The other thing going on here is that the two classes everyone thought were broken when P:K came out (Vivi and Sword Saint) turn out to have significant downsides that make them not so broken after all (although they're still playable and bring your prty some unique utility and flexibility), the biggest one of which is a mysterious difficulty hitting shit.
Vivi at least has Mutagen to sort of catch up to marital classes, but it lacks the abilities like Studied Target, or Weapon Training or Smite that push those Martial Classes over the top vs bosses. Also Feats.
With SS you've got the Spell Combat malus (and the Monk splashers have the Fighting Defensively Malus) and the abilities it has to make up the gap are relatively short duration so often missed by players that dismiss those. Add to that DEX-based requiring a Feat (it doesn't get many of those!) and a Mythic just to get to where STR-based starts and STR-bonuses easier to come by than DEX (and people not liking Reduce Person) and adding even more maluses with Pirahna Strike it's a recipe for disaster.
That's where I'd imagine the frustration is coming from. BTW the most powerful gamer
Haplo does like SS but he does STR-based without Spell Combat. I did a nice playthrough of P:K with DEX-SS/Duelist but you've got to manage your maluses and sometimes just know you're beat and use Touch Attax with no weapon. Frigid Touch is pretty good!
To sum up:
"ZOMG Sword Saint is borken!" = not so much
"Armor is useless, just go DEX armorless" = yeah, no, it has a cost especially with Armor Mythics
"But I like DEX Sword Saint MC Zorroing everything to death" = Go off king, I do too, going to need to put on your thinking cap to fence with Archdemons