You're all shills
Wait what. Morrowind doen'st fix the floating point problem ?
Idk. I remember that it was a problem. Moreso with Project Tamriel, because of the vast potential distance from 0,0 cell.
Wait what. Morrowind doen'st fix the floating point problem ?
Honest question here, since I intend to finally delve into the world of the Elder Scrolls: should I wait for Skywind, go completely vanilla Morrowind, or modded Morrowind?
That's been fixed by mgexe and open morrowind. You'll be using one or the other, probably mgexe.Wait what. Morrowind doen'st fix the floating point problem ?
Idk. I remember that it was a problem. Moreso with Project Tamriel, because of the vast potential distance from 0,0 cell.
Skywind is fullHonest question here, since I intend to finally delve into the world of the Elder Scrolls: should I wait for Skywind, go completely vanilla Morrowind, or modded Morrowind?
Honest question here, since I intend to finally delve into the world of the Elder Scrolls: should I wait for Skywind, go completely vanilla Morrowind, or modded Morrowind?
Don't be a faggot and play with graphics mods. Morrowind has a distinct art style that is ruined by the "better" bodies and "better" heads mods,
Agreed, not these however: tend to screw with the original style of texturing, and it just doesn't fit with Morrowind's landscaping and architecture.
I would even advise against installing extended terrain mods (so you can see farther without fog) because Morrowind was designed with a certain view distance in mind
Don't be a faggot and play with graphics mods. Morrowind has a distinct art style that is ruined by the "better" bodies and "better" heads mods,
Distinct art style lmao.
The N64 has better character models.
Agreed, not these however:
I'm a bit of a purist, so the only mod i recommend is the so-called "Morrowind FPS optimizer" not to optimize your FPS but because it allows you to increase the FOV. Technically MGE XE also allows that and also allows scaling the UI (which is useful) but it screws up the water rendering and doesn't allow to use the original non-pixel shaded water (and the pixel shaded one under MGE XE is broken). I prefer the original non-pixel shaded water because it looks like what the game was really originally meant to be used with and the perfect mirror shiny water was added as a tech demo for Nvidia.
The unofficial patches may also help getting around some bugs, but i've finished the game without it just fine.
Morrowind was designed with a certain view distance in mind
For a first playthrough you should limit yourself to bug fixing mods like the unofficial patch, just to save yourself the headache of broken quests and other issues. The Morrowind Code Patch and Morrowind Graphics Extender are musts for engine fixes that aren't possible with normal mods and playing at modern resolutions.
FPS Optimizer has been obsolete for years.