Sounds about right. Normally I'm not one to complain about stuff like this, and I can understand why someones immediate reaction would be to scoff at such a complaint. After all, what is a little annoyance if it means you get to play an amazing RPG? But when I say it makes the experience pretty miserable, I mean it.I'm pretty sure the DOSBox issue @ItsChon refers to isn't about the DOS interface itself or the games' own interface but the fact that DOSBox due to how it works adds considerable input lag, especially for mouse. Some people do not notice that but if you do, it can be very annoying. Some graphics backends can alleviate a bit of that but in general all emulators (DOSBox, 86box, etc) have that problem. You basically have to force yourself to get used to it.
Though there is also the problem that some games do not set the mouse "mickeys" correctly for graphics modes - mickeys is the number of "ticks" per pixel the mouse reports - and the default setting is for the text mode resolution which uses double the mickeys for vertical movement that in turn makes the mouse feel faster horizontally than vertically. In DOS times there were TSRs to work around that and some mouse drivers used 1:1, but AFAIK DOSBox uses the common 8:16 setting. VGA is also kinda weird in that it isn't square pixels but has a bit of vertical stretching so you need something like 16:14 to get good results but again unless you use some TSR or the game sets that correctly (most dont) mouse movement will feel off.
I remember trying to fuck with the tick cycles on DOS to make World of Xeen work along with a few other DOS related settings, and that was even before the annoying hotkeys/interface issues and the stuff with the mouse.
A big thing that kills me is knowing that if I knew more about DOS and how to fuck with the settings, I might not hate the experience as much. If someone installed the game on my computer and made all the settings "perfect", I'd have much more of a desire to play it.