Whether we like it or not, a lot of people do play with a controller these days.
Not the people interested in this game, I bet. And definitely not to play a complex one.
This is the main problem.
t the end of the day, we are in business as a studio, and we do have to consider what is going to be commercially successful.
No. At the end of the day, you have to consider what the people funding the game were promised, what they were specifically asked for and had no interest in being implemented.
A quick glance at the Fig campaign tells me this: GOG, Linux, Mac, Steam, Windows
Not PS4, not XBOX.
And this is a strategy game which is supposedly somewhat complex.
Who gives a shit if some fool prefers to play a strategy game on PC with a controller?
The people doing that will not even reach 10%, I can guarantee you that. And for those few, the other 90% have to have a somewhat inferior UI...
Nobody (well, okay, a few hotheads...) would complain if the game gets post-release support for controllers. It worked out rather well for XCOM 2, judging from the comments.
But XCOM 2 is supposedly less complex. A game like the original UFO would be downright impossible to control with a controller - or at least incredibly annoying.
A game that is from the get-go designed for controller support will always have an inferior and (for kb&m) unnecessarily hard to navigate UI. As has been proven by every single game, ever.
But if you are so hell-bent on implementing something that (as proven by feedback) nobody considers important, why not make two interfaces?
Yes, that is more work, but if you want to retain an optimal interface, unavoidable. And for the larger part, I'm sure the interfaces would be identical.