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(I dipped TSS on Pal for Seelah my last Unfair run)
You can't be serious.It also doesn't really combine well with any Mythic IMO, maybe... demon?
Spare yourself the embarassment and at least do some testing first. +1 DC that scales to +3, Bane Weapon that turns on passively for class that's commonly Swift flooded, Book can go in offhand (treated as a light mace), ask Haplo about growing dice.Living Grimoire: Seems just bad. Absolute meme bonuses (wow free enchantment bonuses that you'd already have anyway! +1 DC if you cast after hitting something in melee!) for a meme weapon (lmao a book) that duplicates a meme ability from a meme class (warpriest weapon damage progression). A lot of people seem to have some kind of hardon for base weapon damage dice but they are mathematically a joke unless you're using them for vital strike (which is still bad).
Spare yourself the embarassment and at least do some testing first. +1 DC that scales to +3, Bane Weapon that turns on passively for class that's commonly Swift flooded, Book can go in offhand (treated as a light mace), ask Haplo about growing dice.Living Grimoire: Seems just bad. Absolute meme bonuses (wow free enchantment bonuses that you'd already have anyway! +1 DC if you cast after hitting something in melee!) for a meme weapon (lmao a book) that duplicates a meme ability from a meme class (warpriest weapon damage progression). A lot of people seem to have some kind of hardon for base weapon damage dice but they are mathematically a joke unless you're using them for vital strike (which is still bad).
I have done some testing, thank you. You can get that same scaling DC bonus with studied target. Hell you get the ability to apply it for free on attack one level earlier than the L.G. It even scales better.
And again with the negative theorycrafting. Weapon bonuses + attacking Touch* is a unique feature that combines the best of both worlds of Ray casters and Bow users, or in this case XBow.Kinetic Sharpshooter: As far as I can tell it has no reason to exist. The level 1 Charged Ammo ability is basically cosmetic, it never lets you use your kinetic powers multiple times per round if you can shoot multiple times per round like a kinetic knight. And Kinetic quiver seems to basically just let you use normal abilities, but you're limited to not having all the good forms due to lack of extended range. I think the class must be bugged and is probably intended to sacrifice forms for shooting multiple times per round with kinetic-infused arrows.
I have done some testing, thank you. You can get that same scaling DC bonus with studied target. Hell you get the ability to apply it for free on attack one level earlier than the L.G. It even scales better.
Meh....sneak attack is grossly easy to get in this game. If mounted you always get it.I have done some testing, thank you. You can get that same scaling DC bonus with studied target. Hell you get the ability to apply it for free on attack one level earlier than the L.G. It even scales better.Studied Target boosts DCs? What effect is that?
It only applies for free on attack if you hit with a Sneak. Many cases you want ST to help you do that or you're not set up for the Sneak. That's why Spawn Slayer losing Swift Study is bigger than it looks.
EDIT: exposed again! You've joined the Daidre Hall of Fame. Had totally forgotten that was there. Nice. That is as good as the LG effect if not better.
Still like the wider spell selection of LG and the passive Bane activation.
Plus the LG DC bonus applies to AoE spells, which is a big difference, it may even stack with mutiple hits. The Crushing Despair ability as it reads is no save.
Spare yourself the embarassment and at least do some testing first. +1 DC that scales to +3
Bane Weapon that turns on passively for class that's commonly Swift flooded
Again its fucking nothing. The amount of static damage bonuses and multipliers you get makes it irrelevant. If you are going to charge then you shouldn't be picking a class that has a light mace since its not a charge multiplier weapon.growing dice.
Weapon bonuses + attacking Touch* is a unique feature that combines the best of both worlds of Ray casters and Bow users, or in this case XBow.
Xbow crits from Keen XBow (or Improved Crit) doubles damage like Eldritch Archer.
You shoot multiple times with Quicken Meta that can be activated pretty frequently by midgame. Far as I can tell it only costs one Quiver charge to activate and those scale pretty fast with level, as does Infusion Specialization (level 5, 8, 11, etc).
To be fair, greater bane is still superior to Crusader's Edge.Wow, it's fucking nothing because Crusader's Edge already exists and has been stapled immediately into Bubble Buffs by every competent player for years now.
To be fair, greater bane is still superior to Crusader's Edge.
OOF.To be fair, greater bane is still superior to Crusader's Edge.
Living Grimoire only gets regular bane unless I'm missing something, Greater bane is reserved for the inquisitor classes that are good (jk I like judge).
He has no idea what he’s talking about. Inquisitor has unique spells that are worth beating saves with but by the time the abilities of most of the archetypes start snowballing it’s usually more efficient to simply beat face.To be fair, greater bane is still superior to Crusader's Edge.Wow, it's fucking nothing because Crusader's Edge already exists and has been stapled immediately into Bubble Buffs by every competent player for years now.
Smoking gun evidence of superiority? Meh. But it is something.
edit - at the end of the day, I think a lot of what's being discussed (including the talk about Skalds) comes down to what you want your hybrid to do. Melee with magic just being for buffs, more spellcasting inclined, or something in between (IMO the weakest option).
Nah, they said that's bug on reddit. They're working on it. LolI've been testing this, and I think the reason that it's not working is because it's not considered a charge for the rider. It's counted as a full-attack action. Pounce or no pounce your rider gets all of his attacks.
It might very well be working as intended and there's nothing we can do about it.
Interesting. Well, when they do fix it I'll respec my paladin back to the spear charger idea I had.Nah, they said that's bug on reddit. They're working on it. LolI've been testing this, and I think the reason that it's not working is because it's not considered a charge for the rider. It's counted as a full-attack action. Pounce or no pounce your rider gets all of his attacks.
It might very well be working as intended and there's nothing we can do about it.
Glad you agree.Command: sure, Hideous Laughter lasts longer
Castigate: Take out a single-target. Shorter range than Hold Person, but no Humanoid restriction. Shaken for a round (vulnerable to Shatter) even on made save.
Litany of Eloquence
Forced Repentance:
Hold Monster
Decent again considering its at least likely to hit something. Again though, you're using it turn 2. How often do you spend time casting general crowd control spells on turn 2? The chaff dies off on turn 1.Castigate, Mass
Greater Command
Split cold/negative energy damage, so its actually 2x 10d6. At least half the cold will be eaten up by everything, so its a 15d6 = 45 damage spell you wasted a full standard action on at level 20. wat.Umbral Strike: ranged touch, 1d6 per level half cold/half negative, Blind on failed Fort save, half damage on made.
Dispel Magic (Greater): Dispel Focus feats now in-game make these more practical to use, as does more CL boosts.
Inciter is nowhere near brokenSable Marine really good as 1 or 3 dip to get a flying attack (especialy good once the hot fix let you use Mythic charge and other charge feats/abilities)> Seems like all the new archetypes are intentionally busted so people get tempted to start a new run and potentially get the DLC.
Are they though?
Bloodseeker okay as full class. Good as a 2 level dip for a extra bite attack.
Drunken Master. Good level 20 class.
Magic deceiver idk.. seems good with Azata Zip magic.
Fighter. Good class , good dip.
Mantis Zealot, Good class. The best for War Cleric.
Inciter. Broken. Better Skald.
The rest is subpar or okay.
Sorry I don't have every stupid exploit memorized.Spell Pen? Are you familiar with how Allied Spellcaster works with Solo Tactics? LG gets *six* free Teamwork Feats. All of them trigger on any other friendly close by. Pet, summon, whatever.
Even if they fixed it the Concentration bonus is nice and that's two, Wolj robe is two, Galfrey Relic is two, any random CL boosts is two, etc... There are so many sources* now I'm temped to just not take the Feat(s) and the Mythic. Focus, Greater Focus, and Mythic is a total of +4 DC. Can get that now from Abuscading Spell and the Bane DC Feat. Or if you're playing Unfair and don't want to go with Favorable Magic you can do both. Two Feats for Pen, two for Focus, and two more for additional DCs. Six Feats by lvl 11. M2 and M4 for Mythic Spell Pen and Focus.
Go back a few pages where I detail the feats you want to be competent in melee.If I want to lean on melee and put the Book in off-hand that's one Feat for Two-weapon fighting and another eventually for Vulpine Pounce. What else do I need?
No shit. That's where the Divine self-buffs, growing dice, weapon-enchanting, and passive Bane activation come into play. Prayer will be the main thing that turns that on.Spell Descriptors: Mind-Affecting, Fear, Compulsion, Emotion, Negative Emotion.
So many ways for enemies to be immune to this.
It does also kick up the crit multiplier to x3 at lvl 12, and apply no save Crushing Despair at lvl 16.So Living Grimoire's DC boost is worthless.
There are quite a few relevant creatures that this applies to in this setting. The advantage is that it's save or die because there is no save each round."You force an evil creature that does not have the evil subtype..."
Great so it works against fucking nothing relevant again.
Spell is Medium Range and casting it a Standard Action. Are you just randomly offing shit with your Standard Action from 30 ft away on Sanctified Slayer? Can combine with Reach Rod to get to stuff way over there in the back. I'm not doing that particular thing probably without access to Favorable Magic getting success rate up in the high 80s, but If I'm choosing Enchantment School that is probably exactly what I'm doing.If it was a swift action it'd be good. How often do you want to spend your entire 2nd turn casting a spell with a chance to beat their save, a chance to beat their spell resistance, when you could just hit them and kill them?
Turn 2? Depends on the situation. Can open combat with it to turn on Ambuscading Spell. Alternatively open with Prayer instead to Turn on Bane Weapon, Swift Dimensional Hop for full attack if all I'm fighting is chaff. With caster set-up can open with Charge to turn on DC boost and cast before enemy can act (also triggering Ambuscading) with help from Cunning Initiative.Decent again considering its at least likely to hit something. Again though, you're using it turn 2. How often do you spend time casting general crowd control spells on turn 2? The chaff dies off on turn 1.
As with Blade Barrier I've never cast an Umbral Strike in my life. You may not have noticed but I listed each spell for completeness outside a couple low-level clunkers.Split cold/negative energy damage, so its actually 2x 10d6. At least half the cold will be eaten up by everything, so its a 15d6 = 45 damage spell you wasted a full standard action on at level 20. wat.
I could keep going, but I won't
Yes, that was the point. The practicality of simply using an Abjurer as your party Dispeller is more viable now with the Dispel Focus Feats in-game (and additional means of boosting CL) where before it took Mythic abilities to reliably get there. That being the case there are some Abjuration spells worth looking at if you already have the Focus as a pre-req.Bruh Dispel isn't a DC check it gets nothing from grimoire.