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Random thoughts on whatever JRPG you're currently playing?


Dec 31, 2007
I've been Playing Treasure Hunter G, the last jprg Square made for the Snes.

Nice colorful graphics, lighthearted writing, serviceable translation (could use a retouch), well-made grid-based TB combat. With the use of techniques and traps, things can get p.interesting in the battlefield. The menus are kinda clunky, for some reason, but it's nothing serious.





Finished the game, liked it a lot. Nice quirky humor and pretty interesting grid combat. It's rather linear, but at the same time it doesn't overstay its welcome.






Also, it has one of the best soundtracks ever. If the game is a 7/10, the soundtrack is 11/10. Too bad it's completely forgotten like the game itself.



Vatnik Wumao
Jun 12, 2013
Mahou Kingdom
Finished Valkyrie Profile

An unreasonably long and unskippable intro (Almost 45 minutes, interrupted by short sequences where you can move your character a screen or two, and a combat encounter) leads into the main "game loop", which is do "spiritual concentration" to reveal where the next character recruitment vignette takes place, or a dungeon, then proceed to recruit the character or clear the dungeon, then repeat. Doing these things advances game time, or you can just advance it from the menu. At fixed intervals of game time, your "performance" as a Valkyrie is "evaluated", which determines how much money (called "materialize points") and items you are rewarded. There are no shops, you can simply buy items from the menu at save points or in the world map, or craft them at any time. Sacrificing recruited characters makes the Asgard gods happy, as does sacrificing dungeon end rewards, and failing to do either makes them upset. Making them too upset means you get the bad ending "C" where one of the gods will murder you, otherwise you get one of the two other endings depending on something called a "seal value" which you can either ignore (and get the default ending "B"), or manage carefully and get the "A" ending.

The game has solid foundations with regards to challenge. Firstly, the experience pool is strictly limited, save for an oversight in one room in one dungeon in chapter 5, which allows enemies to respawn without advancing game time (re-entering dungeons respawns enemies, but it's sound as it also advances game time). Secondly, good performance in combat requires understanding your party, your equipment items, spells, and enemy, as well as execution. Combat is essentially a fighting game inspired (very obvious when you fight the vampire "Brahms") combo execution mini-game.

Despite these solid foundations, you will easily overlevel even on "normal" difficulty (it's even easier to overlevel on "hard") by just fighting any enemy you come across even if you bee-line to the boss. The standard solution to this for challenge oriented JRPG players is to simply run from combat encounters. The developers included that option too, but thankfully went one step further and not only made all enemies visible, so you can traverse around them in the dungeons, but gave you a means of freezing them in place, making it even easier to avoid them.

There is a bonus dungeon at the end of the game, called the "Seraphic Gate" which I have not yet cleared, which gives you access to all the characters you recruited, even the ones you sacrificed, plus a few others. This seems like a fun sandbox, and I kind of want to clear the game again with a low level party to make the most out of it.

Ironically, the most challenge is probably found in the "easy" difficulty, as you have fewer characters to recruit (and therefore sacrifice), fewer time periods between chapters, and fewer dungeons to clear. I already want to try a bee-line to boss, avoid all enemies, low evaluation run on easy to create a good challenge save for the Seraphic Gate, likewise for hard, but to have more characters to play with.

On the other hand, I don't have any strong desire to do the dance required for ending A again, as it doesn't really affect your overall strategy in tackling dungeons, but rather just restricts the order in which you can visit some places (including one dungeon I guess), depending on how many characters you are sacrificing, the trick being to take advantage of the fact the seal value caps at 100. Indeed, the ending A end game dungeon might even be easier than the ending B one.

My biggest complaint about the game is that there is no story sequence or vignette skip feature. For a game which otherwise gives you the tools to skip ahead to the (player determined) challenge, this is a huge oversight. Fixed in the sequel, AFAIK, although I have never played it. I suppose at the time this game was created, developers didn't have much confidence that RPG (derived) gameplay could be entertaining by itself, as opposed to a vehicle for delivering a story, which is the main event.

The pixel and character art is gorgeous, being the works of brothers You and Kou Yoshinari. There is a slight mismatch in their styles, and you can easily tell which artist drew which character, with my own preference being Kou's drawings. Backgrounds are pre-rendered 3D in parallax layers with mismatched perspective, yielding a paper diorama feel. I quite like it. The music is great, it's very JPC action RPG sounding, and there's a definite influence from that era when it comes to dungeon traversal as well. I played with the standard US voices, as I was not aware there was an undub patch, but they were surprisingly OK given the writing, with the exception that some of the battle voice samples were poorly mixed. Writing is not great, and takes itself too seriously for its quality, but neither is it terribly offensive - some interesting characters relevant to the main are left undeveloped, IMO obviously for the purposes of a sequel.

It's not a very long game, which I like. It took me 28.5 hours on this initial run. "100%" speedruns seem to be in the range of 6 hours, at least half of which seems to be story sequences. "Fun building" runs could take you even less.

To conclude, although one of the least offensive, it's still a Jarpig, and comes with all the trappings of the genre, mainly that you have to squeeze challenge out of it (made convenient), a lot of unskippable snail speed dialogue, questionable writing, and needlessly long, unskippable battle animations (may be alleviated when playing with an emulator). But if you can accept that, you get a great combat engine sandbox with plenty of "fun building" to be had. I look forward to playing through the bonus dungeon, replaying at least on "easy" (actually hardest), and also playing the sequel to see how it compares.
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Sep 16, 2009
Almost 24 hrs into Symphony Of War - The Nephilim Saga, game's still great fun. Combat becomes a tad easy after some point (uberteams FTW):


But varied missions / goals make up for it:




And writing is one of the best I've seen in a game in years.



Game is also quite funny.

Stefan being turned down by a giant foreign woman:



Switches his advances to a shorter one, only to face fate worse than death...






OFC the most important question in the game is...





Verdict so far: awesome


Feb 14, 2017
Been playing SMT1 this past week, lots of SNES fans recommending it to me when I said I preferred the JRPGS which the Megadrive has to offer up to this point.

Still do. SMT1 is without a doubt really unique and has a great narrative, but fuckinghell is it tedious. The battles especially seem to go on forever, and they just aren't interesting, with spamming ice & electrical attacks an easy go-to option.

I like the game, but I didn't love it, in fact overall I'd say it was average. But hopefully the sequels will fare better.


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Played through Yakuza 2 Kiwami last week. By far the best story in the series so far for my taste and the combat physics often gave me a few laughs.

The reward for completing the cabaret mini game was worth a chuckle too. Kiryu is second to none when it comes to thinking of gifts for others.

Played a bit of 3 remastered and wow the story is even better again. Will probably take a break for a while but the evolution of this series is very impressive. Really want to look into the judgement games too eventually.


Sep 16, 2009
BROs, finished Symphony Of War - The Nephilim Saga

I must state right away, that I had probably the most fun playing japtactical since Tactics Ogre or Front Mission 3.

  • Great gameplay. Smart combination of Ogre Battle (teams), Fire Emblem (TB movement / action), Langrisser (leader bonuses for teams, unit types), HoMM (exploration, gathering resources, graphical style). As you can see, it looks like the devs not only played all these games, but also were able to identify and modify their strengths. Which can't be said about 99% of current "AAA devs".
  • IMO perfect difficulty. Dunno what other fags are talking about. I've played on "Captain" (2nd difficulty) and the game was challenging till the end, thanks to great combat and great mission design.
  • Great combat. You have plenty of mechanics to consider.


    1) My "base" team looks like this:


    a) Three brawlers in front row, one is also a supporting healer, another is an anti-cavalry unit.
    Most "regular" enemy attacks will target front row. These units also shield 2nd row from melee attacks, with Block and Cover:



    b) Two casters and a healer in middle row. It's the "safest" row, since other rows protect these units from front and back melee attacks.
    c) Three crossbowfags in the back row. Can attack all enemy rows both during "close encounters" (team attacks adjacent team) and "ranged encounters" (team attacks another team from a distance - think archers in FE). Decent armor, so can shield middle row from back attacks.

    2) What "back attacks"? Well, my "assassin team" looks like this:


    Light infantry can ambush enemy teams:


    And these two gents with huge knifes can use "stealth" attacks, which target back row units. So, when used properly, such team can attack twice, hitting also units in a back row (casters), before enemy team gets a chance to attack.

    3) You can also attack enemy teams from a distance (archers / crossbowfags / artilery), which prevents them from counterattacking (unless they're ranged units themselves). Archery team looks like this:


    These niggas (3rd tier archers) can attack enemy teams in close range (adjacent), from 2 spaces (archers in FE) & from 3 spaces (longbow users in FE) and sometimes even further (attacking from mountains / city walls). Low armor OFC, so shouldn't be used in close combat (their high dodge can help in this case).



    4) And if you need to reach some area fast, there's also cavalry:


    a) 3 brawlers in front row (Valkyrie is also a supporting healer)
    b) two archers and a healer in middle row
    c) 3 anti-cavalry units in back row

    No casters, co these guys can have some problems dealing with "basic" teams (strong front row, casters / gunners / archers in the back) - they will have to kill the front row first, to get to the back.

    And that's p. much it, except some "special" teams:





    As you can see, everything described above is well thought-of by the devs, tested and it ACTUALLY WORKS. No uberteams, godlike units and other shit (I'm looking at you with disgust, FE).
  • Gameplay is good not only because of the "combat" itself (you can kill enemy teams easily, as long as you know what you're doing), but also thanks to the mission / map design. Most of the time you have to rush somewhere to get the "optional objective".



  • Some missions (Chapter 26, Bonus Chapter D) are super fun to play, 'cuz they require some top-tier tacticooling.



  • Great itemization. Both artifacts and expendables make gameplay more interesting. Most of them are useful, plus there's not that many of them (no item bloat known from modern FE or Ys). Some can change the gameplay drastically (brawler teams can attack units normally protected by city walls for example).


  • Items can be bought both during the "preparation" phase and in bazaars, which have to be reached during missions. Bazaars have different / better items than "city shops" - that's better concept than FE (same items in both cases).
  • Great use of skills traits: only two per person, useful, easy to obtain (either bought or found in chests).
  • Class Tree actually pretty simple and fun to use (as opposed to FE3H for example)


  • Great "raw materials" system, bound to the class system. You don't "spend" resources when changing classes, just "allocate" them. So you can go back to the previous class at any time, getting invested resources back. Makes class system super fun to use.
  • Tech Tree is a great idea - you get additional skill points only after reaching certain level, not constantly. And some techs are VERY useful.


  • Simple and working interface (another mention of FE3H is in order)
  • In late game you also get up to 5 "special powers" which can be used on allied / enemy teams and have a cooldown. Most of them can be game-changing (second action for a team, short-range teleportation for a team, team gets x2 defense, but all enemy teams in range will attack it). Awesomesouce.
  • Generally no reinforcements. You fight what you can see in the beginning of the mission. There are exceptions OFC, but "smart" ones (enemies appear for a reason, after your action - conquering certain enemy town for example). No constant enemy reinforcements from hell, present in most FE games (which leads to the "trail and reload" gameplay).
  • Generally no fliers. Except dragons / dragon riders, but these are big, 2nd / 3rd tier, and become infantry the moment you add too many "non-flying" units to the team (1 flier : 1 footfag ratio changed to 1 flier 2 footfags below - thanks BrotherFrank):



    So no pegasus / wyvern rushes, I'm afraid.

  • Game has IMO perfect length, I can't agree with BrotherFrank here. Main story (30 missions), 5 "side missions", you can also grind in the arena, but not infinitely (items are required for access):


  • Writing / lore ranges from decent to quite good, maybe with the exception of the "falling in love" bond scenes (see below).
  • Characters' behavior is more complex and makes much more sense than in similar games.


  • Great waifus, esp. if you're into big boobs end BIG GIRLS in general:






  • Weird way of choosing units in "Squad operations". Until you get all 9 units, choosing desired unit can be a chore ("up"/"down" scrolls through all units, while "left"/"right" only between units in a column). Generally the UI requires some getting used to.
  • Gunners and artillery are IMO total waste of time. They're deadly, but so fragile, that using them makes more sense for the AI (cannon fodder to weaken player's teams) than for the player. Crossbowfags at least can attack / counterattack from a distance...
  • Writing in the "falling in love" scenes are much worse / cringier than in general. What happened here?
  • Lysander's actions in the final section don't make much sense (drama for drama's sake).
  • Bonds affect not that much. Except ending slides, which is nice.




  • Final 2-3 missions before the boss fight are meh indeed. But the final battle makes up for it:


  • After some time with the game, AI is generally too easy to beat. Bait one enemy team with your team, getting into its attack range, keep other teams nearby, mop all enemy teams in next turn. Rinse & repeat. Fun, but could've been better. Still, generally more fun than majority of FE games.

Verdict: :5/5:

If you like older Fire Emblems, Ogre Battle 64 or japtacticals in general, try this nao.

It tells us something about the current state of gaming, when dev team consisting of two guys, with experience of making simple jrpgs in RPG Maker, is able to make much better game not only mechanic-wise, but also artistic-wise, than "big boys" like Intelligent Systems (epic fail of FE - 3H) or Falcom (decline of Ys9). And all that while using RPG Maker, some free assets and 3 artist with a thing for big boobs and gigantic women.





BTW, I've had fantastic couple of gaming weeks recently, first playing the awesome Haak, then this. Both games made by indie devs, both with fantastic, well-thought-of gameplay.

At the same time, the last two games made by "big" studios that I've enjoyed, were probably Deus Ex - Mankind Divided (2016), Dishonored 2 (2016) & Ys8 (2016).

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Nouveau Riche
Apr 19, 2012
BROs, finished Symphony Of War - The Nephilim Saga
Fun read but man I'm going to have to majorly disagree about difficulty and god units in SoW.

First run i did was on captain, never broke a sweat. Replayed on warlord, was the same deal. That big battle on chap 26 where the enemy deploys its elite units all get pasted when running into my lines without causing any casualties and only the boss was able to threaten my non top tier setups, and even then, they would heal themselves back and keep attacking the next turn.

As i've said elsewhere, I had fun with this game and didn't regret my purchase. But it also left me with blueballs because my late game army never faced a challenge worthy of it, brb checking my save and going to post screenshots of my setups.

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Sep 16, 2009
Well game's definitely not hard. But you also can't just rush into the map with 3-4 god-tier units and mop up the enemies. Like in some Fire Emblems or FFT.

Also: how many teams did you use?


Jan 28, 2020
Wild Arms is ok for a throwaway Zelda-like blobber wild west themed launch title, I like Dragon Quest 4 more though.


May 3, 2018
Harvestella by Sqaure Enix

This game feels like a forgotten PS2 budget game. It's supposed to be a JRPG + Farming Sim but it does neither of those things well enough. For 60$ game it feels way too cheap: No voice acting, and items have no in-game graphics, ugly even by switch standards, clunky 3d farming.
I couldn't be bothered to play this longer than one and a half hours since the days I played were spent doing very simplistic farming and killing the same dozen mobs in the only location I could go to on the overworld because this game is extremely linear. During action-based combat you can neither block nor dodge, so you just spam the attack and one ability with a cooldown. For farming, sim town is a complete joke and the NCPs don't even have full names nor a day/night cycle or even interesting dialogue. The story might become interesting since it has time travel but I cannot waste any more of my time with something this forgettable. At least some reviewers say it gets better after 10h or so...

I genuinely have no idea why this game exists or for whom it is made for. I like JRPGs and Farming Sims but I don't enjoy this game at all.


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Been playing Symphony of War due to positivity in this thread. It really is amazingly put together for an RPGMaker game, I bet you could fool somebody into thinking it was a classic game emulated if you just put a controller into their hands and let them mess about.

I think the story is fairly dry but the genius move here is that it is incredibly brief, all dialog flies by and you are back to fighting before you know it.

I would say it's not particularily difficult but you still need to do a fair bit of optimization to get the S ranks on levels. I'd say the difficulty is pretty much perfect for an SRPG appreciater who doesn't play them very often. Much more of a challenge than Langrisser PC remake for example.

If this is what we can start to expect from RPGMaker games I'm pretty excited for the future.


Vatnik Wumao
Jun 12, 2013
Mahou Kingdom
I like the game, but I didn't love it, in fact overall I'd say it was average. But hopefully the sequels will fare better.
Fuse a Megami Kushinada Hime, cast Estoma, fight only when you need to for resources. There fixed the game for you.


Sep 16, 2009
I think the story is fairly dry but the genius move here is that it is incredibly brief, all dialog flies by and you are back to fighting before you know it.
You just described all "old" japtacticals (Fire Emblem, Ogre Battle, Vandal Hearts, Front Mission, Tactics Ogre), before the decline (storyfags and waifufags taking over).


May 5, 2012
I'd say it was cart limits, not the absence of storyfags and otakus, they had to be economical with their words and couldn't burst into repetitive and circular dialogs and soliloquies every ten minutes.
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Dec 27, 2008
Funny that, considering that ever since FM1 there was lots of dialog in tacticool games (with the most wordy ones being the FE GBA titles, FM5 and FM2). FM3 gets a special mention by having a batshit insane story.


Sep 16, 2009
I blame Kaga (Tear Ring games have insane amount of writing), late Intelligent Systems and late Nihon Falcom. GBA Fire Emblems and Front Mission have nowhere near the amount of text "modern" japtacticals have.


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Yeah, I think even by early FE standards the story is pretty brief. It feels like he had a bunch of plot points jotted down and you just zip between them without anything in between. Even then I find myself leaning on the dedicated fast forward button even in cutscenes.

Didn't really care too much about any of the characters so it didn't bother me much. Thought they were going to go in a Han Solo direction with Stefan initially though, which briefly caught my interest.

Great game in any case, it could be the prototype to a true classic.

EDIT: Just finished it. Nice satisfying ending too.
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Jul 23, 2015
The Khanate
Got hooked by Final Fantasy XII again. My setup is the Struggle for Freedom difficulty mod and a suite of graphical mods from Nexus. Using Vortex was a breeze, no need to go decompressing 30gb files with who knows what tools like last time.

I think I shilled for this mod last I played it and it's still an easy recommendation, though it feels suspiciously easy compared to how I remember it being. Now I'm only about 20 hours in at most but I may have to go digging through the changelog to see what changed between versions. There's a beta version of an actually hard version of this mod but it says it's for a new game so that's probably a no go. Some comments praised it while a few say they dropped it out of exhaustion so I was initially deterred.

This game just clicks with me. The combat is fun in its own kind of way. I like the setting, story beats and characters as well as the translation and voice acting job. I am generally an OG JP kind of guy but here I wouldn't even consider it. It's like watching a stage play, I never want to skip a cutscene.

All the reminiscing also got me thinking about other FFs. I figured I'd check out thr state of IX since that's the one that seems to be under the most active development by fans. And whaddaya know, they added something really neat to the Memoria engine mod recently: uncapped framerates. I didn't get to do comprehensive testing yet, but I ran around town at 165 fps with no speedup or anything. The installation process is a bit convoluted, first you'll want to install the Moguri mod which comes with an outdated version of the engine, then grab the latest version of the engine and replace it, and then go to the ini and set the FPS to whatever while keeping the TPS (tick) values at vanilla. If you do it from the launcher, those get changed too and the game speeds up. Not a clue why they'd do that. But man am I glad I don't have to deal with 15 fps battles. Opted for the Another Fantasy mod for challenge since it seems to be not only the most popular, but also the only real mod of its kind on PC. The rest are on PSX. I'll try and report my experiences with it later.


Jul 14, 2008
Got hooked by Final Fantasy XII again. My setup is the Struggle for Freedom difficulty mod and a suite of graphical mods from Nexus.

Any tips on Struggle for Freedom? Ive been really wanting to play FFXII, but I heard the PC version is hugely unbalanced, because enemies are not balanced against PCs with two classes or something. OTOH, I dislike that Struggle for Freedom includes a whole bunch of new systems, or at least thats how I understood it. What would be the way to increase diffculty to respectable standards, while not changing any mechanics, or the devs original idea of it at least.

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