
found your succubi waifu within the Temple of Elemental Evil.
If she is not bound to permanently serve and worship me, she is not my waifu. She can be a good one night companion, but not a waifu. hu3hu3 just kidding.
Anyway, Why I love OwlCat?
Larian : "spell slots aren't intuitive"
OwlCat : "Pick this two spellbooks on the vancian magical system. Manage spell memorization, caster level, spell penetration, concentration, etc; for two classes, one leveling with XP and other with milestone leveling which has a separated system with unique feats. And here is a pet unique for your class where you can customize and level up as any character"

Larian : "Tier 6 spells are too OP, so we will have lv cap = 10 for balancefaggotry reasons"
OwlCat : "Reach lv 20/10 mythic on a campaign and cast hundreds of spells per rest with abundant casting"
Larian : "Unlimited rests. Teleport to the camp, rest and teleport back"
OwlCat : "Resting build corruption which inflicts severely penalty on your party"
Larian : Launches a Early Access game with 7 Classes
OwlCat : Launches a Early Access game with 25 base classes and hundreds of archgetypes
Larian : CAn't make even firebolt right
OwlCat : Makes amazing mythic paths and the best implementation of Lichdoom ever.
Larian : Awful companions like Astarion
OwlCat : Amazing companions like Arueshalae, the Bow Goddess
I really wish that I could play the full game. Anyone datamined how the lich transformation will gonna be? And why I can't find info about the Dragon mythic path?