My takeaway on Phantasie II is that you need an absolute crapton of HPs. You also need spells.
So last time I played it, I made sure I had 2 Rangers, 3 Priests, and a Thief.
Pretty sure both Rangers were Dwarven, maximized STR and CON, with high DEX too (ie: above 15) so they could wear the best armors(STR) and use the best weapon(STR*2 + DEX). Why Rangers? Healing IV. Yes, Rangers will eventually learn Healing IV (provided you dont waste your spell learning points, these guys didn't have good Intelligence so had to be picky).
Priests, you can make them any race you want... Same deal as above, as much CON as possible but need lots of INT (this is very important)... It made creating these guys uber-annoying, I think I went with one of each Gnome(or was it Halfling?), Human and Elf. Why Priests? Well beside the Healing IV, they can also cast Fiireflash IV... Yep that's absolutely right, FIREFLASH IV.
The Thief I made a Gnoll. Gnolls are THE constitution race in Phantasie I/II (CON is bugged in P3, unfortunately). So same as above... STR, DEX, CON (of course)... And INT. I got shafted in my playthru because you have these reward spells (Divine I/II) which will REMOVE learning spell points for your characters. So I could not learn... ... ... FIREFLASH IV ! (Yup Thieves can learn this too).
Just make sure you give your Gnoll as much Intelligence as possible and don't learn any spells (except maybe sleep) until you see and learn Fireflash IV. I'd argue not learn any spells AT ALL until Fireflash IV... Or don't do the quests that gives you extra spells until you learn it. That means grind over quests; thankfully XP is pretty easy to come by in the later dungeons, if you survive them.
I called this my "Perfect Party" and it took about 5-6 HOURS (!!!) to roll (oh how I missed Baldur's Gate II point system with the save/recall feature). And it blew thru almost everything the game could throw at me.
Stock-up on Magic Potions too, with this group the more you have, the more staying power you have.
FYI I played the AtariST version, Good Luck.
-- Enlightenment Dragon
(EDIT: I did transfer them from Phantasie I, because thanks to those pools I had one of my priests with like 23INT, I think it was my elven chick -- however some aged, I think the Gnoll did, so I recreated anew in Phantasie 2 afterwards... such a waste of time this was. If I'd do it again I'd make all three priests ELVES so no age issues, and recreate the Gnoll/Thief in P2)
So last time I played it, I made sure I had 2 Rangers, 3 Priests, and a Thief.
Pretty sure both Rangers were Dwarven, maximized STR and CON, with high DEX too (ie: above 15) so they could wear the best armors(STR) and use the best weapon(STR*2 + DEX). Why Rangers? Healing IV. Yes, Rangers will eventually learn Healing IV (provided you dont waste your spell learning points, these guys didn't have good Intelligence so had to be picky).
Priests, you can make them any race you want... Same deal as above, as much CON as possible but need lots of INT (this is very important)... It made creating these guys uber-annoying, I think I went with one of each Gnome(or was it Halfling?), Human and Elf. Why Priests? Well beside the Healing IV, they can also cast Fiireflash IV... Yep that's absolutely right, FIREFLASH IV.
The Thief I made a Gnoll. Gnolls are THE constitution race in Phantasie I/II (CON is bugged in P3, unfortunately). So same as above... STR, DEX, CON (of course)... And INT. I got shafted in my playthru because you have these reward spells (Divine I/II) which will REMOVE learning spell points for your characters. So I could not learn... ... ... FIREFLASH IV ! (Yup Thieves can learn this too).
Just make sure you give your Gnoll as much Intelligence as possible and don't learn any spells (except maybe sleep) until you see and learn Fireflash IV. I'd argue not learn any spells AT ALL until Fireflash IV... Or don't do the quests that gives you extra spells until you learn it. That means grind over quests; thankfully XP is pretty easy to come by in the later dungeons, if you survive them.
I called this my "Perfect Party" and it took about 5-6 HOURS (!!!) to roll (oh how I missed Baldur's Gate II point system with the save/recall feature). And it blew thru almost everything the game could throw at me.
Stock-up on Magic Potions too, with this group the more you have, the more staying power you have.
FYI I played the AtariST version, Good Luck.
-- Enlightenment Dragon
(EDIT: I did transfer them from Phantasie I, because thanks to those pools I had one of my priests with like 23INT, I think it was my elven chick -- however some aged, I think the Gnoll did, so I recreated anew in Phantasie 2 afterwards... such a waste of time this was. If I'd do it again I'd make all three priests ELVES so no age issues, and recreate the Gnoll/Thief in P2)
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