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(Prey had more developers working on it than Skyrim fyi)
Didn't know that. But looking at the list, it's mostly because they outsourced a bunch of stuff, so the whole of the outsourcing studios have their credits included, seems like. In terms of the in-house studio, it seems similar. And obviously so does the corporate and distribution credits.(Prey had more developers working on it than Skyrim fyi)
Why would I? Have you seen Raf?They updated the review within days, yet you guys can't get that cock out of your mouth 4 years later.
Try talking about video games next time you post in a thread about video games.Culture wars are very important to me. And I have nothing else to say on any subject.
Try talking about video games next time you post in a thread about video games.Culture wars are very important to me. And I have nothing else to say on any subject.
Never said anything about "culture wars", my friend. I'm just a good old fashioned homophobe.Try talking about video games next time you post in a thread about video games.Culture wars are very important to me. And I have nothing else to say on any subject.
It's "crammed with as much SJW agenda as possible". There is a woman in it....What was SJW about Prey again?
Well, I guess replacing audiolog arcs like Diego's struggle or first midwife creation from SS2 with lesbian office romance was not exactly dictated by artistic vision of sf horror....What was SJW about Prey again?
But, you know, you're right. This is an Arkane Studios game, and so my expectations for story, music, voice acting, sound design, visuals, and everything else not related to the pure mechanical gameplay is bottom of the barrel from the start. To play an Arkane game you have to have absolutely no standards, and sitting through Gone Home in Space is just what you have to expect. I'll start up a torrent and see if this video game's """gameplay""" is even half as good as games made over 20 years ago, which I doubt.
And SJWs don't call themselves SJWs. But that's what you are, the opposite number of an SJW - a CWW if you will. You have nothing to say except how scared you are of the existence of those different from yourself. I'm glad you're honest about that, but the fact remains that if you have nothing else to say, you should take your whining to an appropriate thread. This has nothing whatsoever to do with Prey.Never said anything about "culture wars", my friend. I'm just a good old fashioned homophobe.
The game in its entirety does not have a SJW agenda, no, yet there is clearly a writer or two or three at Arkane that do and that is clearly communicated in parts of the game.
Whoever said it was "crammed with as much SJW agenda as possible" is either lying or has not experienced worse.
I've yet to fully play Planescape Torment, MCA's alleged magnum opus, and so I only have New Vegas and KOTOR 2 as reference for his writing (and Fallout 2 but that game's voice feels so different from the others that I find it hard to compare).If you're referring to the Sho/Foy relationship, then I believe that was written by Avellone.
That's right, I'm the newest of newfags, which means I'm still content with playing the older, better shit so I don't have to desperately suck up Arkane's backwash like the rest of you retards. Maybe in another 20 years I'll be as sad as you. In the meantime, I'm enjoying my youth!Joined: Sep 16, 2021
If you say it's maybe worth playing, then I'll go ahead. After all, it was free!You sound like a man of standards. I respect that, becoming rare even on the codex. Half as good (or more)? I'd say so. But as good or better? No. It is perhaps worth playing though, if you either cannot find anything else better to play (why?) or are into this style of game.
I don't know what sort of non-point are you trying to make here, but I'm fairly sure stuff like that doesn't happen organically in the given context, thus equating "agenda". Of course you're free to believe that people working on the game genuinely thought it fits Prey and devoting time, space and effort to it is better than spending it on adding something, I don't know, creepy or interesting.Yeah, sorry Codex, but the presence of SJW characters (or as far as I can remember in Prey’s case: gay, pluralistically liberal characters) does not equate to an SJW agenda.
That's a part of the bigger problem - all the things that made such a big impression in SS2 (audiologs, ambience, enemy chatter, enemy design and so on) is dull and pretty much shit tier in Prey. Definitely the biggest ball dropped by the game, right next to giving player the best weapon, ability to craft ammo for it and the ability to craft level up currency pretty much in the starting area.On my first playthrough I didn't even notice the dyke stuff because, even though I was playing audiologs I found, most the time I never actually listened to them. Too busy killing monsters and looting all the junk. Writing actually needs to be fun in a game for me to bother listening to voice recordings or reading emails. And by the time I got to those particular audiologs I was past caring about the story related stuff. I only found out there's lesbo subplot in the game when I saw people complaining about it here.