I'm very angry at structures in a world of magic and fantastical mythological creatures not following the laws of physics with regards to their construction.
I'm very angry at structures in a world of magic and fantastical mythological creatures not following the laws of physics with regards to their construction.
it was a perfect symbol
How do you compare that to aspies being mad about the way a fucking archway is constructed in a screenshot? You can't. One is a meaningful symbol of a game's shittyness, the other is a detail that hardly matters.
an image forms in my mind...
If only, unfortunately it's rather more sinister than that:
Low Level Obsidian Drone: Er... Mr Urquhart... Sir?
F Urquhart: Gimme a sec willya? I'm on a critical move in my coop Alpha Centauri game........ TAKE THAT GAIDER YOU SLIME, THE HUNTER-SEEKER ALGORITHM IS ALL MINE!!!!
LLOD: Very good sir.
FU: Right, that'll keep his chins wobbling for a bit. What can I do for you anyway?
LLOD: Sorry to escalate this to your level sir, but we have a major crisis on our hands. It appears the neckbeards on the Codex have spotted a few glaring errors in our artwork, keystones missing from arches that haven't collapsed, that sort of thing.
FU: Fucking typical. Those autists plaster their basements with pictures of Princess Leia strangling Jabba the fucking Hutt and then complain that our arch design is unrealistic??? Goddam, I hate sucking up to them during kickstarters. Makes me feel.... dirty.
LLOD: I know how you feel sir.
FU: Don't get smart with me kid. Anyway - damage control. Which artist ballsed this up? Whose bonus should I chop?
LLOD: That's the problem, she's actually one of those interns. We tend to hire them for their casting couch performance rather than stonemasonry expertise, so there's nothing to chop really.
FU: Fine, then ask Fargo to lend us that Beekers gimp, he knows how to speak to those degenerates in their own language. Get him to describe it as 'incline' or whatever the fuck they call it.
LLOD: Tried that, unfortunately he's got his hands full with Wasteland 2 at the moment. Apparently convincing people that those tunnels are 'open world' is a 24-7 job.
FU: OK, then I suppose we'll have to resort to Sawyer. Get him to make up some fantasy-sounding shit and those geeks will lap it up.
JS: Enter, underling. And make yourself at ease.
LLOD: Er, thanks. I've got something urgent, actually....
JS: This better not be the cafeteria sandwich menu again! I told Feargus that it's as fair as it's going to get - even the cucumber and blueberry is completely viable.
LLOD: No, that's already... perfect as it is. Actually, we have a problem with some artwork. Arches not collapsing when they're missing keystones, that sort of thing. Could you cover us with some fantasy crap?
JS: Sure, I'm on it. Genius never sleeps. How about some arcane magic which..... no, too boring. Gravity is reduced because of..... fuck, no. I hate gravity actually, totally overrated as a mechanic. Wait, I've got it! We'll have magic growing cement which is super strong and keeps bits of old ruins up in the air! It will be really tough and last for centuries! Apart from where it holds keystones in place in arches, that is.
LLOD: That's superb Mr Sawyer! That'll explain everything.
JS: Great, tell Feargus I've saved the day again, I'll start spreading to word to my followers - just as soon as I've logged out of my Roguey account.
I think the adra is even more clearly visible in the screenshot - I even took the liberty of highlithing the places where magic had to be used as no human could replicate the same pattern on different parts of walls with such attention to detailHe didn't make it up. The adra is clearly visible in the screenshots - it's the blue stuff at the end of the arches. I think you severely underestimate Sawyer's aspie-ness and eye for obsessive detail.
Why are all the walls and stairs so fantastically intact, by comparison?
Which I'm sure Obsidian doesn't have for this one
Ok you've convinced me, Sawyer can do no wrong nor can his underlings.Why are all the walls and stairs so fantastically intact, by comparison?
Perhaps it's maintained by these guys: http://eternity.gamepedia.com/Glanfathan
Or perhaps this is just a fucking work in progress ffs
Which I'm sure Obsidian doesn't have for this one
It's obvious you do not *know* the Sawyer.
:DI haven't seen the post but someone said that there was discussion about the arches in the screenshot. I'm not sure if you can see the details of the arches, but the stones are actually held together with adra. Adra is a grown, shell-like substance that the Engwithans used both as structural elements and for binding purposes in their architecture. Often they would build things like traditional stone arches and grow adra in-between, using it like slow-growing mortar. As their buildings fall apart, it results in impossible-looking/gravity-defying ruins.Fine, then ask Fargo to lend us that Beekers gimp, he knows how to speak to those degenerates in their own language.
I don't care about this subject and here are ten posts explaining how much I don't care
who caresI don't care about this subject and here are ten posts explaining how much I don't care
Ah, but what is caring one has to ask in the first place?
Is it something you bring up randomly for no reason?