Physical Rewards: New Status Update
Greetings, Pathfinders!
We’re here with another update on your physical rewards.
First of all, we apologize for the long radio silence on this issue. But the good news is that all the physical rewards are already manufactured, and now all we have to do is arrange their distribution. We are planning to send out a new batch of packages from Armenia. Some administrative and logistic difficulties have slowed down the process, but we are trying to finalize all the necessary paperwork as soon as possible and resume the shipping process. We have also reviewed your comments about the way the items shipped from Kazakhstan were packaged, and the process will be significantly improved for the next shipping wave, to reduce the risk of damage to a minimum.
As always, we would like to remind you that if you moved recently, please tell us about it via, and we’ll update our database. Also, you can always contact us via this email if there is any problem with your received rewards, or if you have any suggestions or questions regarding them.
Despite all the challenges and events we have faced over the past couple of years, we are dedicated to fulfilling all our promises and delivering your rewards. We are very grateful for your support of our project and apologize for the inconvenience caused by this long delay. We will continue to share status updates on the shipping situation, and we are always open to feedback.
Love, Owlcats