Reasonable. I also think even that said by Cats is too nonchalant: we want to make game inclusive? My question would be: why?I want men hamming it up, in large towering metal armors with huge claymore swords resting on their shoulders god dammit
Your audience is most likely same audience for something like Diablo 2 resurrected - 96% men older than 25. It is traditional RPG players who founded your game. Even Pathfinder enjoyers who helped with Kickstarter, instead of accepting game for what it was, almost downshitted PKM rating to nothing on steam forums because it was "too hard" and they are "dms for 20 years". Journalists cared shit about it. Game literally survived on word of the mouth from classic rpg fanbase. But of course now when it turned out it's popular they would give all the reviollis to it.
It is traditional rpg players who are the actual minority, it is we who should be pampered since we are relied on to carry your studio. If developer doesn't understand something as simple as that, and refuses to add romance with a female elf
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