Just wanted to let you folks know that we're doing the following:
- Night music in all Neketaka districts except for dungeons and inns, and some wilderness areas. It will be two pieces of music, one for towns, one for wilderness areas
- Boss music for all boss encounters
- Reactive music turned off by default, but optionally turned on if you so wish.
Couple notes to set expectations. We will be re-purposing music from Pillars 1 for the music above. I know that this will likely disappoint some, but my current workload won't allow for anything more than this. That said, I really think it will make the difference you guys hope for and urge you to give it a chance!
We're aiming to have this in when Seeker, Slayer, Survivor launches, but like anything we do, I can't guarantee the timing because we need to test it first to make sure we can safely add it to the game. That said, it's looking good so far, and we hope to be able to do this for the 3.0 release. If not for that release, then one shortly thereafter.