Winston Douglas Wood ! Thanks for everything! I would play Phantasie V if there was a downloadable version of it that runs as a normal game would. I don't really play stuff in browsers as I have never had good experiences with that. So if you make a download version I would definitely check it out! I really enjoyed Phantasie 1 which I emulated the Apple II version of recently. Really ahead of its time in many ways and still a blast to play, so I expect V to be much of the same. Cheers!
I'd like to second this. I don't know if it's a scaling issue, a browser issue, or a game issue, but when playing thru the browser my clicks aren't registering where I actually clicked... As you can guess, it makes generating a party insanely difficult (and I am waiting until fixed as I like to reroll quite a lot).
Also Mr. Wood, totally unrelated, but have you ever considered porting Phantasie 1/2 into the Phantasie 3 engine with the AtariST/Amiga version for graphics?
Probably not... But the engine improvement over the older games is awesome and much quicker/satisfying to play. A steam release with that for modern PCs would be something I would pay for immediately

Congratulation on the launch of Phantasie 5, looking forward to playing it in the future.