Some more fun in Blackwater.
On Unfair those cyber-enhanced mobs have really high CMD, so the Mobility checks are not easy to make. Still its a fun and effective playstyle.
I mean, I did some investigation in the thread, literally checking 50+ pages manually, so some of the questions are resolved, however some are still remain the actual (Very new to Wrath, had some experience with Kingmaker & D&D overall before).
I believe the build on the screen is (going to be)
Sword Saint 13 / Rowdy Rogue 1 / Loremaster 1 / Instinctual Warrior 2 / Mutation Warrior 3
It's using Trickster Mobility 2 as a core feature, obviously has stuff like Combat Reflexes, Stealthy, Power attack and (very likely) stats spread like that:
STR 13
DEX 19
CON 10 (11?)
WIS 14
INT 16
Also in your case it's using scythe and I'm not sure how it is possible to finesse that weapon (I was planning to use elven curved blade, like guy from here
Few more questions besides that:
- How's that character moving in a such a... "teleportation" manner?
- Is build like that playable on console with no mods (TTT)?
- It seems to be there's a spike in character awesomeness, when is that happening? I see that it's at least level 11, but maybe earlier?
I'd REALLY appreciate if you (or somebody else) will share some build breakdown for newbies, because I had a lot of fun even just watching the demonstration videos!