Not very long when you have four Druids casting that spell, you need to kill them quickly.
One of the big goals for the narrative was to make sure the player was able to really roleplay the character they envisioned. So we started with 17 backgrounds, but then we added several additional layers of nuance to better define that background. You're a drifter, sure, but are you more of a swindler who gets chased from town to town or are you more of a roving psychopath? You make those choices early on in a conversation with an NPC, and then they show up in a procedurally generated biography. Then you play the game and the bio keeps getting longer with every major choice you make. By the end of the game you've got this entire memoir that you wrote by playing the game - a chronicle of the character you've been defining the whole time. And the odds are that because of all the different possible choices throughout the game, no two biographies will turn out the same.
That would have been a good name for The Equalizer - I wonder if this is some kind of reference.We have a right weapon and it is a pistol called the Disappointer
The story behind the Black Hound Inn is a little strange. It was designated to be a backer inn. During production we informed the inn backers to fill out their design ideas and get them back to us. Several producers followed up with these backers. It generally took several weeks, sometimes longer, to get all the designs back in. I personally called a few of them myself to try to expedite the process.
We had a mysterious backer that never got back to us. Email, phone calls, nothing. At one point I left the backer my personal cell phone and urged him to get back to us as time was running out. Still nothing. We were a little baffled and hoped everything was ok with this backer but ultimately had to move on.
At that point we already had a basic blockout for the inn located in Gilded Vale. Without spoiling anything, we kind of worked the real life situation into some lore about the inn, but it still needed a name. Olivia Veras, the designer for Gilded Vale, came to Josh and I saying some of the designers wanted to call the inn the Black Hound. I liked the idea and so did Josh. Not sure who's idea it was for the stained glass art (probably Josh), but it looks great in game.
That's a first.
They also like to use Tanglefoot, which gives a Reflexes penalty that makes you even more vulnerable to the Returning Storms.Not very long when you have four Druids casting that spell, you need to kill them quickly.
rope kid said:Spell Striking goes off automatically when you crit a target with an attack (1/encounter).
What is spell striking's effect?rope kid said:Spell Striking goes off automatically when you crit a target with an attack (1/encounter).
Was wondering how that worked.
Female writers? In this industry?
BAdler said:Sorry about that. I completely forgot to post it. I will post it when I get to work today because I don't have the spreadsheet in front of me.
Backer rewards today maybe
BAdler said:Sorry about that. I completely forgot to post it. I will post it when I get to work today because I don't have the spreadsheet in front of me.
At the moment, Druids are probably the strongest damage dealers, although most of their whack comes from per-rest.
I was also thinking of doing a Rogue considering there are no Rogue companions.
I'm probably going to do a guns build or something.
I would suggest
Island Aumaua for the extra weapon set
Maximum Might and the rest in Dexterity (reload speed) and Intellect (for the duration of your special attacks)
Blinding Strike is a must. I would also pick Crippling Strike as well because then you have 3 special attacks every encounter from very early on.
I would also recommend Quick Switch and Arms Bearer if you're going to use guns, because you can quickly fire off three guns (or four guns, if you're an Island Aumaua)
Some talents to consider
Weapon Focus Adventurer for Arquebus, or Weapon Focus Ruffian for Blunderbusses (and Sabres)
Penetrating Shot (if you're going to be using Blunderbusses - I suggest getting Lead Spitter off Rumbald in the Dyrford because it rules)
Gunner (20% quicker reload speed)
Backstab combined with a high Stealth skill would also be really lols, if you get within 3 metres and then shoot someone with a Blinding Strike Blunderbuss shot at the start of combat for an instagib.