Trickster 9, Legend 8, nigga what?
He's ranking based on personal enjoyment and he's probably right. Trickster has fun abilities but the worst writing of all the paths by a mile and is one of the worst ways to enjoy the game. Legend is gimmicky and rarely is the lvl 40 power worth sacrificing the mythic powers for. Especially when lvl 9/10 Mythic has so many broken shit.
Legend gets the benefit of full Mythic powers for two whole chapters before it even starts. People overlook how big a difference 20 extra lvls of BAB/saves is whatever the class (and all the extra rest) but 90% of ideas I see are missing the point:
Legend lets you pick up not just one but two Prestige classes without sacrificing class level progression in base class like it usually does. That’s… a huge difference. Three capstones etc
BAB means nothing in a game where you can buff yourself to twice the AC of unfair bosses and initiate infinite attack loops for infinite damage on at least two mythic paths even after the Improved Critical feat nerf that previously allowed an extra method of initiating an infinite attack loop. Despite what many think, Legend is actually a relatively very weak mythic path in a game where Demon and Trickster deal infinite damage with Demon being able to do so right at the end of chapter 2.
Moreover, multiple mythic paths (Lich, Aeon, Trickster) offer an extremely underrated power - full dispel which is pretty much an instant death sentence to any boss since a huge chunk of their defensive and offensive power lies in their buffs. Here's a demonstration from my current martial Aeon run in progress:
Another thing to consider is the capability to cast spells as move action (Demon, Aeon) as well as obtain inherent spell persistency on all spells (Azata, Demon) - something that no amount of extra levels or capstones will allow you to do and ensuring that Legend will always remain a massively underpowered caster regardless of how you build him.
The reality of this game is that mythic synergies are more powerful than any non-mythic synergies you can think of.