I'm having a devil of a time trying to create a character:-
1) She has to be an elf
2) She has to be an Urgathoa-worshipping Necromancer of sorts, though not necessarily undead army type - more like a cross between illusion and necromancy, or like a cross between necromancer and vampire (if she could be a Dhampir it would be easier since Cruoromancer is tailor made for Necro, but she has to be an elf goddammit).
3) She has to be able to ride a Giant Centipede
4) She has to use a Scythe as her main weapon.
IOW, a Scythe-using, Giant-Centipede-riding elf Illusionist/Necromancer. That's the character I've got in my mind's eye.
The problem is that most of the magic using beast-riding-capable classes and sub-classes use Wisdom, but Elves are Intelligence-based; they're also Dexterity based, which means Scythes are useless unless I can get around it (I suppose the later transformation spells are fine for that, but it would be nice to have something to start with). (Gah, if only you could finesse scythes!

I've tried all sorts of combinations but I can't get anything - I realize I might have to just give up a couple of these desiderata to focus on a more essential vision (probably give up the Scythe idea and just have her doing a sideline in archery, in which case I can comfortably start her beast riding with Divine Hunter probably, and just swallow the WIS spells waste), but I'm just throwing it out there to see if anyone has any ideas.