The most important issue for me is that most of these "exploits" can happen completely unintentionally, because the AI obviously can't manage taking Engagement into account when preforming actions.
An exploit is something you do deliberately. This is no exploit, it's bugs in the AI, and with the battles being too fast-paced as they are, you may not even be aware of how come your party just kicked ass so hard, unless you are willing to jump into the mess that is the Combat Log and wade through lines of badly formatted text until you find the lines that say "suffers X damage in disengagement".
An exploit is something you do deliberately. This is no exploit, it's bugs in the AI, and with the battles being too fast-paced as they are, you may not even be aware of how come your party just kicked ass so hard, unless you are willing to jump into the mess that is the Combat Log and wade through lines of badly formatted text until you find the lines that say "suffers X damage in disengagement".