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Hello, crusaders!
An update 2.3.0bb is here!
- New quest and content for the mythical Devil's Path;
- Added new animations to romance scenes across the whole game — enjoy kissing your significant other!
- Brass dragon form ability finally has its own model!
- Level 20 Dragonblood shifter now gains a final form of huge dragon with a unique breath ability.
If you are playing with mods, don’t forget to update them before loading your saves! If the mods have not been updated yet and you want to play on the old version, then switch to the 2.2.4p - old version 2.2 branch under Beta Participation.
Beware of possible plot spoilers below!
- Fye the Tavern Keeper in Act III now sells fresh jogurt recipe;
- A lot of fixes to the Dragon Burial Ground location have been made. Fixed interactive objects and trophies, added new trophies. Some trophies are now hidden and require Perception skill check;
- A skeleton in the tower fight in the Lord of Nothing DLC will no longer spontaneously become friendly to the party;
- Added Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 to Kerismei in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
- Added Silver weapons to a merchant on the Shadow Plane in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
- Ardin, one of two chief brothers in The Lord of Nothing DLC, has successfully landed, and no longer hovers above ground;
- Camellia is really helpful, but you can no longer find her bone amulet in Sithud's Forgotten ruins;
- Chief Sull no longer comes back from the dead in Kenabres if killed earlier;
- Corrupted Arueshalae won't try to kiss Mythic Lich players at Threshold anymore;
- Daeran could become invisible when he brought roses to the commander – fixed, it was really out of character for him to hide in such a moment;
- Effect from Canniballistic Undertow in the Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC now has a correct duration;
- Exit from the area is now visible on the map for Storasta after the portal is open;
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to talk to the statue in the tower in the Lord of Nothing DLC even after the ritual quest was complete;
- Fixed a case where in the tower in the Lord of Nothing DLC it was possible to circumvent the cutscene with goblins, going directly into combat. It would later cause a creepy version of the same cutscene with talking goblin corpses;
- Fixed a case where other members of the party in the Lord of Nothing DLC could join the fight with the Cannibalistic Shadow from across the wall;
- Fixed a flickering light issue at Kenabres graveyard in Through the Ashes DLC;
- Fixed an incorrect tooltip and updated visuals for the statue of Aethylia in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
- Fixed an issue with hodag that climbs the cage in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
- Fixed fog of war issues in Storasta;
- Fixed hovering characters and objects in Ineluctable Prison;
- Fixed invisible walls and pathing issues in some Through the Ashes DLC locations;
- Fixed issues with mounted characters in a cutscene in the Frozen Fane in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
- Fixed lighting issues in Blackwater;
- Fixed navigation and pathing in the Dragon Burial Ground;
- Fixed pathing issues in some of the Lord of Nothing areas;
- Fixed pathing issues in Storyteller's tower;
- Fixed some tooltips for buttons to move to another floor and enter or leave buildings in Drezen, which didn't specify where exactly they could take you;
- Fixed the camera movement area at the beginning of the Frozen Fane;
- Fixed the issue with navigation at the Blooming Meadow location, and fixed the issue with its borders being visible;
- Fixed the issue with the camera moving into darkness during the cutscene with thieflings and the giant trap in Gray garrison;
- Fixed various issues with navigation in multiple areas in Chapter 2;
- Improved pathing in Storasta in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
- Improved the navigation in Forgotten Ruins in The Lord of Nothing DLC;
- In Forgotten Secrets, it was not possible to place some slabs that could help with solving the puzzle — fixed;
- In the Inevitable Excess, characters could drown in a pile of stone inside the Threshold fortress – fixed. Your words ring hollow;
- In the Lord of Nothing DLC, you can now open the door to the third floor from the library in the tower with the goblins without picking up the quest with the statue;
- It was possible to avoid triggering the cutscene with the goblin bard in The Lord of Nothing DLC — fixed;
- It was possible to dispel the buffs on the dragon in Storasta in the Lord of Nothing DLC before engaging in combat - fixed;
- It's no longer possible to run away from Barsag the Chief in the Lord of Nothing DLC — he needs to be dead for the exit from the area to appear;
- Kellids in the Lord of Nothing DLC could get lost after helping them with the giants, running in confusion in random directions. We've supplied each of them with proper evacuation plans;
- No more indefinite experience from opening the door in the tower in the Lord of Nothing DLC. Sorry;
- Now Swarm That Walks will always consume crusaders in the Iz camp if such dialogue option was selected;
- On the Shadow Plane in the Lord of Nothing DLC, the Agonizing Pain debuff didn't get removed after resting — fixed;
- Quickly skipping a cutscene in the Ivory Sanctum no longer breaks the game;
- Removed an incorrect overtip near Carrock's lair in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
- The party could walk outside the border of the map in Iz — fixed;
- The passage to the third floor of Gray Garrison no longer disappears;
- We've removed the "hand" icons when interacting with puzzle buttons in Sacred Lands, so it would be easier to see the symbols on said buttons;
- Yaker didn't participate in conversations in the tavern in chapter 5 due to some traumatic experience, no less. We've fixed it, and now he faces the hardships of the crusade as a true Hellknight should;
- You can no longer obtain Amulet of Alchemical Knowledge twice in Storasta;
- You can no longer run through a table in Defender's Heart as if it was not there.
- A Refuge from the Present quest will no longer start in chapter 5 if you didn't visit the mines in chapter 3;
- After ending the romance with Camellia, she could become stuck in the throne room forever — fixed;
- Dialogue with Irabeth and Regill while in captivity in the Lost Chapel could suddenly end — fixed;
- Fixed a problem with the initial dialogue between soldiers and Regill, due to which the cutscene could have failed to start;
- Fixed a rare issue that blocked The Light Within quest from progressing if the commander failed the check to start on the Legend's path;
- Fixed an issue causing some dialogues with the Storyteller and Klaem (if alive) to break;
- Fixed an issue during the dialogue in the Midnight Fane, due to which Ulbrig might not leave if we drove him away;
- Fixed an issue where it could be impossible to
;- Fixed the difficulty of a skill check in the dialogue with Edric in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
- Fixed the flow of the dialogues with the statue and Norte in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
- Fixed the issue in The Lord of Nothing DLC when it was impossible to obtain Sithhud's Soul Shards from certain defeated individuals;
- Fixed the issue that didn't allow the commander to shapeshift after talking with Anevia during A Noble Intent quest;
- Greybor, if previously killed, could occasionally rise from the dead in chapter 5 and return to avenge himself — fixed;
- Heart of the Fallen Land quest will now complete correctly if you choose to attack Anemora surreptitiously;
- If Lann or Wenduag, who were not previously recruited as companions, join the fight with Savamelekh as NPCs, they can no longer be killed in this battle, and will get up and join the conversation if they were knocked out;
- In some cases, players were missing the epilogue with Irabeth and Anevia when not completing the quest Irabeth in chapter 3 — fixed;
- It is now possible to get rid of Kestoglyr at any time in the dialogue;
- It was possible to exit Valley of Temples during Lann's quest, which could break that quest — fixed;
- Lost Soul quest from the Lord of Nothing DLC was available earlier than intended, making it much harder than it was supposed to be - fixed;
- Once you learn about the dragon's soulshard in Storasta, but refuse to attack him right away, you can choose to attack him without the need to click through the soulshard part of the dialogue;
- Some epilogue slides for Mythic Devil incorrectly considered the player to be dead — fixed;
- Some players didn't receive Penta's story — fixed;
- Starward Gaze quest now fails automatically if the important quest characters are killed by the player;
- The game no longer ends if Lann sacrifices himself during his quest;
- The Traitor quest in the Lord of Nothing DLC now correctly completes should the player choose to side with the Translator;
- The Wicked Woods quest in The Lord of Nothing DLC will now complete instead of failing if the player opts to attack the dragon instead of Carrock;
- Ulbrig sometimes refused to come to the player for the final romance in Act V - fixed. Simply skip a few days if you had this bug, and he will come;
- Ulbrig will no longer ask you about your meeting in the Blackwing Library if he joined your party in Act III or later;
- We've improved information in the journal regarding the Quarantine quest in The Last Sarkorians DLC, so it will be easier to track the objectives now;
- We've talked sense back into Aivu and returned her to the throne room after coronation;
- You can now select any companions in the battle with Nocticula or the Council as a Trickster;
- You no longer skip the final dialogue with Norte and Aethylia if you win the fight before completing their quests.
Turn-based mode
- Fixed a rare issue with enemies moving into unreachable spots in turn-based combat.
- Added clarification that Pearls of Power can be used for restoring lower level spells;
- Added new loot for Vavakia miniboss in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC;
- After the last update, Archmage Armor sometimes didn't work — fixed;
- Animalistic Perseverance now correctly awards immunities in all forms;
- Axe of silence now forbids spellcasting instead of making it difficult;
- Book of Dreams now correctly increases the number of summoned creatures;
- Bracers of Animal Fury were not giving a +3 enhancement bonus to attacks and damage — fixed;
- Cold Iron Dwarven Urgrosh now deals the correct type of damage;
- Dirge for Sarkoris now has a correct icon and in-game model. It can now also deal piercing damage;
- Expert's Hat didn't have any visuals — fixed;
- Gnome Brave's Helmet now works according to its description;
- Mighty Advisor dwarven waraxe didn't double the insight bonus as described - fixed;
- Quiver of Druchite Ammunition no longer recharges on rest;
- Scroll Of Firebelly had an incorrect icon — fixed;
- Scroll of Winds Of Vengeance can now be crafted;
- The Hammer Fists bracers were not displayed on the character model — fixed;
- Trickster's cloak The Bound of Possibility now works correctly;
- Using the Maddening Gaze ability of the "Seal of Madness" item now takes a swift action, as expected.
- Fixed damage prediction for enemies that cannot be flanked;
- Storms Peak quest could fail in the end of act 3 if it hadn't been started – fixed;
- Heavy cavalry units now have trained horses.
Classes & Mechanics
- A lot of feats in the game had a bug to them, where their bonus to the damage of an ability counted as a separate instance of damage, which caused the game to add all external bonuses multiple times;
- Additional damage from Alchemist and Arcane Bomber bombs was multiplying on critical hits — fixed;
- After the death of Sithud, his summoned devourers will now die automatically;
- The Blizzard Servant (the blizzard elemental of the Winter Child Druid archetype) has finally succumbed to our persuasion and is no longer able to select the "Armor Proficiency (Light Barding)" feat
- After the death of Sithud, his summoned devourers will now die automatically;
- All animal companions had their stats adjusted as written in their descriptions. Removed those feats that didn't work correctly, and added new ones. Bear received Grab and a new Bear Hug feat: each time a bear makes a successful grapple check against an enemy, it deals 2d8 + strength bonus bludgeoning damage to the enemy. Boar animal companion has been changed to Dire Boar, received Scent and a new feat – Boar Gore: boar gore attacks cause an enemy to bleed for 1d6 damage per round (2d6 after the 7th level). Giant centipede – added a tail attack with a trip at the 7th level. Dog animal companion has been changed to Riding Dog and received Scent and a new feat – Good Boy: a dog that successfully tripped a foe gives the prone enemy an additional -2 penalty to AC (-4 after the 7th level) for one round. Elk gained a new feat – Tripping Charge: when an elk charges with a gore attack and hits the enemy, it also makes a trip attempt against that enemy. Scent has been added for the horse. Leopard got Scent and Sneak Attack. Monitor Lizard received Grab, Scent and a new feat — Lizard Rush: when a monitor lizard charges, it gains +2 attack bonus (+4 after 7th level). Smilodon lost Rend, but gained Scent, Grab, and Rake. We removed Pounce from triceratops, fixed Powerful charge damage, and added a new feat – Triceratops Charge: when a triceratops charges an enemy with gore attack it deals double damage. Also added Rider Protection: when riding a triceratops, you gain +2 bonus to AC. Riding Bismuth has never been safer! Velociraptor gained Scent and a new feat – Agile Movement: a velociraptor can move through threatened areas without provoking attacks of opportunity. Wolf got Scent and a new feat – Teardown: a wolf gains +2 damage bonus against prone targets (+4 at the 7th level). The Aggressor archetype gained power attack at level 1 once again;
- Arcanist's Armored Mask spell didn't provide information about its duration in the description — fixed;
- Armor now gives a penalty to Trickery, as it should;
- Azata's "Song Of Seasons" ability now works correctly according to its description;
- Azata's Incredible Might ability wasn't displayed on the character sheet and its bonus wasn't multiplied by the Ring of Triumphant advance — fixed;
- BAB (Base Attack Bonus) effects were sometimes stacking incorrectly — fixed;
- Barbarian's Greater Fiend Totem used to deal damage on activation and every round, instead of Barbarian's every turn — fixed;
- Beast Shape IV (Wyvern) granted the wrong number of natural attacks – fixed;
- Bloodragers that choose Arcane bloodline through the Second Bloodline Mythic feat can now properly take Disruptive as their bonus feat;
- Bonus from Armor Training didn't increase with level for Armored Battlemage - fixed;
- Buff from the Aspect of the Wolf now has a correct description;
- Casting the Promise of Power ability of the Bane of Spirit item now takes a swift action, as stated in the description;
- Commander's Banner status effect applied incorrectly in some locations – fixed;
- Concentrated Corrupted Jungle Poison no longer ignores Delay Poison;
- Court Poet's Insightful Contemplation ability used to gain more bonuses than intended from Mythic Inspiration — fixed;
- Crashing Tailwind in the Treasure of Midnight Isles DLC provided bonus only to the main character — fixed;
- Cure spells and inflict spells, provided to an oracle via their mystery, are no longer marked as recommended;
- Demonic Charge no longer teleports you directly into the model of the enemy (which could cause pathing issues) and has a faster animation to prevent missing the target in RtwP;
- Description of the Rapid Spread ability of the Prophet of Pestilence archetype has been corrected, and the "Corruptor" mythic feat now works correctly on creatures immune to stat damage;
- Dhampirs were incorrectly receiving immunities to ability damage, ability drain and spells/abilities with Negative levels — fixed;
- Dragon Disciple's Blood of Dragons didn't recognize the existence of the second bloodline from Crossblooded — fixed;
- Fixed a bug that allowed enemies to sometimes pass through closed doors;
- Fixed a bug where Eldritch Knight's Diverse Training used to count Eldritch Knight's levels not only for the combat feats, but for everything that required Fighter levels or arcane spellcaster levels;
- Fixed a bug where Griffonheart Shifter's Griffon Shape used to count Shifter levels not only for the combat feats, but for everything that required Fighter levels;
- Fixed a bug where Magus Fighter Training used to count Magus levels not only for the feats, but for everything that required Fighter levels;
- Fixed a bug where Warpriest's ability used to count Warpriest levels not only for the combat feats, but for everything that required Fighter levels. It was also incorrectly available from Level 1 instead of 3 — fixed as well;
- Fixed a bug, where under Shifter's Fury you could use Bite and get an additional weapon attack;
- Fixed a discrepancy in the description of Azata's Song of the Second Breath, which referred to "All creatures" and "All companions" at the same time;
- Fixed a few cases of incorrect stacking of bonuses for Mythic Armor and Shield feats with other abilities, which caused higher values than intended;
- Fixed a rare combination of factors causing touch spells to fail if used while mounted;
- Fixed a trap in the DLC 3 that was impossible to reach to disarm;
- Fixed an Earth blessing for warpriest: Acid Strike can be used separately for main hand and off-hand now, and the damage no longer incorrectly multiplies;
- Fixed an issue with Improved Critical — it no longer doubles critical range from all sources, only the weapon's critical range as intended;
- Fixed an issue with Storyteller's Knowledge buff disapearing;
- Fixed Fire blessings for warpriest: the damage of Fire Strike no longer incorrectly multiplies, and it can be used for both hands separately; Armor of Flame now correctly uses a warpriest's level to calculate cold resistance and the description now states it lasts for 1 minute; the damage from;
- Fixed incorrect descriptions of some elemental bloodlines for Crossblooded Sorcerer;
- Fixed issues with forced multiple mythic level-ups in key moments of the story, in cases when mythic ranks weren't levelled up earlier;
- Fixed Paralysis mechanics — it now correctly removes bonuses from Dexterity instead of modifying Dexterity itself;
- Fixed Primalist archetype: Fixed multiple minor issues, rage powers can now be taken correctly, and Focus Strike now correctly interacts with Vital Strike;
- Fixed some cases of incorrect damage calculation for Arcane Bomber bombs;
- Fixed some cases of incorrect display of numbers during level up (it didn't take some feats into account);
- Fixed the issue with cavalier's Shield of the Liege skill, which sometimes incorrectly applied to the mount;
- Fixed the issue with not being able to completely dismiss Black Hole and similar area of effect spells;
- Fixed the issue with Whispers of Madness status effect, which could disappear for good after exiting the dungeons of Drezen and then coming back in;
- Fixed Water blessings for warpriest: Armor of Ice now correctly uses a warpriest's level to calculate fire resistance and the description now states it lasts for 1 minute; the damage from Ice Strike no longer incorrectly multiplies;
- Fixed Weather blessings for warpriest: Storm Strike correctly enchants weapons now, and Wind Barrier uses class level instead of caster level and protects against any ranged attacks;
- For dhampirs, when getting a negative level, the combat log will now display a correct message that they gained a negative level, but they are immune to its effect. Additionally, that negative level will be correctly displayed in their character sheet now;
- Gallu's Aura of Havoc will no longer force two saving throws instead of one on fitting targets;
- Ghost Rider's Frightful Gaze no longer disappears on level 9;
- Greater Carnivorous Crystal's ability was working incorrectly, awarding better stats to the copies than intended — fixed;
- Hagbound witch now can activate their claws at will and they don't disappear until deactivated or another similar ability is activated (like shifter claws);
- Having Improved Unarmed Strike and Shield Bash now allows to execute an attack with both a fist and a shield, like fighting with two weapons;
- Imitator's Master Slayer ability requirements were reworked for it to work correctly;
- Improved Uncanny Dodge was sometimes incorrectly awarded out of nowhere on level 5 — fixed;
- In The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC, Tailwind of Spellswords increase both attack and damage after using any ability instead of just spells — fixed;
- In Through the Ashes DLC, fixed an incorrect message when a character attempted to run with a sprained ankle;
- Inquisitor's Judgment — Smiting didn't add the alignment to their attacks for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction — fixed;
- It is now possible to empower and maximize Inflict Wounds spells with metamagic;
- It is now possible to use Extend metamagic on Aeon's Perfect form;
- It used to be impossible to craft scrolls for spells that had variations (i.e. Dispel Magic) — fixed, now you will be able to craft scrolls for Dispel Magic (Point) and Dispel Magic (Target);
- It was possible to cast Trickster's Trick Fate on an enemy target, providing all relevant bonuses — fixed;
- Kinetic Blade no longer gets bonuses for Point-Blank Shot now;
- Kineticist's Charged Water Blast had an extra Channel Negative Energy descriptor — fixed;
- Kineticist's Mud Blast had an extra Siege descriptor — fixed;
- Level 20 Dragonblood shifter now gains a final form of huge dragon with unique breath ability;
- Rageshaper shifter now gains bonus damage on slam attacks with level progression;
- Level of corruption now correctly affects arcane spell failure chance;
- Lich's Eyes of the Bodak spell didn't display negative levels over the target and added 2 negative levels right after use — fixed;
- Mystic Theurge spellbook didn't interact correctly with Hunters, blocking Hunter spells from selection — fixed;
- Mythic Demon's ability, the aspect of Succubus, provided a bonus to Use Magic Device instead of a bonus to Knowledge (world) - fixed;
- Mythical Swarm's Eye of the Swarm ability did not add damage to touch attacks while Swarm Form is active — fixed;
- now the Arcane Armor Mastery feat works as described (regardless of the presence of the Arcane Armor Training feat);
- Only the clones of the Mythic Swarm-that-walks took size of the Swarm into consideration for additional HP and fast healing, not the original Swarm — fixed;
- Order of the Nail Hellknight's Favored Enemy ability now works independently of Ranger's Favored Enemy ability and stacks with it;
- Penta now can correctly mount an animal companion;
- Point blank shot no longer increases self damage from geomancy for Geomancers;
- Prophet of Pestilence can now choose the "Second Spirit" mythic feat;
- Protective Luck now forces enemies to reroll for all types of attacks;
- Selection of feats for animal companions and other more exotic "pets" is no longer based on the owner's prerequisites, and checks the pet's prerequisites instead;
- Shaman and Witch's Protective Luck ability only worked against weapon attacks - fixed;
- Shamans now get the Manifestation ability on the 20th level, thanks to their spirit;
- Shatter defenses no longer works before the target was hit;
- Shieldbearer's Channel Negative Energy — Heal Undead had an incorrect range - fixed;
- Skald's Lesser Beast Totem granted only one claw attack to some animal companions — fixed;
- Some kitsune with charisma score above 11 couldn't cast the Light spell-like ability, granted by Kitsune Magic ability, — fixed;
- Some toggleable abilities could automatically be toggled off during rest. These will now be re-enabled automatically as long as they don't spend any resources;
- Taking 2 classes with an animal companion allowed to have a pet one level above its progressions — fixed;
- Horse animal companion now has a kick attack with hoofs. Don't stand behind it!
- The Bloodrager ability with Fey Bloodline Confusing Critical counted the difficulty of a Charisma-based saving throw instead of Constitution — fixed;
- The damage from the Cone of Cold spell is now converted to negative damage when the Death of elements ability is active;
- The Nobility domain's Inspiring Command ability now correctly grants a bonus to skill checks;
- The Oracle's revelation Whispers of Nature now works correctly;
- Thundercaller's "Incite Rage" ability used to buff all allies, even if they didn't have the "Accept rage" toggle on — fixed;
- Trickster's Microscopic Proportions spell can now make characters smaller than tiny. Big world, beware!
- Urban Hunter archetype couldn't continue leveling up the pets obtained from other classes — fixed;
- Using Lesser Kineticist Rod could delete some abilities from the kineticist — fixed;
- Various sources of Haste were multiplying bonuses as wasn't intended — fixed;
- Warpriest can enchant a weapon in any hand now:
- Warpriest's Blessings are now correctly removed when you retrain a character;
- Warpriest's Protection Blessing Aura of Protection now works correctly when resisting Sonic Damage;
- We've fixed and improved all abilities that allow to recover spell slots and spontaneous spells; now they either correctly replenish spell slots and spontaneous spells, or spell slots from the spell book;
- When playing on Core and above, one Ichor could spawn on the arena near Sithud's altar, not participating in combat — fixed;
- When the Mythic Swarm clone devoured the target, the main character's swarm size did not increase — fixed.
- Bloodrager's spellbook progression was displayed incorrectly in some windows - fixed;
- Bug report window will no longer remain on the screen if used during a cutscene in the Prologue;
- Exit points can now be visible on the maps of Wilderness Encounters;
- Fixed a bug where obtaining the Shattered Sword of Sithhud wasn't reflected in the combat log;
- Fixed an annoying reappearing window, that offered to import a DLC5 save, if the player refused to import it;
- Fixed description for Warpriests Zone of Sanctification;
- Fixed incorrect display of spell lists by level for some archetypes;
- Fixed the incorrect glossary tags for Drezen and Elysium in the in-game texts;
- Fixed the issue in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC where quitting the dialogue could break the level up window;
- Fixed the issue when enchantment effects on equipped weapons weren't visible in the inventory;
- In Storasta, the names of Tribe Chief Hovool and Healer Milin now properly display in their overtips;
- Inquisitors and Faith Hunters, who had Judgement ability, didn't have Resiliency (magic) and Smiting mentioned in the list of available Judgements, despite having them;
- Nenio's
;- Paladins are no longer shown as arcane spellcasters in UI;
- Removed the "final chapter to complete this quest" indicator form all The Lord of Nothing quests;
- Resetting UI settings to default during some moments in the game such as cutscenes, could make the interface freeze — fixed;
- Some information was missing in the combat log when using the Disarming Strike feat — fixed;
- Status effects granted by Azata's court now have shiny new icons, praise Desna!
- Trickster's Breath of Money has a shiny new icon now.
- Added new animations to romance scenes across the whole game;
- Brass dragon form ability finally has its own model!
- Cutscene in the prologue, in which the future commander is carried on a stretcher was not played completely — fixed;
- During the first battle with giants in DLC5, running forward and triggering the hide and seek cutscene could prevent further progression - fixed;
- Fixed a bug with Vescavors disappearing in the Leper's smile;
- Fixed a number of minor visual bugs with The Spinner of Nightmares;
- Fixed a visual issue with ending cutscenes in the Lord of Nothing DLC, where Sendri could have two hats at once;
- Fixed an incorrect camera angle in a cutscene with the giants in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
- Fixed an issue with mounted characters in the cutscene with the Masked Stalker in the Lord of Nothing DLC, where the characters would teleport around instead of walking;
- Fixed flickering visual effects on the demonic barrier in Mutasafen's lab;
- Fixed issues with Bathomet and Hepzamirah animations when a polymorph is applied to them;
- Fixed issues with Ciar's model disappearing after being raised as undead by the Lich, both on the map itself and on the character screen;
- Fixed issues with disappearing textures in Drezen for Lich;
- Fixed minor visual issues on the location with returning evil Arueshalae;
- Fixed some Kellid animations;
- Fixed various visual issues with the cutscene of sacrifice in the Demon's temple;
- Fixed visual issues occuring when some party members are too far away when a cutscene with Sithud is triggered;
- Healed Targona didn't instantly gain her angel wing back — fixed;
- Improved lighting in the Upper city of Alushinyrra;
- Improved visuals for units leaving fog of war;
- Improvements for the cutscene with the goblins in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
- In the Plane of Shadow in the Lord of Nothing DLC, sometimes the selection circles on the characters could disappear — fixed;
- Invisible characters or flying weapons could appear in the Drezen Citadel location - fixed;
- Is some rare cases, an enemy's body could change its size after battle, when it was not supposed to — fixed;
- Lightning strike effects could sometimes proc on locations without the appropriate weather after visiting a location with them — fixed;
- Obtaining a new Lich level in Act VI could cause the mythic appearance to revert - fixed;
- Skipping the cutscene in the battle with the goblin leader in the Lord of Nothing DLC caused the cutscene to freeze — fixed;
- Some cutscenes across the game could look weird or funny when including polymorphed characters — fixed, polymorphs will now be always removed for cutscenes;
- The cutscene with Irabeth and the clone demon has been improved. Also, a bug that could cause the cutscene to fail to start has been fixed;
- Fixed the visuals for the throwing axes and darts — they no longer have incorrect red glow and are rotated correctly in flight;
- Sometimes the ghost horse's glow changed after its resurrection — fixed;
- Fixed the memory cutscene in the Vault of Graves, now the party does not appear in it. Don't mess with the time police!
- Fixed a major freeze in a cutscene with Vellexia when she turns the artists into furniture;
- Fixed an FPS drop while activating the Dispeller of Darkness in the Lord of Nothing DLC;
- Fixed crashes and FPS drops caused by Light Shield of Cursed Allegiance.
- Achievement for obtaining the first shard in the Lord of Nothing DLC now happens earlier, right after obtaining the shard;
- Companions that survived Through the Ashes DLC, that the player can meet in the tavern in the Lord of Nothing DLC, will no longer disappear if the player didn't talk to them;
- Epilogue slides will no longer claim that Anevia left if she was previously consumed by Swarm That Walks;
- Fixed a bug where a dialogue with Kyton could not initiate;
- Fixed the issue that could occur if two characters tried to lockpick and break the same chest simultaneously;
- If you killed Regill in the cave in chapter 2, he will no longer haunt you in the following chapters;
- Now, after a successful assault on the Gray Garrison in the first chapter, the party can properly rest and get rid of negative effects before the next chapter begins;
- The description of the item "Broken Trickster" has been corrected.
It's usually GOG who are the problem, not the devs.First time I've got an update on GOG at the same time as Steam, and the fact that I have the expansion pass did not mean a delay in the delivery of the DLC. Seems they've got their act together on these issues.
Fixed an issue with Improved Critical — it no longer doubles critical range from all sources, only the weapon's critical range as intended;
Casting the Promise of Power ability of the Bane of Spirit item now takes a swift action, as stated in the description
Uhh... the Bane of Spirit ring stated it was a free action and it was a free action. Granted the nerf was badly needed.
I seem to remember that yes, this is it.So, this is the final DLC, right? The game is 100% complete now? No season 3 planned or anything like that?
I seem to remember that yes, this is it.So, this is the final DLC, right? The game is 100% complete now? No season 3 planned or anything like that?
Now I have just wait for a certain mod to be updated for this.
No more DLC planned for now.So, this is the final DLC, right? The game is 100% complete now? No season 3 planned or anything like that?
A Dance of Masks DLC is out now!
Greetings, Pathfinders! We're excited to share the news that the final DLC in Season Pass 2, A Dance of Masks, is finally out! Head to the rebuilt after fire Kenabres to spend time with your team at the festival! Enjoy the festivities and unravel the plot of the mysterious guest who has arrived just in time for your arrival. Complete your team and evaluate your skills in the arena. Celebrate your victories in the tavern, but don't forget to save your energy for a romantic date with your significant other. It's time for a well-deserved rest and new achievements!
To get an invitation to the festival, you'll need a save from chapter 5: wait for Arsinoe to arrive at the Drezen Citadel after the coronation and be ready to head to Kenabres. Or start a new playthrough as one of the new 11 archetypes, enjoying new features and gameplay styles!
We hope you have fun playing A Dance of Masks DLC, and the full dialogue voiceover will help you enjoy the experience even more!
If it's toybox, it's already out:I seem to remember that yes, this is it.So, this is the final DLC, right? The game is 100% complete now? No season 3 planned or anything like that?
Now I have just wait for a certain mod to be updated for this.
Paging Desiderius for his authoritative opinion.Speaking of - what are the must-have mods for this? Bubble buff, cleaner are the obvious ones, but something else?
Path of Rage is good if you're playing Demon, but it's unlikely Balkoth has updated it yet, in fact I'm not sure he will update it, sadlySpeaking of - what are the must-have mods for this? Bubble buff, cleaner are the obvious ones, but something else?