Arcane Bomber was one of two favorite classes of best Unfair player on P:K Steam forum. Other one was Blight Druid. Dude was something else.
Arcane Bomber is now better at high levels than Alchemist, only problem is that his bombs don't have precision and can damage my own guys. I specialized him into Cold damage, took cold bombs and filled rest of the slots with Snowballs and then focused into ranged touch attacks and since both attacks ignore SR I didn't need to take any feats for that. Due to Mythic abilities and ability to metamagic Snowballs this dude is more useful than Alchemist at high levels.
It is kind of fun specializing into one spell :D I picked up Bolster, Empower, Maximize and Quicken spell and filled all slots that don't have some personal buffs with different combinations of these metamagicked Snowballs. I made Bolster 0 modifier with Mythic but now I am figuring out I am missing Reach as well and I should have made that one 0 modifier. Also I would love if the game had metamagic feat that lets you up the damage limit of the spell, Snowballs only being 5d6 is irritating.