4.51 to 4.6
- Memorial entries were exposed for you to rewrite them. If an enthusiast decides to edit them in order to make them more lore-friendly, all he has to do is the following: Type ExtractMemorials in the console. A new file will appear at Managed/iemod/MemorialEntries.xml. You can then edit it. Once you're done, you can then share it with other people and the IEMod will automatically use this file if it's placed in the /iemod/ folder. If you want to remove certain memorial entries, you can just leave their title and/or text empty, the mod will automatically hide the entry in game.
- Fixed a bug: backer npcs weren't always renamed (again...)
- Upon respec, Kana doesn't lose his racial talent.
- Upon respec, Sagani doesn't lose Itumaak even if she respecs into a completely different class. More on that below.
- Upon respec, the Watcher doesn't lose "Speaker to the Restless" ability.
- Added console command: CheckAchievements - this checks whether you have accidentally disabled achievements for this playthrough or not. The only way you could've done it is by typing iroll20s, by the way.
- Added console command: ReenableAchievements - for people who disabled them accidentally.
- Added console command: SetDefaultZoom value. If you
- Console command ForceAA removed, because Obs introduced a slider. Slider's max value is equal to 8 AA, mid value is 4 AA, lowest value is 0 AA.
- Added console command: RemoveAbility name ability. The name to use can be found via FindCharacter as usual. The ability should use underscores instead of spaces, but doesn't have to be complete. For instance if you want to remove "Crucible of the Soul", you can type in Crucible_of_the_Soul or Crucible or Crucible_of_the. For some abilities, instead of using underscores, you'll have to use no characters at all, such as CompanionBearSomething.
- Added console command: RemoveTalent name talent. Same instructions as with RemoveAbility.
- Added console command: SwitchPOTD - changes your game difficulty to Path of the Damned. Or if it's already at POTD, changes it back to Hard.
Now about respecing Sagani.
If you respec her into any other class, no further actions are necessary, you're all good.
However, if you respec her into Ranger, you will be promoted to pick an animal companion by the game. It's just a formality, so pick any. When you're done, Sagani will still keep her Itumaak. However, another action is required now.
You need to type FixSagani id. It's the same id you used in the ChangeClass command.
So if you did ChangeClass Companion_Sagani(Clone)_2 Ranger, now you have to do FixSagani Companion_Sagani(Clone)_2
Respecing Hivarias is still not fixed, because I haven't encountered him yet.