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Pathfinder Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Beta Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Mar 6, 2017
What's the deal with the wardstone - using the non-mythic path option loses you the purple dagger, is that important later?

Or picking a specific path for that matter - on level up the same 6 are open regardless.

Picking some options (or rather, not picking some) preclude you from going a certain path.



Mar 23, 2015
What's the deal with the wardstone - using the non-mythic path option loses you the purple dagger, is that important later?

Or picking a specific path for that matter - on level up the same 6 are open regardless.

Picking some options (or rather, not picking some) preclude you from going a certain path.

So picking [Aeon] at this point leaves you with the most open options?
Jul 21, 2009
Once and Future Wasteland
Serpent in the Staglands Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Don't worry about it, just take your time and read the abilities and what the characters do. For example, many think the power of Lich is the undead summoning and negative energy blasting, it's not. I discovered this about a week ago, Lich can essentially turn your wizard into a frontline melee fighter who can cast level 9-10 spells. I played a wizard/Hellknight Signifier. No monk dipping, no vivi dips. By the end of chapter 3 he was a better tank than Camellia and can deal decent damage along with spells. It's similar to Vhane where some people feel his build is terrible failing to stop and realise that lich has a specific ability that buffs ALL undead under your control, which includes the npcs you turn into party members, along with mythic vital strike and a reach weapon, along with his warpriest buffs he was a great damage dealer and in turn can avoid damage.

How good was your lich at hitting stuff? I was thinking of doing something like sorc 6/signifer 4/EK 10 for my lich run but if you can do enough melee damage without EK I might skip it since sorcerer already has delayed spell progression.


May 27, 2020
How good was your lich at hitting stuff? I was thinking of doing something like sorc 6/signifer 4/EK 10 for my lich run but if you can do enough melee damage without EK I might skip it since sorcerer already has delayed spell progression.

The build takes awhile to come online, I also must add I'm not that great at the game, but once you pick Lich and merge your book you hit the ground running.

This is my character at the end of chapter 3

This is the weapon I'm using, for the weapon, spoilers in a sense.



Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Don't worry about it, just take your time and read the abilities and what the characters do. For example, many think the power of Lich is the undead summoning and negative energy blasting, it's not. I discovered this about a week ago, Lich can essentially turn your wizard into a frontline melee fighter who can cast level 9-10 spells. I played a wizard/Hellknight Signifier. No monk dipping, no vivi dips. By the end of chapter 3 he was a better tank than Camellia and can deal decent damage along with spells. It's similar to Vhane where some people feel his build is terrible failing to stop and realise that lich has a specific ability that buffs ALL undead under your control, which includes the npcs you turn into party members, along with mythic vital strike and a reach weapon, along with his warpriest buffs he was a great damage dealer and in turn can avoid damage.

How good was your lich at hitting stuff? I was thinking of doing something like sorc 6/signifer 4/EK 10 for my lich run but if you can do enough melee damage without EK I might skip it since sorcerer already has delayed spell progression.

EK is bad. Your best abilities are the stuff that isn't captured in BAB.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I don't understand one thing about the new resting mechanics - if I rest in a dungeon, I don't recover my spells even if I use the recommended rest period. If I rest again though, I get them back. Is it a new feature or did I run into a bug?

Never seen that.


May 27, 2020
EK is bad. Your best abilities are the stuff that isn't captured in BAB.

I agree with this, I got what I needed for my character through my background trait leader, gave him long sword training and persuasion. In my opinion perception and persuasion are really important in wrath, the checks get pretty high on core. HK Sig then gives you heavy armour training and if you get the suit of mithral armour you find at the end of chapter 2 by that point if you are pure HK Sig you will no longer have any spell-failure and be able to move at full-speed in heavy armour. Hellknight Sig is bugged where the first level is meant to give you spell-progression but it doesn't. So you're basically a sorcerer if you pick a wizard. In my opinion, the benefits despite the bug is still worth it.

The reason why I came to this build is because I noticed majority of the necromancy spells have no ranged-touch attacks, it's either centre on target, affects target or melee-touch range. Also, I could get more out of stats but I dislike lowering my stats below 10, story-wise it wouldn't make sense and I tend to dislike min-maxing in that manner. The first lich power I took was indestructible bones, DR 10 for hits on my character and -2 attack penalty to the enemy that hit me if they get through the mirror image, blur etc.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Don't get the Lann hate
Based Lann.jpg


MC4 Sound Burst Library.jpg

The Evocations will continue until morale improves. Such a good spell. Whiffs a little this time but hey two stuns and some damage. Will only get better from here.

First time I've fought these clowns since usually take the Trickeration to keep Trickster path open but Lawlman Infinitron ain't having any of that tricksy shit when lives are on the line.

Lbrary Boss Spray.jpg

Decent chunk of EXP. Forgot to buff so time to test out the CC. Not to bad. You can see Wolj working on a Hypnotism. Very nice early CC but don't forget it's full round.

Early Hypnotism.jpg

Usually you can open combat with it to make the Full Round part a little less painful. Still takes that back guy out of the fight before he can do anything. Something to keep in mind for the maze.

Pet tank library.jpg

Lann's Leopard has been handling the tanking duties. Just think where he'd be if he had any buffs on.

Abrupt Force.jpg

MC Dazzling Display also Full Round for now (Mythic gives you shorter options for a penalty) so also late to the party since things went so well early. Another option for opening combat but would need some Stealth to get close. Abrupt Force procs every hit with a low DC but powerful effect (Stun).

Library Loot.jpg

Much higher DC but only procs on Crit. Used this before and seems to proc alot. Very nice effect when it does. Cold Iron Magical Bludgeoning so solid. Good potion selection and saleable loot.

Touch of Law owning.jpg

Touch of Lawl getting there on the nose. Usually these checks are annoyingly high, but no match for the long arm of the lawl.

New Storyteller options.jpg
Just installed some new Storyteller options. Very nice.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Skip ahead a bit to find out what that redded out line gives you: Really a great reward for some skilled completionism:

Goes in a potion slot! Now we're cooking with gas. Love discovering new things seventh time thru or whatever. All those Cold Iron arrows I bought going to waste I guess. 200 per 50 at Defender's Heart vendor, eight stacks available. Not a bad deal for Chapter one.

Tower Sneak.jpg

Gheybor tells you not to attack the demons in the Tower to the south of Defender's Heart. Don't listen to that wuss. If you've got the skills you can get the drop on them, and the Lawlman has all the skills.

Tower Alpha.jpg

Lann rolls a column into the Demon pack killing three of them, Gheybor takes out his mark, and you're left with a guy throwing a Fireball at you, two of the Negative Channelers, and five or so of the the other dorks. Lann with autocrit of Fireball guy and Nenio with the all purpose Create Pit. If you're having trouble with anything in Chapter 1 just bring Nenio along and have her Pit it away. Not sure what that -3 is on his Reflex Save? Flat-footed? Cheating again with stealth Story Mode?

Unbuffed again here since plan was for Lann to roll columns from both sides but looks like rolling either one auto triggers combat. Basically playing these one fight locations Soyer style with no pre-buffing since trying to conserve rests to beat the clock on Siege.

Ember Ray of Enfeeblement.jpg

Totally new direction for Ember this time once I realized that she's an Elf with free +2 Spell Pen and comes with Precise Shot. She gets the Rays, Nenio gets the Summons and AoEs. You'll notice that she no longer has this spell later as I had to replay two levels. Long story but involves going all the way to Gwerm Manor without Cam (do not do this) and a Pet that stayed dead.

Anyway Ray is pretty solid here since it's doing average of 5.5 STR damage already with 2.75 even on a made Save. That keeps going up and of course can be Maximized and Empowered.

Tower Treasure.jpg

If you're wondering where to upgrade Cam's Buckler here's a cheap option. The one Varne sells that gives you a Mirror mage on crit is probably worth it. You can see the broken column you can roll in there to open the fight. Another one on other side.

Pox on Camellia.jpg

If you want to get rid of Cam one way is to attack Gwerm before he can burn the pictures. She defends him and you fight. Unfortunately he doesn't have key to mystery room. Here's Ember's new second Level spell. I'm a fan. Owned Cam pretty good. Notice the anti-suck pop-up. Very good Owlcat.

Ember level 5.jpg

Almost everything immune to Poison and some things hard to hit even Touch AC, but this is Disease and requires no attack. Blindness competes but I hear there's a lot of True Seeing and Blind Fight out there. Trying to stick with Necromancy to get Mythic Focus and give Nenio Conjuration late with that Mythic that lets you share all your Feats from one school to another since she doesn't have to worry about Precise or Penetration should be able to get there.

Pox Pustules.jpg

To review:


A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.

The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

So Sickened adds malus to damage. Point being they stack, then Pustules adds another -4 to DEX for -2 AC and AB penalties for DEX attackers (which are the ones with low Fortitude in the first place).

And only one Save.

ABD. Always be debuffing.

MC Crusader two-weapon.jpg

Finally get the DEX belt in the Gray Garrison (notice how much rarer they are) and level up from four to six. That top line in the Crusader diagram is extra Feats. Currently up Weapon Focus and Shield Bash on where a typical Cleric would be at this point. Spell Progression, Proficiencies, and BAB the same. Hurr Durr Crusader sux.

Drovier Auras.jpg
And Lann finally hits the Drovier pay off. All of these are Auras you can give the whole team. Probably need the speed one to get slowass dwarf Infinitron back in the game. Will double her Charge range for her armor that Prones on Charge hit.
Last edited:


Mar 23, 2015
Skip ahead a bit to find out what that redded out line gives you: Really a great reward for some skilled completionism:
View attachment 17899

Goes in a potion slot! Now we're cooking with gas. Love discovering new things seventh time thru or whatever. All those Cold Iron arrows I bought going to waste I guess. 200 per 50 at Defender's Heart vendor, eight stacks available. Not a bad deal for Chapter one.

View attachment 17900

Gheybor tells you not to attack the demons in the Tower to the south of Defender's Heart. Don't listen to that wuss. If you've got the skills you can get the drop on them, and the Lawlman has all the skills.

View attachment 17903

Lann rolls a column into the Demon pack killing three of them, Gheybor takes out his mark, and you're left with a guy throwing a Fireball at you, two of the Negative Channelers, and five or so of the the other dorks. Lann with autocrit of Fireball guy and Nenio with the all purpose Create Pit. If you're having trouble with anything in Chapter 1 just bring Nenio along and have her Pit it away. Not sure what that -3 is on his Reflex Save? Flat-footed? Cheating again with stealth Story Mode?

Unbuffed again here since plan was for Lann to roll columns from both sides but looks like rolling either one auto triggers combat. Basically playing these one fight locations Soyer style with no pre-buffing since trying to conserve rests to beat the clock on Siege.

View attachment 17904

Totally new direction for Ember this time once I realized that she's an Elf with free +2 Spell Pen and comes with Precise Shot. She gets the Rays, Nenio gets the Summons and AoEs. You'll notice that she no longer has this spell later as I had to replay two levels. Long story but involves going all the way to Gwerm Manor without Cam (do not do this) and a Pet that stayed dead.

Anyway Ray is pretty solid here since it's doing average of 5.5 STR damage already with 2.75 even on a made Save. That keeps going up and of course can be Maximized and Empowered.

View attachment 17905

If you're wondering where to upgrade Cam's Buckler here's a cheap option. The one Varne sells that gives you a Mirror mage on crit is probably worth it. You can see the broken column you can roll in there to open the fight. Another one on other side.

View attachment 17906

If you want to get rid of Cam one way is to attack Gwerm before he can burn the pictures. She defends him and you fight. Unfortunately he doesn't have key to mystery room. Here's Ember's new second Level spell. I'm a fan. Owned Cam pretty good. Notice the anti-suck pop-up. Very good Owlcat.

View attachment 17907

Almost everything immune to Poison and some things hard to hit even Touch AC, but this is Disease and requires no attack. Blindness competes but I hear there's a lot of True Seeing and Blind Fight out there. Trying to stick with Necromancy to get Mythic Focus and give Nenio Conjuration late with that Mythic that lets you share all your Feats from one school to another since she doesn't have to worry about Precise or Penetration should be able to get there.

View attachment 17908

To review:


A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.

The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

So Sickened adds malus to damage. Point being they stack, then Pustules adds another -4 to DEX for -2 AC and AB penalties for DEX attackers (which are the ones with low Fortitude in the first place).

And only one Save.

ABD. Always be debuffing.

View attachment 17909

Finally get the DEX belt in the Gray Garrison (notice how much rarer they are) and level up from four to six. That top line in the Crusader diagram is extra Feats. Currently up Weapon Focus and Shield Bash on where a typical Cleric would be at this point. Spell Progression, Proficiencies, and BAB the same. Hurr Durr Crusader sux.

View attachment 17910
And Lann finally hits the Drovier pay off. All of these are Auras you can give the whole team. Probably need the speed one to get slowass dwarf Infinitron back in the game. Will double his Charge range for his armor that Prones on Charge hit.

Do you get all 5 essences in Act 1?


Oct 1, 2008
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
How do you get past the rubble in the basement in the market square?

The one where a shadow demons deals cold damage when you try to clear it.
Aside from using light of the heaven, you're given a see invis scroll and a scroll of faerie fire on the corpse there. Use the scroll and the shadow demon becomes visible to fight.

Crazed Weevil

Dec 26, 2013
Skip ahead a bit to find out what that redded out line gives you: Really a great reward for some skilled completionism:
View attachment 17899

Goes in a potion slot! Now we're cooking with gas. Love discovering new things seventh time thru or whatever. All those Cold Iron arrows I bought going to waste I guess. 200 per 50 at Defender's Heart vendor, eight stacks available. Not a bad deal for Chapter one.

View attachment 17900

Gheybor tells you not to attack the demons in the Tower to the south of Defender's Heart. Don't listen to that wuss. If you've got the skills you can get the drop on them, and the Lawlman has all the skills.

View attachment 17903

Lann rolls a column into the Demon pack killing three of them, Gheybor takes out his mark, and you're left with a guy throwing a Fireball at you, two of the Negative Channelers, and five or so of the the other dorks. Lann with autocrit of Fireball guy and Nenio with the all purpose Create Pit. If you're having trouble with anything in Chapter 1 just bring Nenio along and have her Pit it away. Not sure what that -3 is on his Reflex Save? Flat-footed? Cheating again with stealth Story Mode?

Unbuffed again here since plan was for Lann to roll columns from both sides but looks like rolling either one auto triggers combat. Basically playing these one fight locations Soyer style with no pre-buffing since trying to conserve rests to beat the clock on Siege.

View attachment 17904

Totally new direction for Ember this time once I realized that she's an Elf with free +2 Spell Pen and comes with Precise Shot. She gets the Rays, Nenio gets the Summons and AoEs. You'll notice that she no longer has this spell later as I had to replay two levels. Long story but involves going all the way to Gwerm Manor without Cam (do not do this) and a Pet that stayed dead.

Anyway Ray is pretty solid here since it's doing average of 5.5 STR damage already with 2.75 even on a made Save. That keeps going up and of course can be Maximized and Empowered.

View attachment 17905

If you're wondering where to upgrade Cam's Buckler here's a cheap option. The one Varne sells that gives you a Mirror mage on crit is probably worth it. You can see the broken column you can roll in there to open the fight. Another one on other side.

View attachment 17906

If you want to get rid of Cam one way is to attack Gwerm before he can burn the pictures. She defends him and you fight. Unfortunately he doesn't have key to mystery room. Here's Ember's new second Level spell. I'm a fan. Owned Cam pretty good. Notice the anti-suck pop-up. Very good Owlcat.

View attachment 17907

Almost everything immune to Poison and some things hard to hit even Touch AC, but this is Disease and requires no attack. Blindness competes but I hear there's a lot of True Seeing and Blind Fight out there. Trying to stick with Necromancy to get Mythic Focus and give Nenio Conjuration late with that Mythic that lets you share all your Feats from one school to another since she doesn't have to worry about Precise or Penetration should be able to get there.

View attachment 17908

To review:


A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.

The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

So Sickened adds malus to damage. Point being they stack, then Pustules adds another -4 to DEX for -2 AC and AB penalties for DEX attackers (which are the ones with low Fortitude in the first place).

And only one Save.

ABD. Always be debuffing.

View attachment 17909

Finally get the DEX belt in the Gray Garrison (notice how much rarer they are) and level up from four to six. That top line in the Crusader diagram is extra Feats. Currently up Weapon Focus and Shield Bash on where a typical Cleric would be at this point. Spell Progression, Proficiencies, and BAB the same. Hurr Durr Crusader sux.

View attachment 17910
And Lann finally hits the Drovier pay off. All of these are Auras you can give the whole team. Probably need the speed one to get slowass dwarf Infinitron back in the game. Will double his Charge range for his armor that Prones on Charge hit.

Do you get all 5 essences in Act 1?

You can get 6 essences in Act 1 I believe. I found 3 inside the Grey Garrison when you return there, and 3 others out in the city (I can't remember where, but if you hit all the locations you get told about you should get them all). I don't think you can complete that buckle until the beginning of Act 2 though.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I don't understand one thing about the new resting mechanics - if I rest in a dungeon, I don't recover my spells
maybe bug, can happen in tavern rest too. maybe has something to do with checking recommended time rest.

I've never checked it. Never had any problem. Maybe if you don't have enough heal spells to get up to full health it burns some more?


Dec 9, 2011
I don't understand one thing about the new resting mechanics - if I rest in a dungeon, I don't recover my spells
maybe bug, can happen in tavern rest too. maybe has something to do with checking recommended time rest.

I've never checked it. Never had any problem. Maybe if you don't have enough heal spells to get up to full health it burns some more?
what happened to me is that in tutorial dungeon I checked it just out of curiosity what it all does, and later in tavern I rested after level = 0 spells.


Mar 23, 2015
Skip ahead a bit to find out what that redded out line gives you: Really a great reward for some skilled completionism:
View attachment 17899

Goes in a potion slot! Now we're cooking with gas. Love discovering new things seventh time thru or whatever. All those Cold Iron arrows I bought going to waste I guess. 200 per 50 at Defender's Heart vendor, eight stacks available. Not a bad deal for Chapter one.

View attachment 17900

Gheybor tells you not to attack the demons in the Tower to the south of Defender's Heart. Don't listen to that wuss. If you've got the skills you can get the drop on them, and the Lawlman has all the skills.

View attachment 17903

Lann rolls a column into the Demon pack killing three of them, Gheybor takes out his mark, and you're left with a guy throwing a Fireball at you, two of the Negative Channelers, and five or so of the the other dorks. Lann with autocrit of Fireball guy and Nenio with the all purpose Create Pit. If you're having trouble with anything in Chapter 1 just bring Nenio along and have her Pit it away. Not sure what that -3 is on his Reflex Save? Flat-footed? Cheating again with stealth Story Mode?

Unbuffed again here since plan was for Lann to roll columns from both sides but looks like rolling either one auto triggers combat. Basically playing these one fight locations Soyer style with no pre-buffing since trying to conserve rests to beat the clock on Siege.

View attachment 17904

Totally new direction for Ember this time once I realized that she's an Elf with free +2 Spell Pen and comes with Precise Shot. She gets the Rays, Nenio gets the Summons and AoEs. You'll notice that she no longer has this spell later as I had to replay two levels. Long story but involves going all the way to Gwerm Manor without Cam (do not do this) and a Pet that stayed dead.

Anyway Ray is pretty solid here since it's doing average of 5.5 STR damage already with 2.75 even on a made Save. That keeps going up and of course can be Maximized and Empowered.

View attachment 17905

If you're wondering where to upgrade Cam's Buckler here's a cheap option. The one Varne sells that gives you a Mirror mage on crit is probably worth it. You can see the broken column you can roll in there to open the fight. Another one on other side.

View attachment 17906

If you want to get rid of Cam one way is to attack Gwerm before he can burn the pictures. She defends him and you fight. Unfortunately he doesn't have key to mystery room. Here's Ember's new second Level spell. I'm a fan. Owned Cam pretty good. Notice the anti-suck pop-up. Very good Owlcat.

View attachment 17907

Almost everything immune to Poison and some things hard to hit even Touch AC, but this is Disease and requires no attack. Blindness competes but I hear there's a lot of True Seeing and Blind Fight out there. Trying to stick with Necromancy to get Mythic Focus and give Nenio Conjuration late with that Mythic that lets you share all your Feats from one school to another since she doesn't have to worry about Precise or Penetration should be able to get there.

View attachment 17908

To review:


A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.

The character takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

So Sickened adds malus to damage. Point being they stack, then Pustules adds another -4 to DEX for -2 AC and AB penalties for DEX attackers (which are the ones with low Fortitude in the first place).

And only one Save.

ABD. Always be debuffing.

View attachment 17909

Finally get the DEX belt in the Gray Garrison (notice how much rarer they are) and level up from four to six. That top line in the Crusader diagram is extra Feats. Currently up Weapon Focus and Shield Bash on where a typical Cleric would be at this point. Spell Progression, Proficiencies, and BAB the same. Hurr Durr Crusader sux.

View attachment 17910
And Lann finally hits the Drovier pay off. All of these are Auras you can give the whole team. Probably need the speed one to get slowass dwarf Infinitron back in the game. Will double his Charge range for his armor that Prones on Charge hit.

Do you get all 5 essences in Act 1?

You can get 6 essences in Act 1 I believe. I found 3 inside the Grey Garrison when you return there, and 3 others out in the city (I can't remember where, but if you hit all the locations you get told about you should get them all). I don't think you can complete that buckle until the beginning of Act 2 though.

Hmm, I'll try and find the one in GG. I found four, 2 in GG, one in merchant's mansion and one in the tower.

How do you get past the rubble in the basement in the market square?

The one where a shadow demons deals cold damage when you try to clear it.
Aside from using light of the heaven, you're given a see invis scroll and a scroll of faerie fire on the corpse there. Use the scroll and the shadow demon becomes visible to fight.

What I did wrong was using them near the door, the demon is right next to the corpse itself.


Dec 9, 2011
I found 3 inside the Grey Garrison when you return there.
Some of them should be behind doors opened with your NPCs though?
So if you resolute NPCs differently you might not get some?

For example I LARPed revenge for daughter and dumped inquisitors in grease. It gave me dudes to put dudes to sleep and thieflings, but no haste and no opening some doors.
But lead Inquisitor carries +1 longsword +1d3 damage against Chaotic.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Yeah I blew that Faerie Fire scroll too my first couple times.

Garrison has fun fight if you're on no Haste and and no Inquisitors. Here's what happens if you protect your Wizards the whole run:
Crusader Wiz in Bad Place.jpg
They're like uh, thanks guise. They do more than Haste and open doors too.

Crazed Weevil

Dec 26, 2013
I found 3 inside the Grey Garrison when you return there.
Some of them should be behind doors opened with your NPCs though?
So if you resolute NPCs differently you might not get some?

For example I LARPed revenge for daughter and dumped inquisitors in grease. It gave me dudes to put dudes to sleep and thieflings, but no haste and no opening some doors.
But lead Inquisitor carries +1 longsword +1d3 damage against Chaotic.
I can't remember for sure, but I got one early on in the basement of the garrison behind a locked door (which I unlocked myself, though the Thieflings offered to help), a second one from a spot check on a pile of stones on the first floor (I think this was after that cutscene with the half orc lass fighting the demons on the ground floor), and finally the third one was on the second floor where you have to pass a Mobility check to jump over a hole (if you fail it you end up on the floor below). I don't think you need anyone with you for them, though they can help with the perception checks.


Mar 23, 2015
I found 3 inside the Grey Garrison when you return there.
Some of them should be behind doors opened with your NPCs though?
So if you resolute NPCs differently you might not get some?

For example I LARPed revenge for daughter and dumped inquisitors in grease. It gave me dudes to put dudes to sleep and thieflings, but no haste and no opening some doors.
But lead Inquisitor carries +1 longsword +1d3 damage against Chaotic.

I did the same, but I can confirm you don't need him at least. I also got hasted without him, the Azata guys do that.

The 3rd I missed was in a rubble on the 1st floor near basement entrance, didn't go near enough to trigger the perception check.

Going back made me realize the end-of-area loot is bugged with these multiple level maps, best to loot them manually, so I would have missed out on a ton of gold.

Thanks a lot Weevil!


Dec 9, 2011
I got Haste on first playthrough without finishing Desna quests, but telling Inquisitor to leave them alone. But finishing it made them put demons to sleep.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Here's the big bad from that fight:
Garrison Boss Stats.jpg

He's waaay over to the side where you might not notice him and his four Rangers until all his Summons start showing up and the Rangers have pumped you full of lead. Inquisitors teleport in on other end of room giving you cover to head down toward boss.

MC Evocation.jpg

Sound Burst is best to setup good melee rolls but in a pinch it can turn off some ranged dudes for a turn to give you time to close. Probably should have switch Burst and Pit here. Usually a good idea to have Wolj Charge to help him land his Debilitating Strike but sometimes it won't let you if you've already moved too much that turn. At least he's in position to disrupt the Summons with an AoO. The dudes with the triangles are Inquisitors. If you off Hulruun you don't get those and miss a decent chunk of EXP.

Big Pet.jpg

Leopard just upgraded to Medium making his Trip a real threat for the first time.

Garrison Boss.jpg

Oh well he made the check anyway. He'll be dead soon. Once Debilitating kicks in its all over. Don't know why Ember is attacking but she hits for rub-ins.

Ram Armor.jpg

This is the Medium Armor you can buy from Vhane at Defender's Heart that knocks things Prone if you hit them with a Charge. They do get a Reflex check but it's pretty high. Ember just mailing it in this fight for some reason. And That's Nenio's Images in melee with MC. Won't be the last time but she has no business being there at this point.

Definitely need to kick up to Hard next time.

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Lann with the Touch of Lawl helping him hit the high Lore (Religion) Check required to unlock another source of corruption reduction. No need here since we're hopped up on hour long Haste speed and pulling an all-nighter. Could use another one of those in Drezen dungeon.

Tanking Hard Boss.jpg

Did kick it up to Hard for this guy. His DR/Good can be a problem if you're not prepared. Cold Iron arrows do nothing here Lann. Seelah with no business doing Bond in middle of fight. Sloppy. Won't happen again.

Hard Boss Down.jpg

Looks like on the other hand Sonic Arrows do work. Seelah's like as a matter of fact Smite Evil does bypass DR, not that it matters. Thonk. Really putting that Shield Focus to good use. Nice Bull's Strength, Nenio. Just in time.

Force Reality.jpg
To continue with the Lawlman theme. Second level ability lets you get rid of bad stuff on your own team. Really missing the Mirror Images and +3 to skills but keeping the chaos stuff to a minimum.


Mar 23, 2015
I got Haste on first playthrough without finishing Desna quests, but telling Inquisitor to leave them alone. But finishing it made them put demons to sleep.

I got both, got hasted and they put demons to sleep. Killed the inquisitor.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I got Haste on first playthrough without finishing Desna quests, but telling Inquisitor to leave them alone. But finishing it made them put demons to sleep.

Haste comes from the guys you rescue from the Library, not the Azatas. They're easy to miss if you just talk to Storyteller but they also open doors and Dispel charm from the Succubus recruits.

I did the Desna quest but didn't get the Sleep. I think I might have gotten it once? Do you have to kill Hulruun?

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