It's called exploring side content and selling 90% of what you find.
You really have never been called out on your bullshit before have you? Unlocking regions takes another order of magnitude of BP, and you're not doing that on selling random items from exploring. Only way to generate that kind of cash is to get your artisans up and producing. Oddly enough this doesn't turn out to be an exploration game. You can do some of that on the way to accomplish quests (several at once ideally) but once you figure out where things are you spend the vast majority of your time in the capital ranking up and unlocking.
Prove you unlocked them before me. I'll wait.
You really do have no idea who you're dealing with, do you? Most people claim that I spam the forum with too many pics, not too few.
As I said originally it's remarkable how little interest there's been in doing KM well so I don't have as many shots of that as I do of combat. This one is getting Womb of Lamashtu in my borders in time for the end of Ch 3, which isn't easy to do. There's a teleporter in that town just north of Womb, and an Aviary in time for Varnhold so I was managing my Kingdom at the Tomb (see below).
This is an example of the double rank bonus you get for having the right advisor for the right event. That's what the green means in the upper left corner.
A couple good items to make sure you can get before Tomb. Usually was able to do that.
Don't remember what month/day goes with which chapter but I know I took the shot because I was happy to unlock them before Tomb. This was an early playthrough before I figured out how to get Arcane and Warden unlocked early though.
This is doing Kingdom Management at Vordokai's Tomb, thanks to Aviary in Silverstep.
An example of the benefits of getting your kingdom bonuses up in time. Bald Hilltop is in your territory. So are Depths!
I think this one is from my Unfair playthrough where I got Arcane and Warden unlocked ASAP with a Brewery Town and three towns with Shrines built around a central Monument funded by the loan.
Barely got this one done in time for Vordokai (didn't in time for Talon's Peak)
One last bonus shot of Harrim taking down Unfair Hargulka single-handedly with the combo of Touch of Chaos and (Extended) Stunning Barrier. Disadvantage rolls didn't show up in the combat log yet at that point. Hargulka's Freedom of Movement doesn't apply to Stun and if you Extend Stunning Barrier it extends the Stun to two rounds, which left him a sitting duck in addition to stopping the Hasted attax. Stunning Barrier stays on until the save is failed so the odds were highly in favor of this working, since the disadvantage took him under 50% on each attack.