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Pathfinder Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Beta Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]



I, Tivanadis, bronze dragon, I swear allegiance to you, golden dragon {name}! I will fight on your side, and your enemies will not laugh!
I, Orgomandias, golden dragon, I swear allegiance to you, golden dragon {name}! I will fight by your side, my wisdom is at your disposal!
I, Nidalinn, the silver dragon, I swear allegiance to you, the golden dragon {name}! I will fight by your side and protect you!
I, Halaseliax, golden dragon, I swear allegiance to you, golden dragon {name}! I will fight on your side, and will always help with advice!
I will give a cry to all the dragons I know. It's time for us to take part in the crusade properly, and you will lead us. I believe in you, my child.

Also it's been confirmed that Gold Dragon is a "redemption path" if you choose one of the evil ones. Multiple datamined dialogues.


Now I know why I can't play Azata, and then switch paths. Ever.

"But of course I'm not angry with you at all for the fact that you refused your power! And others don't get angry either, although they can no longer be free crusaders. Our island no longer flies, miracles do not happen there... sad. I will now have to return to Elysium. But we will continue to be friends, right?"
"Of course! I just need to grow up a little - a hundred years, maybe, or two hundred - and I'll fly back to you, or you to me! And we will fly everywhere together and do so much!"

Unable to resist, Aivu sniffs. "I'll miss you so terribly! I would have stayed, but now, without your power, I am an ordinary little dragon again, and I will be eaten by the very first demon we meet. But we will definitely meet again, you'll see! Until! Goodbye! Until definitely a future date!
"I didn't just decide that! I have to fly away, because your strength no longer supports me, and now I am an ordinary little dragon again. This is so sad! I had a lot of fun with you! But now I have to leave ..." Aivu is sobbing. "I hope you will miss you too! And then I will have to miss two, here! Goodbye!"
May 10, 2020
"I've been waiting for this... the queen says softly. This is not the time or place for confessions. But, on the other hand, any fight on the streets of this damned city may be the last for one of us. I'd rather open my heart now than regret not saying what I should have said."


Also, from the datamined scraps it seems the secret romance shall be


Wendaug looks at you with concern. "Well, look at what's waiting for you. Why are you obsessed with my feet?"
Source on the second spoiler?
Vatnik Wumao
Oct 2, 2018
"I've been waiting for this... the queen says softly. This is not the time or place for confessions. But, on the other hand, any fight on the streets of this damned city may be the last for one of us. I'd rather open my heart now than regret not saying what I should have said."


Also, from the datamined scraps it seems the secret romance shall be


Wendaug looks at you with concern. "Well, look at what's waiting for you. Why are you obsessed with my feet?"
Source on the second spoiler?
The JarlFrank mythic path.


"I've been waiting for this... the queen says softly. This is not the time or place for confessions. But, on the other hand, any fight on the streets of this damned city may be the last for one of us. I'd rather open my heart now than regret not saying what I should have said."


Also, from the datamined scraps it seems the secret romance shall be


Wendaug looks at you with concern. "Well, look at what's waiting for you. Why are you obsessed with my feet?"
Source on the second spoiler?

*Sigh* now I'll never find that particular quote. In essence - Areelu gets wet seeing you as either Angel and/or Dragon, and calls you beautiful.
May 10, 2020
"I've been waiting for this... the queen says softly. This is not the time or place for confessions. But, on the other hand, any fight on the streets of this damned city may be the last for one of us. I'd rather open my heart now than regret not saying what I should have said."


Also, from the datamined scraps it seems the secret romance shall be


Wendaug looks at you with concern. "Well, look at what's waiting for you. Why are you obsessed with my feet?"
Source on the second spoiler?

*Sigh* now I'll never find that particular quote. In essence - Areelu gets wet seeing you as either Angel and/or Dragon, and calls you beautiful.
That it? That's a romance to you? I called the Grand Canyon beautiful too but that doesn't mean I want to romance it.


Oh, another discovery. If you read over the dialogue of the various Paths, it seems that each one has a mantra/leitmotif that they keep repeating. Being the Aeon fan that I am, it was easy to catch his.

"Everything was the way it was supposed to be. Everything is as it is supposed to be. Everything will be the way it is supposed to be."


After playing intensively/datamining the Aeon Path,
I can confirm it is, indeed, the Path of the Autist - whilst your overall decisions do an incredible amount of good, so much so that the other paths pale in comparison, you are TERRIBLE when it comes to your companions, especially if you're not careful. The one bright point is when you can Ned Stark fucking Camilia, with Regill doing the honors and loping her head off. I almost came to the scene.


Mar 28, 2017
After playing intensively/datamining the Aeon Path,
I can confirm it is, indeed, the Path of the Autist - whilst your overall decisions do an incredible amount of good, so much so that the other paths pale in comparison, you are TERRIBLE when it comes to your companions, especially if you're not careful. The one bright point is when you can Ned Stark fucking Camilia, with Regill doing the honors and loping her head off. I almost came to the scene.
now leak LEGEND path


After playing intensively/datamining the Aeon Path,
I can confirm it is, indeed, the Path of the Autist - whilst your overall decisions do an incredible amount of good, so much so that the other paths pale in comparison, you are TERRIBLE when it comes to your companions, especially if you're not careful. The one bright point is when you can Ned Stark fucking Camilia, with Regill doing the honors and loping her head off. I almost came to the scene.
now leak LEGEND path

It wasn't me who found it, but essentially you create a council of beings who actually care about Golarion, and not some outside agenda. Said council includes - Zacharias; Socothbenoth; Aivu; Mephistopheles, Halaseliax, and one or two more people - basically one from each path. Other than that very little is known.

Oh, one thing I remembered - if Aru loves you, she can actually HELP you cast off your mythic power - and yes, you can FAIL becoming a Legend.


Dec 15, 2019
This is what I get for playing a beta.


"Played he last joke."
"It's time to play the last joke, and I am its final line!"

Those are Trickster lines pertaining to closing the Worldwound, right next to the dialogue lines of other Paths. Seems like the speculations were correct, and a Trickster will either lose his powers, or simply die, if he seals the Worldwound.

EDIT: Umm... gentlemen,
it appears that choosing "close the Worldwound" for EVERY path means sacrificing your life.


Now I'm beginning to see what the main draw of Legend Path will be.
You don't die at the end, whilst retaining your freedom/individuality.


Aug 24, 2018
"Played he last joke."
"It's time to play the last joke, and I am its final line!"

Those are Trickster lines pertaining to closing the Worldwound, right next to the dialogue lines of other Paths. Seems like the speculations were correct, and a Trickster will either lose his powers, or simply die, if he seals the Worldwound.

EDIT: Umm... gentlemen,
it appears that choosing "close the Worldwound" for EVERY path means sacrificing your life.

How it works for Lich or Swarm lol ?


"Played he last joke."
"It's time to play the last joke, and I am its final line!"

Those are Trickster lines pertaining to closing the Worldwound, right next to the dialogue lines of other Paths. Seems like the speculations were correct, and a Trickster will either lose his powers, or simply die, if he seals the Worldwound.

EDIT: Umm... gentlemen,
it appears that choosing "close the Worldwound" for EVERY path means sacrificing your life.

How it works for Lich or Swarm lol ?

Let me reiterate - every Path where you don't become a walking abomination, devoid of anything that made it human. If you think being a Lich is a desirable existence, I can't help you.


Aug 24, 2018
Also if swear if this turns into Another ME3 and GAMERGATEEEEEEEEE !!!! im just gonna shot somebody.


Aug 24, 2018
"Played he last joke."
"It's time to play the last joke, and I am its final line!"

Those are Trickster lines pertaining to closing the Worldwound, right next to the dialogue lines of other Paths. Seems like the speculations were correct, and a Trickster will either lose his powers, or simply die, if he seals the Worldwound.

EDIT: Umm... gentlemen,
it appears that choosing "close the Worldwound" for EVERY path means sacrificing your life.

How it works for Lich or Swarm lol ?

Let me reiterate - every Path where you don't become a walking abomination, devoid of anything that made it human. If you think being a Lich is a desirable existence, I can't help you.

so the way to survive is either be Iomedae simp or become abomination ? wonder if the impetus to Ned Stark avellone came from inside the house


"Played he last joke."
"It's time to play the last joke, and I am its final line!"

Those are Trickster lines pertaining to closing the Worldwound, right next to the dialogue lines of other Paths. Seems like the speculations were correct, and a Trickster will either lose his powers, or simply die, if he seals the Worldwound.

EDIT: Umm... gentlemen,
it appears that choosing "close the Worldwound" for EVERY path means sacrificing your life.

How it works for Lich or Swarm lol ?

Let me reiterate - every Path where you don't become a walking abomination, devoid of anything that made it human. If you think being a Lich is a desirable existence, I can't help you.

so the way to survive is either be Iomedae simp or become abomination ? wonder if the impetus to Ned Stark avellone came from inside the house

No, there are ways to avoid that, but those are bittersweet, like
becoming part of the Shyka. Although we do know that other means must exist, since Aeon and Devil can both become rulers of Sarkoris, so they're not implemented yet.


Aug 24, 2018
"Played he last joke."
"It's time to play the last joke, and I am its final line!"

Those are Trickster lines pertaining to closing the Worldwound, right next to the dialogue lines of other Paths. Seems like the speculations were correct, and a Trickster will either lose his powers, or simply die, if he seals the Worldwound.

EDIT: Umm... gentlemen,
it appears that choosing "close the Worldwound" for EVERY path means sacrificing your life.

How it works for Lich or Swarm lol ?

Let me reiterate - every Path where you don't become a walking abomination, devoid of anything that made it human. If you think being a Lich is a desirable existence, I can't help you.

so the way to survive is either be Iomedae simp or become abomination ? wonder if the impetus to Ned Stark avellone came from inside the house

No, there are ways to avoid that, but those are bittersweet, like
becoming part of the Shyka. Although we do know that other means must exist, since Aeon and Devil can both become rulers of Sarkoris.

Honestly wasnt one stretch goal modding ? because compared to kingmaker where even worst ending has you defeat avatar of being equivalent to weaker god even if you cant kill him like in best ending this is looking like Le doomer doomer grimdark shit socjus tends to use because they have contempt for escapism


Aug 24, 2018
ending this is looking like Le doomer doomer grimdark shit socjus tends to use because they have contempt for escapism

English, please.

SJW retards dont like happy endings because they dont like escapism and see it as running from responsibility for social advocacy and supporting shit like BLM.

thats why they want shit as cynical and realistic they dont want escapism to be too good they want cynicism, anger stuff like that to get fuel for grievance politics.



This is a massive spoiler, but one even those who want to be spoiler-free may want to read this, so as to not waste a huge chunk of time.

DON'T accept the gift from Noticula, under any circumstances, on any Path, even if she's going to be redeemed. It ALWAYS leads to you having to sacrifice yourself.


Aug 24, 2018

This is a massive spoiler, but one even those who want to be spoiler-free may want to read this, so as to not waste a huge chunk of time.

DON'T accept the gift from Noticula, under any circumstances, on any Path, even if she's going to be redeemed. It ALWAYS leads to you having to sacrifice yourself.

Nocticula Can Get redeemed and Camilia cant ? is there particular writer writing Camilla ? i might need to ask kiwifarms for some info on that person, it smells a bit Frontier like


May 27, 2020
"Played he last joke."
"It's time to play the last joke, and I am its final line!"

Those are Trickster lines pertaining to closing the Worldwound, right next to the dialogue lines of other Paths. Seems like the speculations were correct, and a Trickster will either lose his powers, or simply die, if he seals the Worldwound.

EDIT: Umm... gentlemen,
it appears that choosing "close the Worldwound" for EVERY path means sacrificing your life.

No it doesn't, unless you finish your mythic route correctly and get the mythic ending or choose to

sacrifice Areelu instead.

On Areelu

she isn't a romance either, look in the files yourself instead of copy and pasting.

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