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Pathfinder Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition - now with A Dance of Masks epilogue DLC


Jan 30, 2019
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
I meant in the main campaign
This robe drops from the boss on island #3 in the first part of integrated version of DLC 3.


Dec 27, 2015
life bonding friendship azata superpower is insane. i am on the last dungeon of chapter 4, i picked this ability before. fought the umbral dragon optional boss and while technically my party got wiped out in a few round with his breath attack, because of the ability, they just keep fighting with 1 HP until the dragon is dead. breath of life + hoarded raise dead scroll take care of the rest,
you can use song that temporarily revives with it to get free aoe raise dead too


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Last time I played the niche in this wall (by the entrance to Drezen Citadel):

New lootable wall.jpg

was detectable (maybe the check is improved by intel from the Kobold Bard) but not lootable. Some nice loot indeed. Makes me want UMD Mythic Trick.


Nov 14, 2016
Soviet Union
Pathfinder: Wrath

Update 2.0.3i
Hello, pathfinders!

An update 2.0.3i is here!

  • Everyone should be able to enter the Temple of Stone Manuscripts now;
  • Invisible walls won’t hold back a true Azata in Midnight Fane anymore;
  • Music and sound will no longer stop playing when the game runs in the background;
  • Camellia can cast cleric and inquisitor spells again, so she’s even more helpful now!
If you are playing with mods, don’t forget to update them before loading your saves!
Beware of possible plot spoilers below!

  • Navigation fixes for Alushinyrra Upper City (it was possible to walk through a wall);
  • Fixed the bug in the Tower of Estrod, when only Faxon attacked the party, while the other demons and cultists just watched. Besides, Greybor didn't attack Kilas until the death of Faxon – fixed;
  • Fixed the bug which allowed to pass through some walls in Drezen;
  • Fixed the bug which allowed to walk through the walls in the Artisan's Tower;
  • Fixed the invisible wall that appeared in Midnight Fane on the Azata path;
  • Fixed the issue when the Archpriest of Nahyndri stopped possessing the undead in the Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC;
  • Fixed the issue which blocked the option to board the cursed ship in Alushinyrra port in the DLC;
  • Fixed the issue with the party getting stuck at the entrance into the Temple of Stone Manuscripts.


  • A Demon's Heresy quest was impossible to complete – fixed. “Find the Bell of Mercy clapper” objective will also update properly now, after you pick the clapper;
  • A dialogue with Jaruunicka didn't trigger after defeating her, in some cases – fixed;
  • The Feud of the Faithful quest sometimes didn't update properly if Ramien died too early – fixed, not in case of his death, the related to him objective will fail.

Turn-based mode

  • The game could freeze during the turn transition sometimes – fixed.

Classes & Mechanics

  • Blood kineticist's Wrack ability didn't match the description – fixed;
  • Camellia couldn't cast cleric or inquisitor spells because of the alignment issue – fixed;
  • Fixed the issue with Azata's Life-Bonding Friendship, which prevented it from working sometimes. Additionally, fixed the removal of teamwork feats when the allies stood farther than 50 ft from the Azata.


  • For the controller, the AoE abilities radius didn't disappear, even when the ability was no longer selected – fixed;
  • For the controller when exiting photomode while in turn-based mode, the compass could appear – fixed;
  • Inventory context menu could remain active when switching to another interface window – fixed;
  • On the character creation screen, when selecting a god, the pointer to the currently selected god could start to twitch – fixed;
  • The cursor wasn't able to interact with some UI elements, like door overtips etc.– fixed;
  • The journal could open when using the touchpad on the PS controller in turn-based mode, and when creating a character – fixed;
  • When playing The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC with a controller, restarting after the death of the party caused the defeat window to appear once more – fixed.


  • Music and sound will no longer stop playing when the game runs in the background.


  • Fixed a bug with the lighting in one of the Drezen houses;
  • Fixed problems with some reflections and light (improved the lighting in Defender's Heart, for example).


  • It was impossible to fire the mercenaries after retraining them – fixed.


Nov 14, 2016
Soviet Union
Pathfinder: Wrath
Also, has someone tried the photomode? It looks like a camera application on some freaking iPhone, with camera angles, panels and so on. I wonder how much they could have added to the underdeveloped late game paths for this amount of work-hours.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Also, has someone tried the photomode? It looks like a camera application on some freaking iPhone, with camera angles, panels and so on. I wonder how much they could have added to the underdeveloped late game paths for this amount of work-hours.

Who are you and what did you do with Lann


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Azata (and Aeon) also get the opportunity to ice Mephistopheles and take his Robe. It provides an aura that applies a -4 penalty to Saves on enemies in an AoE when rolling against certain mind-affecting stuff. That's a pretty unfair advantage an Enchantment/Illusion-focused Azata caster has over other such casters on different Mythic Paths.
still can't believe trickster makes for a poor enchantment/illusion caster. there's an ability called best jokes in this game ffs.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Siege Plan Drezen.jpg

(a) Head West after initial fight to roof of shack at arrow reachable via Athletics Check

Athletics check to roof of Barracks.jpg

(b) Additional check takes you to roof of Barracks to fight Vrocks, can go up to fight another and shoot Nabasu and Demons safely from high ground on other side to clear path

(c) Enter and clear out Barracks and exit West (where Regill plan starts), then fight Kalavakus and Babaus to north. Open Gate to east at 3. With Stealth/Invis and Mobility can climb up of roof west at arrow without triggering fight in front of Temple.

(d) Climb up to Wall and head East to 1 on map (first Giant)

(e) Enter Gatehouse on other side of Giant to raise gate below.

First Drezen Gatehouse.jpg

Exit to fight second Giant at 2 on map. When he dies you complete the first objective, Vendor Camp and Supplies show up at Purple Point of Interest and you no longer get pelted by Bludgeoning AoEs

(f) Return to Vendor Camp to rest/sell up then go back up on wall to north Gatehouse. Raise Gate there then fight through Vrocks to get where Party is on this map.

Weird DR vs Vrocks on wall.jpg

Note weird DR bypass (from Relic) fail on second Claw attack.

(g) Use Mobility to climb down east to Tavern to get first key at K.

Mobility checks down wall.jpg

(h) Head South to clear area and open Gate at 4 then get second key (and Aru if you want) in Prison at SE K

(i) Rest up then head to SW K in Temple to get third key.

(j) Go to G at north of map and use keys to enter Main Gatehouse

(i) Raise main gate there:

Final Gatehouse Drezen.jpg

(j) Rest up then fight Fallen Warrior/Retriever at main gate then proceed to Balor with Resist/Prot Fire Communal up.
Last edited:


Sep 25, 2012
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Also, has someone tried the photomode? It looks like a camera application on some freaking iPhone, with camera angles, panels and so on. I wonder how much they could have added to the underdeveloped late game paths for this amount of work-hours.

Who are you and what did you do with Lann
I guess allowing other people to photograph his kitsune was a line crossed


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
still can't believe trickster makes for a poor enchantment/illusion caster. there's an ability called best jokes in this game ffs.

Maybe the fact that the Mythic Path which sounds like it should be the best at screwing with everyone else's heads is actually kinda poor at it is, in itself, some kind of a meta joke from Owlcat and is therefore thematically appropriate? :M



Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
still can't believe trickster makes for a poor enchantment/illusion caster. there's an ability called best jokes in this game ffs.

Maybe the fact that the Mythic Path which sounds like it should be the best at screwing with everyone else's heads is actually kinda poor at it is, in itself, some kind of a meta joke from Owlcat and is therefore thematically appropriate? :M
proofs: the trickster cape is about you feeling bad about exploiting the game and getting a malus over it


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
TIL that you can't use items from your belt while Wild Shaped (even tho Animal Companions can fine).

Well actually I already knew that (yet another example of Wild Shaping sucking in comparison to merely being a pet) but what I also learned is that if you activate an item (like the Seashell that gives +5 to a skill for an hour) from your belt before Wild Shaping that the effects turns off *even if you leave the item in your belt* after the Wild Shape.

I mean What the Actual Fuck Owlcat?

If this were P:K we could have some confidence these things would be cleaned up for the Shifter DLC but who knows with Wrath?


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
It's underrated but the vaporware bites pretty hard there.

Owlcat needs a Musk to come in and cut the fat/cancer.


Nov 14, 2016
Soviet Union
Pathfinder: Wrath
Judging by the feature richness of the photomode and the QoL changes made for the EE, Owlcat Games have everything they need. It's just their priorities do not coincide with yours. And, partially, with mine.


Nov 14, 2016
Soviet Union
Pathfinder: Wrath
Judging by the feature richness of the photomode and the QoL changes made for the EE

Nigger, are you high?

Have you tried the photomode? Try it, you will see where the resources had gone.

Desiderius I'm pretty sure they will fix the issue with items on the belt in the shape shifted form after the Shifter DLC is released. But probably not before.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Finding all the shifting (and Scion) bugs and vaporware has not been great, but have been having a good time getting companion builds into shape. Here's the latest on Nenio for lvls7-10 (taking over for Wolj)

Nenio First Level Spell Selection.jpg

This is with nerfed TTT Abundant Casting (vanilla would have two more slots). Swallowing the two slots for Shield (Abjuration is Opposition school for Illusion) lets her use Expeditious Retreat to position herself for 26 DC extended Color Sprays (with Quarterstaff of Coercion for extra +1 DC vs Will saves) without being a sitting duck. She's also got Mirror Image and her 8th level School ability to protect herself. After this shot I put two more Sprays in for Vanish and Mage Armor (can use pots for those).

Nenio9 Color Spray Stun.jpg

Use the Extend rod to get AoE 12 sec Stun.

Nenio 9 AC with Shield.jpg

28 AC isn't a ton (should be 30 with Cat's Grace up), but it's enough to prevent getting ganked by randoms.

Nenio Invis Field Spray.jpg

If she fails on the Spray DC she can turn on Greater Invis with her school ability to protect herself.

Tank Seelah 9 crit on Tavern Boss.jpg

I gave her the Spell Pen Feats but she's still got a decent Grease for the super high SR foes.

Nenio 9 big Rainbow Pattern.jpg

Main thing she's there for are the big enemies only AoEs (and second-level stat buffs), but she doesn't get a ton of casts on the lvl 4/5/6 AoEs for awhile. Swift Slow with Darven's Hat isn't bad either, but prefer just spamming Heroism with those slots.

She can eventually be relevant on a xBow with a good proc along with Hurricane, Vitals, and Haste (and her Blinding Ray can be pretty good) but for now this action econ feels like the sweet spot.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
Judging by the feature richness of the photomode and the QoL changes made for the EE

Nigger, are you high?

Have you tried the photomode? Try it, you will see where the resources had gone.

>release an "Enhanced" Edition
>the only "enhancements" are being able to take screenshots through different camera angles and an Inventory Search functionality which is literally "Babby's First Coding Project" and shoul've been available in the Alpha

Nah, I'm pretty sure Owlcat took everyone with an IQ above shoe size and directed them towards the Warhammer game while leaving a skeleton crew of people who ate glue and creyons as children (and possibly still do) to pretend they're working on WotR.


Aug 12, 2021
Owlcat know I only have this one last playthrough in me and thus are putting more effort into Rogue Trader, so it can be nice and polished once I get around to playing it :smug:

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