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Interview Piranha Bytes Interview on Risen 2: Dark Waters


May 27, 2005
commie said:
Kraszu said:
MetalCraze said:
the game starts with a small world that becomes bigger and more open the longer you play

Kraszu because this shit means that Risen 2 will be like Ass Greed with its retarded barriers thanks to cretins who get lost when the game lets them run free?

No it doesn't, they had said that it starts on small island, no reason to have invisible barriers. They might just look at a way to introduce players that are used to linear games, to open world with C&C design.

You mean like what Arcania did? Because that's EXACTLY how that game started and continued, with areas being unlocked in a linear fashion, allowing little 'play pens' where you could roam around in and yet not find anything too nasty, as you'd have to have reached a certain level before you could enter anyway. By the end of each section, you'd have gotten by default a few levels higher when guard X would unlock the gate for you so you'd meet the tougher creatures in the next area only when you'd be tough enough to face them. :retarded:

No, not like Arcania, and Arcania have nothing to do with PB. Nor does it ever get open with C&C later on.

I mean start on the small island with clear direction on what to do, and without ability to mess anything by joining a guild, or being dragged to monastery. Still without the stupidity on arbitrary closed parts of the island, just have the monsters that you can beat. Then have it explained that you could not be member of guild x, and y at once, and be told to not make that choice rapidly etc. Then be told when you get on bigger island that you will be to weak to kill some of the monsters, but that you must to somehow get to z. I mean that kind of linear introduction to open world with C&C.

The combat could be done in about the same manner, some f your starting companion could be very good at the combat, and offer tips on how to behave to not get surrounded, that you should figure out on how to fight with different enemies, and to watch for when they are vulnerable for attack etc.


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Kraszu said:
No, not like Arcania, and Arcania have nothing to do with PB. Nor does it ever get open with C&C later on.

I mean start on the small island with clear direction on what to do, and without ability to mess anything by joining a guild, or being dragged to monastery. Still without the stupidity on arbitrary closed parts of the island, just have the monsters that you can beat. Then have it explained that you could not be member of guild x, and y at once, and be told to not make that choice rapidly etc. Then be told when you get on bigger island that you will be to weak to kill some of the monsters, but that you must to somehow get to z. I mean that kind of linear introduction to open world with C&C.

The combat could be done in about the same manner, some f your starting companion could be very good at the combat, and offer tips on how to behave to not get surrounded, that you should figure out on how to fight with different enemies, and to watch for when they are vulnerable for attack etc.

Ahh, but Arcania tried to do this simplification for the retards thing and what I'm hearing is that PB are heading in the same direction. We all know how that turned out for Jowood. Add the NPC minding, cutscenes, C&C(not the C&C that dominated the older games, namely your choice of character advancement) and you can see that PB is really pushing away from the formula that worked for it in G1, G2 and Risen. I'm hoping that they don't stray too far, but with every new bit of information I'm getting more worried.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Risen and Gothic were too hard too understand, I never got past the first level, because I didn't know how to finish it. Retarded game, I tried running around and I got killed by some beast in the wilderness :retarded: Fucking stupid games. Good thing they will make it easy to understand this time.


Mar 24, 2004
Up Yours
Wasteland 2
commie said:
Regdar said:
In b4 quest compass is announced for Risen 2.

Konjad said:
yea, hopefully they will make a proper quest compass this time, with green line or arrow on the screen which tells you which way to go

Old technology. Don't you know that the bread crumb trail is the way to go now?

I'm holding out for fast travel or something that will automatically move your character through the game world.


May 1, 2008
Vault Dweller said:
thesheeep said:
I agree with them.
The beginning really was too complex for a large part of their audience.
In what ways? The island was fairly small (compared to the Gothic games). The path from the beach to the cabin was very linear, and then you either go to the town or to the camp and start doing missions, eventually deciding which faction you like the most.

I don't see anything too complex about it.

In my game Mxyzptlk kidnapped Sara and wouldn't give her back until I spelled his name backwards in Swahili.

Dumb joke

Risen wasnt complex it was just hard by casual gamer/action RPG standards. You never had a ton of hp, you couldnt drink potions in combat, there was no easy way to get rich, there was no level scaling, and you had to pay quite a bit of coin to raise skills. Those were reasons I might slide Risen into my top ten RPGs. Anyone that is used to something like Fable is going to deem the game 'complex' as a face saver for hard. Deciding what they need to sell in order to eek out enough gold to raise whatever combat focus to a level where they can survive an encounter against two porcupines took



So there lies the complexity and if that is sacrificed then no graphical upgrade will make a difference to me especially since I played the game on the PC.


Aug 10, 2011
Gordon Freeman said:
It just pains me, that I have no other choice but to pirate them.
Just give me the most nazi DRM scheme you can think of, be it secu-rom or starforce. I can endure it for PB.
But not Steam. I'd rather cut off my testis, then register an account on Steam.

How exactly do you have no other choice?

If you are truly a moral person, then all you have to do is buy it from the Steam online store, which means you legally own a copy, and PB get's their money. Then go and download your pirated version and play that instead.

Technically you're still breaking the law, but at least your justified from a moral standpoint.


Oct 27, 2010
Dead State Torment: Tides of Numenera
Nice trailer. Gotta laugh at the sites point on it though

Here's a really nice teaser trailer for Risen 2: Dark Waters. This minute-and-a-bit of footage is more exciting than anything I found in my first (and only) hour of the first game. So, that's a good start!

I'm pretty keen on checking this game out. The first definitely had promise, but it was very weirdly designed and felt like a hassle to play. If they make this one more convenient to enjoy, it'll be a fine RPG.

Seriously? Risen boring and weirdly designed? Sigh. The idiots that conquer our world these days.


May 27, 2005
Coboney said:
Nice trailer. Gotta laugh at the sites point on it though

Here's a really nice teaser trailer for Risen 2: Dark Waters. This minute-and-a-bit of footage is more exciting than anything I found in my first (and only) hour of the first game. So, that's a good start!

I'm pretty keen on checking this game out. The first definitely had promise, but it was very weirdly designed and felt like a hassle to play. If they make this one more convenient to enjoy, it'll be a fine RPG.

Seriously? Risen boring and weirdly designed? Sigh. The idiots that conquer our world these days.

From the comments:

Kakihara_The_Killer said:
Nooooo JIM! Risen is a beautiful shit covered jem. It gets so fun. I'm about 20 hrs in and I just finished training at this Hogwarts-like monestary and the story finally started (a big army of titans is walking across the ocean to destroy the island and you gotta prepare the defenses) I can't wait for the new one!!!

I have no idea if he is trolling or not.


Oct 30, 2009
Divinity: Original Sin
Konjad said:
Risen and Gothic were too hard too understand, I never got past the first level, because I didn't know how to finish it. Retarded game, I tried running around and I got killed by some beast in the wilderness :retarded: Fucking stupid games. Good thing they will make it easy to understand this time.

If they make Risen 2 how we want they go bankrupt, i can feel the vibe of Gothic in the "epic" trailer, can`t wait :bounce:


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
Chekote said:
Gordon Freeman said:
It just pains me, that I have no other choice but to pirate them.
Just give me the most nazi DRM scheme you can think of, be it secu-rom or starforce. I can endure it for PB.
But not Steam. I'd rather cut off my testis, then register an account on Steam.

How exactly do you have no other choice?

If you are truly a moral person, then all you have to do is buy it from the Steam online store, which means you legally own a copy, and PB get's their money. Then go and download your pirated version and play that instead.

Technically you're still breaking the law, but at least your justified from a moral standpoint.
Supporting DRM with your money is not moral (if one considers DRM to be an abomination as many do). The moral thing to do is not buy and not pirate.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
Coboney said:
Nice trailer. Gotta laugh at the sites point on it though

Here's a really nice teaser trailer for Risen 2: Dark Waters. This minute-and-a-bit of footage is more exciting than anything I found in my first (and only) hour of the first game. So, that's a good start!

I'm pretty keen on checking this game out. The first definitely had promise, but it was very weirdly designed and felt like a hassle to play. If they make this one more convenient to enjoy, it'll be a fine RPG.

Seriously? Risen boring and weirdly designed? Sigh. The idiots that conquer our world these days.

It's just Jim Sterling being Jim Sterling. One of the most incompetent, obnoxious trolls who you can cross under the self appointed label of "gaming journalist".


Dec 18, 2006
Shannow said:
New teaser for Risen 2 with some ingame graffix. Haven't seen it posted here yet.
Guess you have Morgoth on ignore then. Not that I blame you.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Tuco Benedicto Pacifico said:
It's just Jim Sterling being Jim Sterling. One of the most incompetent, obnoxious trolls who you can cross under the self appointed label of "gaming journalist".

Indeed. The only upside of Jim Sterling is that given his morbid obesity he won't be churning out his crappy reviews for very much longer.


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Fort Joy
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
The game still looks rather promising. I'll probably buy it after the first price drop, or something. Unless it gets really stellar reviews around here (highly doubtful) - in that case maybe earlier.

el Supremo

Jan 1, 2011
City 13
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Chekote said:
Gordon Freeman said:
It just pains me, that I have no other choice but to pirate them.
Just give me the most nazi DRM scheme you can think of, be it secu-rom or starforce. I can endure it for PB.
But not Steam. I'd rather cut off my testis, then register an account on Steam.

How exactly do you have no other choice?

If you are truly a moral person, then all you have to do is buy it from the Steam online store, which means you legally own a copy, and PB get's their money. Then go and download your pirated version and play that instead.

Technically you're still breaking the law, but at least your justified from a moral standpoint.
But, but, but it would mean that I support the devil with my own money. Such a thing cannot be. Since PB releases Steam only game, they fully deserve to get robed. Shirtless. It is immoral to support the devil, whatever the law is saying about it. Either I will not play it at, all or I'll pirate it. There is no other choice for a moral person. Such as myself. I would never support Steam Devil.


May 27, 2005
How are you supporting Steam when you buy a physical copy? They only make $ when you buy through steam, no?

el Supremo

Jan 1, 2011
City 13
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Kraszu said:
How are you supporting Steam when you buy a physical copy? They only make $ when you buy through steam, no?
I'd support the developer, who is using forced Steam activation for single player game. Maybe it would not be like supporting the devil himself, instead I'd support "just" the devil's minon. No moral person would do such a deed. Ever.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Here's a really nice teaser trailer for Risen 2: Dark Waters. This minute-and-a-bit of footage is more exciting than anything I found in my first (and only) hour of the first game. So, that's a good start!

I'm pretty keen on checking this game out. The first definitely had promise, but it was very weirdly designed and felt like a hassle to play. If they make this one more convenient to enjoy, it'll be a fine RPG.


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