queen Bdaah!" and "Death to Chief Sootscale!" objectives could remain unfinished after completion of the "Old Sycamore Caves" area. Resolution: if players chose the peaceful way to resolve the conflict these quests will disappear from the Quest log (they will be failed).
Siding with Annamede in Pitax could cause all guards to attack the party. Resolution: fixed.
Additional reward for "The Lost Brother" quest is added.
The description for the objective was clarified in the first of Valerie's companion quests.
The alignment shift was changed in one of the dialogues in the "Deal with the Devil" quest.
Some alignment shifts were changed in the resolution of Valerie's final companion quest.
Tiressia could reward the player twice for killing the Scythe Tree. Resolution: fixed.
The speaker was fixed for the certain line in the dialogue in Jaethal's quest.
The quest description was improved for the case when Octavia and Regongar didn't join the party.
The quest text was clarified for one of the objectives in the "Missing Child" quest.
The location of the Poachers' Hideout was clarified in Sharel's quest.
A Lawful Good justification was added to attack Darven in the "Deal with the Devil" quest.
The quest text was clarified for one of the objectives in the Ekun's companion quest.
Tartuk could appear at the "Skunk river ford" area after the completion of the "Troll Trouble" quest if players hadn't met gnome expedition before. Resolution: fixed.
The bonuses party got from the allies were added at the "Ravaged Capital — Central Passage" area.
The magical fog didn't disappear at the "Technic League Encampment" area. Resolution: fixed.
Gwart's name didn't appear in the dialogue at the "Armag's Tomb" area. Resolution: fixed.
Creatures were roaming incorrectly at the "Barbarian Cairn" area. Resolution: fixed.
The party could walk through dwarven statue at the "Abandoned Keep" area. Resolution: fixed.
Villagers were reacting to animal companions and summoned units at the Capital. Resolution: fixed.
Radius of roll action icons was increased at the "Old Sycamore Outdoor" area.
Players weren't able to set a Camp at the "Kellid Barbarian Camp" area. Resolution: the party can stay overnight with the help of a specific Merchant's dialogue option.
Never-ending answer in one of the Book event was fixed.
Mim Wobblegander was still standing in the village at "Silverstep" area during her quest. Resolution: fixed.
Several inconsistencies were fixed in the dialogue with Jamandi Aldori at "Flintrock Grasslands" area.
Several inconsistencies were fixed in the dialogue with Gwart at "Flintrock Grasslands" area.
Rest didn't heal the Death's Door condition at the "Camp at the Capital Gates" area. Resolution: fixed.
One of the lootboxes was not reachable at the "The Menagerie" area. Resolution: fixed.
Portal from the "Camp at the Capital Gates" area to "Ravaged Capital" area were available before the dialogue with Storyteller. Resolution: fixed.
The main character could get stuck in siting pose while at "Capital Inn" area in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
Players didn't understand how Divine services work. Resolution: NPCs who offer cleric services have a dialogue option now clarifying how it works.
Experience for defeating Ilthuliak was too low. Resolution: experience is 4 times higher now.
Party could get stuck in the permanent combat mode if they entered the "Abandoned Keep" area form the "Verdant Chamber" after completing "Varnhold Vanished" quest but before starting "Betrayer's Flight" quest. Resolution: fixed.
The party couldn't rest for free in Varnhold or Pitax after conquering them. Resolution: fixed.
Encounter has the proper amount of Technic League Maguses at the "Technic League Encampment" area now.
Companions kept in the cages didn't have correct barks at the "Old Sycamore Caves" area. Resolution: fixed.
At the "Inconsequent Debates" event, the Host stated that the main character loves no one even if the character had an active romance. Resolution: fixed.
Players need to make successful perception check to find the "Middle of Nowhere" area now.
Some players had issue with the final story dialogue at "Old Sycamore Caves" area. Nothing happened if "Attack former allies" option was chosen when kobold chief was already dead. Resolution: fixed. Those who chose this option can return to the area and defeat mites.
The battle with Kalannah couldn't be finished in rare cases. Resolution: some fixes were implemented to prevent the issue.
The party could pass through some of the closed doors at the "House At The Edge Of Time" area. Resolution: fixed.
Greater Werewolf was incorrectly named as Greater Weretiger at the "Old Mesa" area. Resolution: fixed.
Some players had an issue with barbarian sentinels at the "Overgrown Cavern" area. They didn't start the dialogue and the peaceful resolution was unavailable. Resolution: fixed.
Rest Camp didn't take any time at the Capital Gates. Resolution: fixed.
Tsanna got stuck in fireplace after meeting with baron. Resolution: fixed.
The Vendor didn't have replenished rest supplies at the Capital Square. Resolution: fixed.
Reaford Tabulus in Pitax Royal Palace has a greater bonus on concentration checks now.
Dead Kassil could return in the Throne Room in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
Pitax location could have an empty name. Resolution: fixed.
Edrist Hanvaki got stuck in fireplace after meeting with baron. Resolution: fixed.
Stefano Mosconi could appear in Pitax after being killed. Resolution: fixed.
Corax rewarded incorrectly for some player's decisions in dialogue with Melianse. Resolution: fixed.
New reward was added for the puzzle at the Pitax Royal Palace.
Unable to exit forest at "Witch's Hut" area. Resolution: fixed.
Player was able to offer help to the Nober's wounded barbarian before learning about the wound. Resolution: fixed.
Jamandi's reply to the player's LG answer was changed during the coronation event.
Unexpected alignment shifts at the "Abandoned Keep" area. Resolution: fixed.
Goblin Party illustrated event (Book event) will continue even if the players fail at a Constitution check while tasting the goblin "ale".
Inconsistencies in dialogues with the Raven and Tristian in the 3d chapter. Resolution: fixed.
Linxia could propose an alliance even if the player decided to fight against her. Resolution: fixed.
Players could get extra experience interacting with the bridge and the cart at the "Old Sycamore Caves" area. Resolution: fixed.
Missing cooking receipts were added to the 4th chapter areas ("Armag's Tomb", "Two-Faced Hill", "Abandoned Keep", "Fossil Fields" and "Other World").
Vordakai has better loot now.
Characters could incorrectly get damage or disease in "Kobold Trail" book event. Resolution: fixed.
Players couldn't talk to Knurly Witch NPC at the "House at the End of Times" area in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
There could be issues with correct processing the player's decisions they made in the dialogues after defeating Harguka and Tartuk. Resolution: fixed.
Jhod didn't disappear at the "Thorn Ford" area when he left. Resolution: fixed.
No objective in the Quest Log for Nixie's request to bring feathers. Resolution: fixed.
Special Encounter didn't happen in the 3d chapter. Resolution: fixed.
A new "Effortless" kingdom difficulty was added which stays between "Auto" and "Easy" - for those players who wish to participate in kingdom management, but don't want to pay much attention to kingdom development.
Kingdom project navigation was improved - all projects was divided into subcategories.
Kingdom events that happen right before the end of the month give more time to react now.
Going into negative BP will delay increasing unrest until the next day, giving time to repay the debt before that happens.
The "Windmill" building didn't have the unique model. Resolution: fixed.
"Sunny Glade" kingdom recourse was unreachable on the Global Map. Resolution: fixed.
"The Bog Mischief" kingdom event has a proper "success" description now.
2 slots for buildings were unlocked, that should be available at the Town level in the Capital instead of City one.
Bartholomew stopped working as a vendor after moving to the capital. Resolution: fixed.
The "Rebuild the Temple of the Elk" and "Pillage the Temple of the Elk" projects are correctly removed now as soon as one of them is completed.
Solved kingdom event cards displayed total accumulated stat changes by this event, which was sometimes confusing. Resolution: they display only the results of the resolution itself.
Smithy and TownHall buildings didn't have correct models. Resolution: fixed.
Projects for the Dwarven Keep Restoration in Dire Narlmarches and South Narlmarches are given as soon as respected region is claimed now. This projects allow region upgrades based on restored keeps.
Building upgrades deducted the cost of the base building from the treasury incorrectly. Resolution: fixed, upgrades' cost now matches their description.
Training projects for Companions now appear only for companions below 12 and 14 level after chapters 5 and 6 respectively. Those projects now level up companions to 12th and 14th level respectively. If such projects were being developed during the update, they are cancelled and their cost are fully reimbursed.
Kingdom was still destroyed if the boss of the chapter was killed on the same day it would destroy the kingdom. Resolution - fixed. An event that led to the destruction of the kingdom is removed.
"Safe Refuge" event was incorrectly marked as Problem. Resolution: fixed.
Last edited by
kotarsis; 7 minutes ago
Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
kotarsis 8 minutes ago
kotarsis 8 minutes ago
Difficulty settings and fixes
No penalties for the 2nd and further attacks on the low Difficulty settings.
Random encounters from the 4th chapter could be triggered at the left edge of the 1st chapter region. Resolution: fixed.
Not enough Javelin, Darts and Slings. Resolution: Oleg now sells Masterwork Dart, Masterwork Flail, Masterwork Heavy Flail, Masterwork Javelin, Masterwork Sling, Masterwork Starknife, Masterwork Trident, Masterwork Bardiche.
Half-Plate of Hatred had zero price. Resolution: fixed.
Robe of Arcane Annihilation provided wrong bonuses to attack. Resolution: fixed.
A typo is amended in English version of Headband of Vast Intelligence +6 description, it stated +4 bonus, while it gives +6 bonus.
The Ring of Evasion description was fixed.
Wild Hunt scimitar didn't have a name. Resolution: fixed.
Blackemoor's Grimoire item summoned incorrect monsters. Resolution: fixed.
Mourning item had the wrong price (75 g). Resolution: price was increased.
Ring of Circumstances was giving +1 luck bonus to saving throws instead of its actual mechanics. Resolution: fixed.
Blessed Signet had Caster Level 1 for Blessing Spell. Resolution: it has Caster Level 3 as per description now.
Gnome Hooked Hammer weighted 10lbd. Resolution: it weights 6 lbs instead of 10 lbs now.
Dwarven Urgrosh had wrong damaged assigned to its endings. Resolution: damage and attack types was changed between ends of Dwarven Urgrosh to align with visuals of the attack.
The Mallot of Woe was incorrectly wielded. Resolution: it is properly wielded now.
Lesser Ring of Ultimate Protection and Greater Ring of Ultimate Protection had wrong descriptors. Resolution: Items have Resistance descriptor for SavingThrows bonuses now.
Trailbleazer's helm didn't grant correct racial AC and bonuses to Saving throws. Resolution: Trailbleazer's helm grants +3 insight bonus to saving throws only against Gians and Goblinoids and grants +3 AC against Goblinoids as per description.
Ring of Enhanced Summons had alignment restriction. Resolution: the item no longer has Neutral alignment restriction.
Vicious weapon harms user when using Lay on Hands. Resolution: Vicious enchantment no longer damages the players if they use anything else but vicious weapon.
No Potions of Inflict Wound were available from Vendors. Resolution: Potion Of Inflict Light Wounds, Potion Of Inflict Moderate Wounds and Potion Of Inflict Serious Wounds were added to Vendors that have Potions of Cure Light/Moderate/Serious Wounds.
Tiger's Stripes didn't have Enhancement. Resolution: it has +5 Enhancement now.
Arrowguard Buckler granted +4 AC. Resolution: it grants +5AC instead of +4AC as per description.
Enchantments from Elemental Punisher, Arcane Enforcer, Authority, Overthrow, Blinding Light, Venom, Tyrant, Ruin, Spinebreaker, Chaos Shard, Grim Finale should work only with the weapon wielded now.
Highwayman's Argument should correctly deal damage against frightened and shaken targets now.
Blade of the Merciful correctly deals damage to non good targets now.
RoyalGift was too cheap. Resolution: its price is changed from 10000 to 64000.
Vicious weapons dealt multiplied damage on critical hits. Resolution: fixed.
Satisfaction Rapier didn't deal silver damage. Resolution: it deals silver damage as per description (mithral) now.
Black Star Starknife casted three spells on crit. Resolution: it casts one of three spells on a critical hit now.
The Narrow Path applied Negative levels on target. Resolution: it applies Negative level on a player as per description now.
Chaos Hammer enchantment could work with other weapons and also buff duration was wrong. Resolution: it only works with this weapon and the Touch of Chaos buff that is applied on target is active only for one round as per description.
Oils of Enhancement II worked per round. Resolution: it works per minute as per description now.
Ring of Reckless Bravery had incorrect descriptors. Resolution: it has correct descriptors now.
Forest Knight's Bracers, Cloak of Sold Souls Trailblazer's Helm and Ring of Reckless Courage stayed at Notable type after assembly. Fixed: the items were moved to appropriate inventory category type.
Crusader's Mithral Full Plate had icon with Gloves. Resolution: fixed.
Irlene had rod without any description. Resolution: we reworked artisan's rods - they work as metamagic rods with some additional benefits now .
Leviathan's gift robe granted infinite Maximize Spell Metamagic. Resolution: it grants only 6 times per day as per description.
The wrong price for +2 unholy estoc. Resolution: fixed.
User Interface
Players can Inspect units now. The functionality is activated by toggling a new button in HUD Menu. After activation, the ckillcheck is either made or revealed (if players have already met the specific type of unit before). The result of the skillcheck and revealed sections of unit information can be found in the Combat Log. A special tooltip with available information shows in the upper right corner of the game on hovering the unit or Combat Log record with the mouse cursor.
An option to control the size of the fonts in the dialogues and descriptions was added.
There could be Black Screen after starting camping if "Begin Resting" button was pushed really fast. Resolution: fixed.
The character's stats numbers were not updated if scrolls were used from the inventory. Resolution: fixed.
Some names were hardly visible in the dialogues. Resolution: fixed.
Players can skip the time without resting now.
Players can control the time for rest after the hunting now.
Notification about minimum rest time to restore abilities was added.
Timeline icon visualization was improved in the Rest interface.
Rest until full recover was improved.
Indoor (dungeon) maps could be too dark and uncomfortable to recognize details. Resolution: fixed.
Missing descriptions for high-level cooking recipes and their buffs were added.
"Use rations" option was set to ON automatically during the Rest in dungeons. Resolution: no options are changed automatically. Players may change "Use rations" option at the main screen of the Rest interface.
"Point of interest" mark was too big on the Map. Resolution: the mark is changed.
The usability of picking up a character voice during the character creation was improved.
NPC Armag's name and portrait was not represented in his final dialogue. Resolution: fixed.
Some usable items didn't have corresponded icons while players chose target. Resolution: fixed.
A lot of new icons are added.
The description of the chosen cooking recipe was not updated when players changed it. Resolution: fixed.
Ekun's animal companion had incorrect portrait. Resolution: fixed.
Part of Credits was missing. Resolution: fixed.
Some buffs had no descriptions. Resolution: fixed.
Ability Score Modifier (Skill page during Level UP) was counted according to the temporary modifiers. Resolution: the value is counted according to the permanent bonus of the Ability Score.
"Load premade build" button was added in Level UP interface for pregenerated characters and companions.
Map for the "Lost Dwarven Fortress" area was improved.
No feedback on "Copy to spellbook" and "Copy recipe" actions in Inventory. Resolution: improved.
Several UI elements had empty tooltips. Resolution: tolltips are added.
Custom character model couldn't be rotated in UI. Resolution: fixed.
Sound and Voice-Over
The meeting scene with Nok-Nok didn't have voice-overs. Resolution: fixed.
Lantern King's voice lacked suitable audio effects when he transformed into his original form. Resolution: fixed.
Critters sounds were too annoying. Resolution: now critters play sounds with 50% chance.
Music didn't play in the Barony introduction scene. Resolution: fixed.
Small mastodon's footsteps were too loud. Resolution: fixed.
The interrogation scene at Secluded Lodge had wrong music. Resolution: fixed.
Viscount Smoulderburn didn't have the right sound effects. Resolution: fixed.
The Faery dragon companion sounds were too annoying when he played a looped cutscene at Oleg's Trading Post. Resolution: fixed.
Proper sound effects were added for the Cacophonous Call and Ear-Piercing Screams magic spells.
ASUS Aura support was added. Some critical battle events have visualization on the ASUS keyboard now.
Familiars didn't disappear when battle started. Resolution: familiar's fade animation was fixed.
Localization \ text fixes:
A lot of text fixes in the dialogues.
Protector of Unjust had error in Russian translation. Resolution: fixed.
French mistranslation: Feat Extend spell. Resolution: fixed.
Missing or wrong German, French and Chinese localization.
Any references to Intimidate, Bluff, Diplomacy was improved (everything references to the core skill - Persuasion).
Descriptions of Restoration spells (lesser, regular, greater) were clarified.
Description for Bloodbird condition was improved.
Greater Invisibility description was improved (Russian localization).
The description of the "Decapitator" weapon was fixed.
The description for Flare Burst spell was clarified.
The incorrect loading screen tip was fixed.
The description for golden golem's poison was added.
Silverstep Grotto: names for the transition points were added.
New pack of localization fixes for FR, DE, ZH.
General visual improvements at the following areas:
Capital square (there were no winter or rain. Resolution: fixed)
House At The Edge Of Time
Lich Kulich Lair
Irovetti palace
Castle of Knives
Other World (the lighting was fixed)
Jamandi Masnion
Kamelands Safari and Hunting Lodge (chandeliers were missing)
Armag Tomb
Capital Square (the lighting of animated objects was fixed)
Vordakai Tomb light setup is broken. Resolution: fixed.
Dunsward Tomb
Abandoned Keep (some parts of the area were too dark. Resolution: more light sources are added)
Athach Lair (the lighting was fixed)
Olegs Trading Post (big campfire had incorrect light. Resolution: fixed)
Adamantine Shield Fortress (issues with shadows were fixed)
Troll Lair
Troll Wilderness (background is missing. Resolution: fixed)
Silverstep Grotto Cave (foliage interaction was fixed)
Lizardfolks Lair ("black" grass was fixed)
Dweomercat Lair
Flintrock Grasslands (decals were fixed)
Camp at the Capital Gates
Other visual fixes and improvements
Arrows get stuck in the terrain on a miss and stuck in a creature on a hit now.
Some enemies didn't hold the weapon correctly. Resolution: fixed.
Dynamic fluid fog were added to a lot of the areas.
Several issue with Nyrissa's visual (wings, hair, clothing). Resolution: fixed. Animations were also improved.
"Dancing" bushes at the "Castle Of Knives" area. Resolution: fixed.
There were issues with helmets visualizations. Resolution: fixed.
Foliage interaction were fine-tuned at outdoor areas.
Equipped weapon were not visualized in the fourth weapon slot on the back. Resolution: fixed.
Mandragora Swarm had incorrect outline if hidden behind other objects. Resolution: fixed.
Creature Nymph (medium size) had visual bug. Resolution: fixed.
There were issues with footprints in some cases. Resolution: fixed.
Birds could get stuck over the area during bad weather.
Armors and robes are visualized correctly now - above the base wizard outfit.
Random sparks on the ground from invisible torches in the safe areas. Resolution: fixed.
VFX are fit better to the companion's size now.
Troll great club has a proper position on the characters back now.
Some fixes with weather system.
Scythe Tree attack animation was fixed.
Inappropriate water reflections on low graphics settings. Resolution: fixed.
1-pixel line on the edge of some areas. Resolution: fixed.
Snow visual effect could disappear after the Rest. Resolution: fixed.
Some spells visual effects were updated.
Wings for corresponded Aasimar's feat is correctly visualized now.
No stealth animation for the animal companion. Resolution: fixed.
DLC support for GOG version on Linux was added.
Loading time up to the Main Menu is optimized.
Weather system optimization.
Dynamic fog is no longer effected by dead creatures.
The game crashed on Mac after character creation in some cases. Resolution: some fixes were applied to prevent this issue.
The game crashed on Mac on subjugating the new region. Resolution: some fixes were applied to prevent this issue.
If party entered the indoor when there was a storm at outdoor area the strong wind could still be active. Resolution: fixed.
Main Menu is optimized for the low hardware specifications.
Different characters sharing the same name no longer share saves. Also, every character gets their own autosave and quicksave slots now.