Phantasie 5 Resurrection:
1. Leveling up costs nothing
3. Hard to roll up Gnoll, Sprite, ? (Only half-orc, sprite, orc, ogre, troll, minotaur so far)
4. Stats not seen until class chosen (no BACK option)
5. Selecting Training 3 skills isn't so easy to do (you left click each you want then right click done. This pattern csn be repeated and the first three skills melee, missile, block are already chosen, choosing say dodge removes one and you must then click another. ). And on/off toggle for each would be great. You can't choose say attack 3 times which sucks.)
6. No Bank
7. No oracle
8. No Inn (though each time you enter town it restores mp & hp).
9. Dungeons nver reset (done is done)
10. Unknown monster scaling.
11. Do you really needidentify?
12. Spells auto learned on level predetermined by game.
13. Wth do paladins gain?
14. WTF is a Factotum class
15. Warrior, Healer, Wizard, Burglar, Paladin, Factotum
16. Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Random (half-orc, gnoll, orc, ogre, troll, minotaur, pixie, Sprite?, ??)
17. With my gnoll and troll i can wield a flail. None of my party can wield a battle axe...
18. Online java? No sownload
19. No manual?
20. Who do i contact to address these things or bugs?
21. Can't load in game must close window and restart game and load save spot from option menu.
22. Can save as any state in town but only save current state anywhere but in combat.
23. NO more instagram contact
24. No email contact
25. No more Facebook page.
26. Movement on maps without arrow keys and using the mouse is tedious. Touch screen does work and works for faster travel but be careful. First time it zoomed into the water and i lost two characters drowning. No jostick/gamepad/keyboard support (maybe naming charactrs)
Maybe more.. It seems like he doesn't want to be contacted at this time or take any feedback.
Despite those issues thus far the game does work on my crappy connection for the laptop. It is your standard fare of Phantasie maybe dialed back a little but it has improvements that are quite nice for the modern gamer. Assuming he doesn't pull the game, I should try to complete it. The weather is still good and I'm outside mostly during the day and at nights I fight rats IRL and hornet nests and sometimes exercise but mostly sleep at my yurt. I don't have my computers there and phone is for emergencies at that place.