[PER 2] oh you are an consoletard and japfag
Seriously, I still think you are comparing apples with bananas.
I have honestly not know any game you mentioned but Valkyria Chronicles (which I played a little). So I searched those games on youtube and just watched some videos. I wouldn't say that they are more "visually impressive" just a different art-style. You know tastes are different, so not much to discuss here.
I can not agree on Metal Gear Acid! 2 at all, I watched this video and it really looks way way more blocky than XCOM, but yes more stylized:
Also on the other games I would say that the models from XCOM look more highpoly, also the battlefields seem to have more going on, details like debris, trash, cars, stuff like that. Sure if you get rid of all of that you can use more polygons for the character models. Like I said, apples and bananas. It's like saying that Need for Speed has superior Graphics to GTA, yes the car's might look better, because there is actually resources for that as there is for example no pedestrians and not so much other cars.
Well the dev's from PP actually have stated that their will be no cut-scenes like in XCOM. Also by letting players move "freely" they lost the "epic movement cinematic" of XCOM. I do not care, nor am I a fan of that stuff. But they want to be financial successful, they want to carter the XCOM fans, and as I said my personal opinion is, that they (the XCOM-fans) will most likely call PP a cheap XCOM 2 ripoff, as they do not have the money for cut-scenes and extensive VO. I can not prove that what I said is true, only time will tell.
Well they (PP) already stated they can't. Not enough money for that.
We will see, if you care you can read the quotes from discord I posted. It is said that nothing from the Fig video is to be expected anymore. Also they stated that they do not have the money for cut-scenes.
Well double check the comments on that video, one person is confused. The rest is like "AWESOMEEE" (idiots).
I am totally with you that this shit is boring. (also keep in mind that it is people like these that the PP dev's are aiming for)
Again, that's comparing apples with banana's Skullgirls has a whole different scope than XCOM
As I do not know Front Mission 5 I watched the above video. How is that "more" cinematic than XCOM? I fail to see that.
I think what XCOM had going on for itself was "coherence" or "immersion" as it uses not pre-rendered videos, the cut-scenes being directly mid-mission like the sectoid-soldier scene in the beginning.
But hey, as I am not a fan of that stuff and actually think that XCOM's story sucked as and was very badly written, I am not the best person to compare XCOM to the games you think are superior.
Any real XCOM fan here? Go defend your game against the japfag
I am surprised how many players seemed to have like XCOM for it "immersive" "cinematic" feel, in-mission, but also the "story" outside the missions.
I think it pleases the crowd with the push a button and BOOOM something fucking AWESOME happens, like Soldier kicks door open and runs across some tables, BOOM IMMErSION, that was YOU with just a CLICK on your MOUSE (controller), AWESOME.
Probably hits the same nerve why people enjoy Assassins Creed, only that here you do not have to click in the right moment and it doesn't looks as awesome. But yeah, I get that neither, what people love about that stuff.