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Are people still stuck on the 20 MIGHT wizards? What is the problem?
I'm not stuck on 20 MIGHT wizards, although its silly. The bigger problem is that, unlike Pillars, under AD&D 2nd Edition, at least at the extremes (16+) attributes start to have a significant and increasing impact on tactical performance. This is NOT true in Pillars.
This is just plain wrong. The only AD&D attribute COMPARABLE to PoE's in effectiveness is Strength <==> Might in the role of buffing melee damage. All other DnD attributes are blown out by PoE's on a per point basis, but PoE's attributes also have secondary uses.
You can criticize PoE's system but the attributes are something it def. did right.
What? Let's look at the other stats then.
15: -1AC
16: -2 AC, range THAC0 -1, +5 thief skills
17: -3 AC, range THAC0 -2, +20 thief skills
18: -4 AC, range THAC0 -2, +55 thief skills
..25: -6 AC, range THAC0 -5, +210 thief skills
15: +1 Warrior HP/ level, racial savings throw -4
16: +2 Warrior HP/ level, racial savings throw -4
17: +3 Warrior HP/ level, racial savings throw -4
18: +4 Warrior HP/ level, racial savings throw -5
...25: +7 Warrior HP/ level, +1 hp regen/ 10 seconds, racial savings throw -5
16: 11 wizard spells/ level max
17: 14 wizard spells/ level max
18: 18 wizard spells/ level max
19+: all wizard spells/ level
In addition, in PnP intellect affects known skills and languages -> dialogue choices
15: 2/1/0/0 priest spell bonus
16: 2/2/0/0 priest spell bonus
17: 2/2/1/0 priest spell bonus
18: 2/2/1/1 priest spell bonus
...25: 3/3/3/4/4/3/1 priest spell bonus
15: +3 reaction adjustment
16: +4
17: +4
18: +5
In the game this is reflected in dialogue and quest rewards, etc...
But more importantly, extreme stats in AD&D affects vastly different things, whereas every stat point in PoE equates to ~ +3% combat bonus. If not in one form, it is in another form, but the difference is marginal, whereas the difference between 17 STR, 18 WIS and 18(xx) STR, 17 WIS is significant. In PoE, a PC with flat stats isn't going to be tactically much less effective than a PC with min/ maxed stats. Slightly more damage vs. slightly more accurate vs. slightly quicker attacks doesn't make a significant tactical difference. PoE's rule set design is fail.
Compare 10 vs 25 in an attribute in PoE vs BG, which doesn't include that PoE's can go >25.
For DEX, take archers in Bg vs Pillars, it's a ~ 40% dps increase for PoE, while in DnD it's ~ 25% in the middle case. AC is analogous to RES + 3 DEF, again it's ~30% vs ~45% ish for PoE.
Thief skills have no analogue, but it's very misleading to write the total added sum, makes it seem like a humongous number.
CON in DnD works only for warriors, while Pillars makes it useful for everyone at a lower efficency. Again, PoE gives +75%, while BGs are worse relatively, even at 10 + 7 for fighters, with the caveat that CON's usefullness increases if you roll for HP, to guarantee a usable minimum.
INT is garbage in BG. Max learned spells per level are meaningless since you need 5 spells per level AT MOST. The EE's actually enforce min 18 INT to scribe lvl 9 scrolls or learn HLAs, which is useless since potions of genius exist. PoE's effect on duration and dual zone AoE is unique in the genre. Even a rogue with 3 vs 18 INT plays very differently.
WIS doesn't have a direct comparison, but it shines mostly in BG1 for the low level heal spells (not even sure if you can rest with 25 for the +1HLA use), and a decent score (-6 for potions of insight) for the sahaguin beholder and wish abuse.
CHA is thrash. I've never seen a comprehensive list of the supposed effects on Bg1 quests and dialogue, but it's mechanical effects are of discount are trite, especially with since you can talk with a npc.
You may contest the explainations for particular attributes, but PoE's main design strength is that it has no dump stats. PoE fighter vs DnD fighter, for BG I dump everything but STR,CON,DEX , maybe reroll for better 18/xx. PoE's fighter, depending on attribute spread, I decide how adept he is at taking vs dealing damage, relative value of passive vs active abilities/items . There is a choice of HOW I want to setup my fighter, compared to Bg's either-he-sucks-or-not.
The 17/18 vs 18xx/17 is disingenous since xx is worth several attribute points. You keep thinking in 3% increments, but 3 points in MIG and DEX ends up in ~10*10% DPS increase which is noticable, and as established, more than comparable to Bg.