MGS Ground Zeroes is very, VERY good, although it is short (only 1 story mission, and 5 side missions). Gameplay is the best in the whole series IMO, keeping the good stuff, making it better, and leaving out the bad ones. Free movement is great, you are not restricted where to go on the mission map, you can climb almost anything if it is in reachable height (hello Garrett). CQC is also good, camera control is like in MGS4. I miss David Hayter's voice, although Sutherland is OK I guess. If they can keep this up in PHantom Pain, we will be in a treat.So MGSV is hopefully going to resume the tradition of a good mgs game before/after a shitty one ?
Meh, I'm not sure I even care.
Yes, because Ramboing and speedrunning through games is the way games are meant to be played.Here's the new Metal Gear Solid in full, without cutscenes:
That'll be $30.
Playing stealthily the main mission takes around 2-3 hours for the first time, the other 5 side missions take about 3-4 hours in all, so I call bullshit on the 60 minute game.Charging 30€ for a 60 min game is a brashness though.
Stop talking out from your ass. GZ leaves Thiaf in the dust, and it is a much better stealth game. Wait, no, I don't even compare the two, because they are not the same genre. Thief was also pure stealth, while MGS was stealth action, so it is retarded to compare the two.And for the first time, the Metal Gear series managed to beat Thief. Ground Zeroes stole Thi4f's title as the worst entry in a stealth franchise ever.
What a time to be alive. I'm so relieved that 2014 is the year of the incline.
BUUUULLLLSHIIIIIIT. Played the main mission for 3 hours, and only completed 8%.It's easily 80+ minutes if you 100% it. And the increased price is due to next gen graphics.
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