Depends who you ask... I personally like RTWP anyway and I'm pretty sure I will like this when all the bugs are fixed.
Reddit so far is saying everything is fine but combat is a clusterfuck. Is this just because of bugs or inherent issues with the system?
1. Bugs
2. Camera perspective (lower angle then in IE games)
The systems might suck or not but it doesnt cause the clusterfuck. One thing the new system does do is in fact reduce clusterfuck slightly because of melee engagement.
But anyway I posted this a few pages back about whats wrong with combat:
1. No auto-attack (this is a bug, will be fixed)
2. Selection circles overlapping (main reason for clusterfuck, is a bug, will be fixed)
3. No targeting feedback (confirmed that this will be implemented, will greatly improve clarity)
4. Responsiveness (party members dont activate abilities etc, is a bug, will be fixed)
5. No hit animations (will likeley be added later, some blood spatter etc would be nice when hitting the enemy)
6. Bugged sound effects (makes the combat sometimes feel unconnected, is bug so will be fixed)
7. Low quality of animations (is a big potential negative that will probably not be fixed entirely)
8. No melee engagement UI (will be added later)
9. Movement speed too fast in combat (makes positioning feel less important, needs tob e tweaked slightly, unsure if this will happen)
10. Spell effects sometimes obstructing vision (hopefully they will tweak this a bit but not certain)
11. Balance (typical beta issue, OP blunderbusses etc, not worth discussing)