Videos of the last 2 bounties befor fighting last boss, i can only record 5 mins at a time so unable to do full boss fights.
build is 10 str 8con 18dex 18per 18int 3 res Moon godlike
talents are Arcane veil and hardened veil asap,
secrets of rime,
snakes reflex *very good at boosting defense agaist aoe,
weapon and shield,
superior defelction,
body control *if you get petrafied or stun locked its GG,
deep pockets,
arcane veil boosts defelction by a massive amount and will save you from melee and archers!!! it is amazing.
i put just enough points into lore to have 8 with vietrros fornmal footwear. scroll of moonwell is very very strong gives heals and more defence.
Survival is at 10 so that you can rest for accuracy beasts befor dragons or accuracy vessels befor faceless.
get cauncelhauts crushing doom before doing alpine dragon, bog dragons. If you do not get it before adra dragon you will might need to kite her in a circle and use a bow/rod if you get to many miss's . if you wait until lvl 16 you will have no trouble though.
Steadfast as weapon because immune to fears makes dragons sooooooooo much easier almost trivial.
Little Savior for shield for bonus defense. sanguine plate for chest frenzy makes spell casting much faster... but can be scary at times as you can see in the one video but you know you are in trouble when llengraths safegaurd procs.
all the other armor is optional fro wizard its best to go for defense and accuracy seeing as your spells already hit so hard.
I did not use any retaliate items because wizard defensive spells boost your deflection up so high you don't get by melee very often. It is also preferable to avoid being surrounded, but it would work well with flame shield if you went a more tanky route.
Chillfog and freezing pillar will dominate almost everthing mid and early game once you get frozen rake its easy mode to shred big groups piercing burst is also insanly strong at shredding groups if they surround you especially if you petrify them first.
Video where i pull a group of fast mobs on accident for the redwater lagufaeth bounty.
ray of fire, death ray and bitter mooring are the go to single target spells and if used well can cleave a few targets.
Ice blights are immune to frost dmg but will not move if blinded so it is still good to use chill fog on them so they just sit in one spot. The other blights will also sit in blind and take dmg.
Petrify every boss you can! the pillars wiki will tell you if a boss is immune so check it before big fights like dragons.