Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
If you want to bypass it you have the tools. All about trade-offs. You can also use Conj spells (and a few others - Angel spells notably) that already bypass it. There's a short span in the game where you can't beat all the SR but you can use Piercing Meta/Rods for that if you want.It is really unfortunate how feast or famine offensive spell casting is because of spell resistance mechanic and how liberally it is used by Owlcat. It makes hybrid casters very unsatisfying even when they should be good in certain paths (like Demon which gives a lot of DC, save rerolls while also boosting your melee capabilities) because at the end of day you are either passing the spell resistance or you don't. Not saying that a hybrid should be as effective as a full caster but they could get something out of it if they invest, there are a lot of spells that do half-effect or reduced effect even on a save after all. Right now you either invest enough and you can pass the check or you don't and all that investment was for nothing and you were better off casting buffs.
I usually go all-in on Spell Pen for Nenio for her Illusion spells and use some Conj spells until that comes online. Hybrids aren't supposed to be able to own the toughest foes with casting anyway. They've got enough for regular mobs, both DC and Spell Pen.
Are you really giving Nenio as an example against how hybrid offensive casting is bad? I mean Nenio is an offensive caster with a good archetype that already starts with illusion focus so you can go phantasmal killer/weird/shadow spells on her comfortably and beat most SR, if you get right items on her she can probably pass SR on basically just about anything on very low rolls. Saying Nenio with full penetration can bypass spell resistance is not really an argument against hybrid offensives being bad at it though is it? You delay your spell progression / caster levels even a bit and you are significantly set back. That is not even getting to the fact you would probably being filtered on rolls against saves already, which should have been the trade off in the first place.
My point rather is exactly that it is not about trade-offs at all. Unless your trade off is you trade off something for nothing. You trade off a bit of spell levels / caster levels and you are simply not going to pass SR because you got +7 at level 10 (caster level 5 with spellpen, casting level 3 spells so also lower on DC) vs. having +12 (caster level 10 with spellpen, higher on DC because higher skill level, higher caster level), that is 40% chance to pass the SR vs. 15% chance to pass it against common 24 SR for example, it is a huge difference even if not passing the saves would be okay after passing the SR and even worse if you want to pass it (since half-effects and reduced effets exists). A full caster can cast phantasmal killer, comfortably beat the SR with a medium roll, then have a good chance against the saves because of higher base stat, more feats spent on spell focus and what not, while a hybrid has to bypass a 15% chance to maybe have another 15% chance to beat the saves, that is just not a good way to play the game unless you want to reload until you get 2-3 high rolls in a row.
If SR wasn't at such a level that basically meant you had to roll your caster level against enemies, as a hybrid with lower main casting stat and lower level spells you could at least hope to get off half-effects and reduced effects on offensive spells, while very rarely getting full effects if ever. Which would be a decent trade off.
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