Very cool,
Rincewind, thank you for sharing them.
Speaking of Amiga, if anybody is interested, there is available a prepared package of WHDLoad Amiga games setup in order to be easily integrated into LaunchBox, containing all of the artwork and the configurations necessary to run each game in WinUAE by simply running it from within LaunchBox. The archive download is about 7.5GB and unpacks to roughly the same, and contains just under 3,000 games, including the usual suspects (so the first and third Phantasie games, Bard's Tale series, Fate: Gates of Dawn, &c).
You're supposed to send an email to an address within a thread in the LaunchBox forums that automates the process of providing the link to the download, but I can PM it to anybody here that might be interested. My LaunchBox Amiga library is a curated setup of both WHDLoads (which were integrated by the openretro database IDs in order to launch with the specific FS-UAE configurations, not actual game ROMs) and ADFs that took me many hours to organize and figure out how to get it to launch with a single click with the necessary preload configurations and is reliant primarily on FS-UAE, but I do love Amiga games beyond just the adventure, simulation and RPG games so I wanted to grab this package while it is still available. All you need to do is download, unpack it, and have it overwrite the folders in wherever your LaunchBox is installed, then run it and you will have bypassed the necessity of awaiting the process involved in downloading the metadata and configuring the emulator.
EDIT - By the way, as already mentioned above, since WinUAE can run from zip files, you only need to unpack the archive download itself, you can leave the zipped game files each within its own folder exactly as they are - there is an option in LaunchBox when managing emulators to unpack archived files when launching a game, which you may want to not have selected since WinUAE already does this (although with LaunchBox the unpacked game files go into a TEMP folder that is afterwards deleted, so it shouldn't matter, really).
RE-EDIT - Can confirm it works, at least the handful of games I launched to test it here on my work computer using a fresh instance of LaunchBox. Even Fate: Gates of Dawn worked as-is, which is awesome and in the "additional applications" folder I saw the English and the Uncensored versions as well, so evidently the archive may be as comprehensive as my own curated one that was only almost 400 games, compared to the over 2900 this collection has, and that is impressive. Just a tip in case anybody decides to use it, the image folder isn't copied as-is to overwrite the images folder where LaunchBox is installed; you need to select all of the image folders collectively and put them in "Launchbox/Images/Commodore Amiga/" in order to get LaunchBox to display them. This single instance of momentary confusion aside, this package is insane and I when I get home I'm going to archive my curated install and then remove it from LaunchBox and replace it with this one, and any games that are potentially discovered to not be configured the way my own little library is I will swap back out. I kind of feel bad that I spent so much time meticulously building a library that is hardly 15% the volume of this one, and it is literally a matter of 5 minutes to establish with the only long part being the download itself.