I plan to attain enlightenment through the Path of Least Resistance.
hussar said:...good luck in your cult zamuel.
zamuel42 said:I couldnt find one word against her.
zamuel42 said:I dont care if the tiawanies govt investigated her, only if they found something. nothing else you wrote was negative.
zamuel42 said:The reason I came on this time is to ask the person who reccommended prelude to darkness if he was afilliated with it in any way, like friends with the makes.Id guess he/she is not. I only ask because he is the only person who reccommended it. and it costs 30 bucks.
Who eats just vegetables? going vegetarian means you dont kill animals, thats it. vegetarianism wont get you enlightened.
Suicide is great, you should try it sometime.zamuel42 said:Is suicide such a good thing that you think they shouldnt get it wrong the first time and go on living?
Greatatlantic said:I remember my iniation into the Catholic Church. At any moment I expected to recieve the secret knowledge and signs passed down from the Knight Templars themselves. Then the bishop gave me a donation envelope... and that was about it.
she then magically opens your wisdom eye and you experience enlightenment. At first you dont accept that you are god like, you know, one of gods childeren, childeren are like their parents. So after initiation you have to meditate 2.5 hours min every day until you fully realize it.
generally i'm a very tolerant person but a line has to be drawn somewherezamuel42 said:You will also be able to know everything or almost everything. you will also be able to meet god and saints. You will also be extremely blissful. The meditation is extremely enjoyable/extasy/bliss. Its is mindblowingly good from the first time (initiation) on. She says meditating without being initiated by a master is a waist of time.